Nissan which sold for $6.8 million dollars a few weeks ago filed 12 separate Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) cases with the National Arbitration Forum over the weekend.
For about 3K per brand, or $9K Nissan could have bought a block with Donuts which would have blocked any of new gTLD domain name in these three brands from being registered over all Donuts extensions, which I believe all of these were.
Nissan also won a URS on the domain name today making it a total of 13 URS cases
At a filing fee of $375 per URS Nissan has already spent $4,875 just in URS filing fees plus for the 13 cases, plus of course the time of the their attorney’s.
I’m sure there are plenty more URS cases to come.
By the way Nissan you might want to consider Sunrise applications when .Car, .Cars; .Auto and .Autos come out, it will be cheaper for you.
The cases are are follows:
Domainer Extraordinaire says
You can’t blame Nissan for not being up to speed on worthless new tlds that need brand protection to survive.
Michael Berkens says
I don’t blame them for filing the URS.
The point of the story was they should have bought the blocks, they will wind up spending more in filing fees and spending a bunch of time
Bad business decision
Joe says
How bad they would want to grab the .com…
Vendita Auto says
I think Nissan have taken the right “corporate” decision.
Domainer Extraordinaire says
The bad business decision was to do anything at all.
MAGOOgle says
You have just made a case of why URS cases are important.
Why should a company need to spend money in purchase to prevent their trademark from being abused ?
How would a small company afford to protect themselves ? They could not and would just be raped.
Your post seems to suggest you are not making enough money on new gtld’s since your answer is to buy every instance of your marks.
That could cost a Millions per company with the tld’s out there now and think of the possible 100’s to come.
We will all look the worst for it.
Obviously, all domain investors are given a bad name for it.
I’m very tired of being labeled a cyber squat’r and that is going to get worse with the new gtld’s.
I am waiting to see what happens to the names when a registrar goes belly-up.
It’s like a JUNK BOND for investors. End users may fair differently.
Someone once said… A fool and his money soon part ways.
A very large boom is about to commence in domains and I can’t see anyone profiting from new gtld’s except the registrars.
Perhaps in 10 years? Just like a real estate boom/crash there will be those that pick-up the pieces and run.
janedoe says
ICANN apparently has a back up plan if a registrar goes under, the GTLD transfers to a backup provider who will run the extension until a replacement can be found to take over…of course if no one wants it, what happens to those who have registered a domain I haven’t gotten any info regarding