.US domain names have became subject to the Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) policy.
Actually ICANN site on the URS specifically says that .US domain names are not subject to the URS
Technically the decision is a usRS for the .usTLD Rapid Suspension System (the “Rules”).
In the National Arbitration Forum decision, Beachbody, LLC of Santa Monica, CA got the domain name t-25.us suspended for the life of the registration
Sandra J. Franklin, was Examiner.
The decision did not cite what trademark the Complainant had or how the domain was being used.
A decision issued in November of 2014 was the only other URS case I found concerning a .US domain.
.US adopted the usRS or usTLD Rapid Suspension Policy in June 2014.
The policy and supplemental rules can be found on this page on the NAF site.
Is it better to avoid .us domains like the plague?