Flippa had a nice week and they released their sales numbers on their blog and Pharmaceuticals.com was the top sale. Pharmaceuticals gets 6600 exact searches a month according to the Google Keyplanner Tool.
CasinoDeals.com at $10,000 is a nice name that I think could do really good with all the affiliate programs for online casinos, combined with selling direct advertising to land based casinos all around the world.
Notable Flippa Domain Sales from This Past Week
Pharmaceuticals.com @ $50,000 (Flippa Exclusive co-brokerage with NameConnect)
MiniatureGolf.com @ $10,000 (Flippa Exclusive Brokerage ~ via Post Auction Negotiation)
CasinoDeals.com @ $10,000
OnlineSexologist.com @ $6,000 (Domain Catalog Sale)
eParis.com @ $4,101 ($1 Reserve)
Nudez.com @ $3,550 ($1 Reserve)
UniqueCookwares.com @ $3,500 (Domain Catalog Sale)
PopularVacation.com @ $2,000 ($1 Reserve + Buy it Now)
Workout.info @ $1,851
Awaits.com @ $1,591
Foul.net @ $1,499 ($1 Reserve + Buy it Now)
WebSearches.com @ $1,305 ($1 Reserve)
Old.io + 5 More .IO Domains @ $1,050
HealthMedicine.com @ $1,001
Deodorants.net @ $995 (Negotiated Post-Auction)
HostRater.com @ $909 ($1 Reserve)
TravelPromo.com @ $799 (Buy It Now)
Unpretty.com @ $750 (Buy It Now)
Vacation-Packages.com @ $650 (Negotiated Post-Auction)
SolarSkylights.com @ $601
MRI.io @ $600 (Buy It Now)
Boycotters.com @ $600 (Negotiated Post-Auction)
Rush.io @ $556
SkillCandy.com @ $500
Finance.fm @ $415
CarpalTunnelBrace.com @ $401
Himb.com @ $380 (Buy It Now)
Noc.io @ $357 ($1 Reserve)
RecordingForum.com @ $330 ($1 Reserve)
AKB48Online.com @ $330 (Domain Catalog Sale)
LuxuryHomes.io @ $300 (Domain Catalog Sale)
PhotoDreams.com @ $300 (Negotiated Post-Auction)
Copywriting.biz @ $293 ($1 Reserve)
OnlineSurveysForMoney.com @ $279 (Domain Catalog Sale)
SiteMakerPro.com @ $275
Bin.Club @ $275 (Domain Catalog Sale)
Strip.io @ $250 (Negotiated Post-Auction)
Rue.io @ $250 (Domain Catalog Sale)
Top3.io @ $200
247Yoga.com @ $200
Thanks for the coverage, Raymond…
Excellent post Raymond but may I suggest you cast your google keyword tool a little further?
Pharmaceuticals gets 18,100 exact (location independent) searches a month according to the Google Keyplanner Tool.
3 of the top 5 Pharma companies are based outside the USA. And, of course, the.domains attracts a worldwide audience.
Keep up the excellent work