The new gTLD’s have made it to the big screen.
Big Screen, as in a Movie trailer that a reader of was nice enough to send me.
The movie is Self/Less is opening July 10th and stars Ryan Reynolds and Ben Kinsley.
It looks like a pretty good movie by the way.
The domain name used to promote the movie is Outlive.Life which is being forward to the trailer.
This is the 1st time I have seen a new gTLD used to promote a movie.
.Life is owned by Donuts and has over 16K registrations.
This is big! And the URL looks nice on the big screen
I love this!~ Something we are all going to get used to. I’m looking forward to seeing the .lol on the end of the first one of these… and the .movie
It doesn’t get better than this, free advertising.
Oh boy, how many more trailers do we need to promote the other ~1000 TLDs?!
As long as I own a .COM, the new TLDs are not going to take off. LOL
With a budget of at least 50 million dollars why wouldn’t they just buy the domain from Huge Domains for $1,495. Seriously, only 1500 bucks.
Because the gtld’s look better. WTF does .com stand for? Commerce? Well, eventually, there will be a .commerce, and .com will go away completely.
Guys, .com is a f’cking DINOSAUR…on the path to extinction. WAKE UP!!!!
Look better ? this is not abeauty contest what stand for it stands for mind share it’s in the name of several companies it’s in pop culture from a long time did anybody even think that that’s domain extension long long time
Because we moved on, Todd
Hello Frank.Schilling,
You think you are awfully clever don’t you ? Frank you more often than not are mesmerized by Hype yourself. This we can see in you.
Its just that others can see in you the fact that you withheld Regs for selfish purposes. Ah yes remenber this people about Frank and his LOL.
Frank , (The Truth Matters-Its Your Integrity. Its Everything you have displayed to us by your actions that is troubling All of us Legacy Extension Owners.
Frank its amazing to us you have the audacity to show yourself,here or anywhere. JAS 4/22/15
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Im supposed to remember a myriad of extensions in my life now besides what goes to the left of the dot?
By the time the film is over…did anyone even remember the GLTD?
.life .live .love .? …I already forgot
This isn’t just any old nTLD domain – say or Quite the contrary. They’ve chosen a particular TLD specifically to highlight a well crafted tag line.
Yes, might have done the job just fine. Yes, there will be traffic leakage to that .COM; and they ought to have bought it.
However, in this very specific case, using .LIFE produces a nice visual symmetry (Outlive.Life) and a certain element of surprise (since nTLDs are still new). Both those factors draw attention to the paradox of the phrase itself.
This isn’t something that could be repeated with just any .LIFE domain. In many circumstances, yes, .LIFE might be misremembered as .LIVE or something else. But nobody is going to misremember this tagline as “Outlive Live” or “Outlive Love”.
Actually, the domain sticks in the mind better because seeing anything out of the ordinary is instinctively eye catching. Also, a clean division between the words makes the phrase more mentally “soluble”. At least, it would have done if the marketers hadn’t blundered by using ALL.CAPS. It’s very hard to see that little dot.
The nTLD program is going to create a lot of confusion, to be sure. But with such a diverse toolkit, human ingenuity will find these unique (sometimes non-repeating) opportunities for using nTLDs quite well.
But buy the .COM as well, folks! It was cheap, and you’ll lose by not having it.
No need for the .com. You are missing the forest for the trees…
Thank you for sharing!
All I remembered was .Life and not what was on the left of the dot. so confusing.
Wait for .film. or
They might go for .movie instead in the US
There is the rub .movie .film .life .video or possibly .com to globally cover the numerous spin off franchises ?
I posted it month ago on Namepros –
I don’t go into namepros
Hello MHB,
We like you don’t visit namepros as your site is more followed by the REALLY SMART MONEY.
By the way there is a new Movie coming sometime in the future called = ( Google – The American Hustle ) And Its Battle For Eyeballs…. JAS 4/23/15
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
The fact is they choose a selected tld. I personally do not like it. However this is the way adoption slowly occurs. It is good free advertising for the new tlds. And as I start to review the data I do not like it either. Amazon the largest corp. domain holder using the new tlds to point to specific pages. Marchex selling their portfolio to Godaddy I think to cheap. I review and see various new tlds finding a home at the low end of the market. Majoe brands buying their own .brand ie .macys And Frank.schilling entering the market and being to kind and gentle to metal tiger archioc thinking. I think .com will always have a home however their is a new kid on the block….He’s ugly..however he is finding a few friends.
Gtlds are bloody silly and will never catch on with the educated consumer.