A UDRP has been filed on the domain name Kite.com
The registrant of the domain is currently Escrow.com under the email address of dnholding@escrow.com.
While I have no details about Kite.com I can tell you that Escrow.com uses that email address when its holding a domain name that has been sold typically while payments are still being made by the buyer to the seller, through escrow.com
The domain was owned under privacy at Godaddy and transferred to Escrow.com on March 15th.
In July last year before going to privacy, Kite.com was owned by a lawyer, Carl Crowell of Oregon who surprisingly used the Kite.com for his law firm and used the email address of Carl@Kite.com
Unless the UDRP is going to allege some sort of theft, it seems we have now learned of another great domain that has recently sold.
It will be interesting to see who filed the UDRP.
There are at least four recently filed trademark on word “Kite” two by Kite Solutions, Inc of San Francisco which could even be the buyer of the domain name another by Olfactor Laboratories, Inc as well as by The Kite Foundation Limited limited company (ltd.) of the UK.
BrianWick says
in the end this will likely be all good – yes
Xavier Lemay says
Kite Surfing is a sport. How can people think they have legal right to own a word? That’s pissing me off…
phil says
Mike, can you share the sale of Stuff.com story?
h4ck3r says
The complaint has to be directly against the registrant which is, at this point, escrow.com. So what can the UDRP find? That Escrow.com has to turn it over? Not sure that Escrow.com is going to file a response here 😉
I presume that Escrow.com would cancel the transaction at this point (or at least the buyer).. and then the UDRP refiled? I think we’ve seen that UDRP doesn’t address theft.
Michael Berkens says
This has happened before with Domain Capital holding a domain they are financing, and a UDRP is filed.
bottom line the real owner of the domain will have a chance to file an answer to the UDRP