Ann Diab wrote a piece on that featured Howard Lefkowitz who keynoted NamesCon 2015. The article delves into the deeper meaning of a brand, that it is not just the advertising or how catchy it sounds. The article also includes a video of the NamesCon keynote speech.
In a very interesting analysis, Lefkowitz points out that books .com, shoes .com, and even search .com are rarely used and barely known. It’s the brand that dominates these spaces that matters.
“Brand is not just advertising. Brand is creating a brand promise to a customer, and how you engage with that customer in every possible way,” he says.
Simply having the name, upon which Lefkowitz has built the bulk of his legacy, is not enough to launch a brand. The relationship that brands build with their audience is what will launch the business into success. Amazon .com was registered two years after books .com. First to market in this space is not the silver bullet.
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with a $100MM advertising budget you can put quotes around anything – but for those of us DOT COM minions without that kind of disposable resources – I will take the self promoting, self branding and self marketing intuitive DOT COM