Australia and New Zealand each have websites that our causing quite a stir, which Shane wrote about last night is on Flippa. HackersList is based out of New Zealand and they got a write up on
You can check out Shane’s article about the Flippa aspect of here, I found an interview on Slate with the 22 year old founder, he explains how it got started in a short interview.
The comment section shows how they are already getting copied, is already up and running and so are a few copycat glitter website.
The funniest back and forth in the comments was when one person asked why someone did not just send the glitter themselves ?
You do know that you have to handle the glitter to put it in the envelope right? This is like asking why we have bomb squads when people can just cut the wires themselves. Are you dense?
From the article:
Slate: So, why do you hate glitter?
Carpenter: I’ve received Christmas and birthday cards over the years from family and friends who put glitter in the cards. I hated it, and I wanted the rest of the world to feel my pain. So that’s how the website was born.
Have you done this kind of thing before?
I’m 22 and have never been to university, but I am in Internet marketing and have worked on other sites before. The one I’ll show you now That said, I apparently have too much free time on my hands because now my plans for the next few weeks consist of sending stupid fucking glitter to terrible people.
Even though it seems obvious, run me through how this whole thing works. Do you have a glitter distributor or do you just walk down to your local craft store and buy a few hundred pounds of it?
Actually, I do have an Australian glitter supplier. People decide they want to waste money on sending someone glitter in an envelope, I get their recipient’s information, hand-fill envelopes, and ship that stuff out.
Read The full interview on Slate
Next up is Hacker’s List
ReadWrite starts out with the headline, “Freelance Hackers Will Bust Into Your Boyfriend’s Email … For A Fee” Hacker’s List matches hackers with those who want something hacked.
The New Zealand-registered website is a meeting place for those who need something “hacked” and will pay, and the hackers who are willing to do it, the New York Times reports. According to the NYT, more than 500 “jobs” have been posted since Hacker’s List launched in November. These range from a man offering $2,000 for someone to hack into his landlord’s website to a woman ready to pony up $500 to bust into her boyfriend’s Facebook and Gmail accounts.
The article goes on to explain that the website owners do not condone anything illegal and have a 10 pages of T & C which strictly forbids anything illegal.
Read the full article on ReadWrite
try to hire hackers is a great idea