While you are enjoying your Thanksgiving and perhaps engaging in conversation outside of domaining, the conversation may turn to books. CEO.com and DOMO put together an infographic that highlights what business leaders are reading.
While you are enjoying your Thanksgiving and perhaps engaging in conversation outside of domaining, the conversation may turn to books. CEO.com and DOMO put together an infographic that highlights what business leaders are reading.
Raymond is a writer, domain trader and consultant based in Pennsylvania. Raymond is the founder of 3Character.com and TLDInvestors.com.
janedoe says
Well, I guess Steve Jobs probably has more time on his hands to read these days 🙂
David Walker says
This is a very good infographic put together by CEO.com and DOMO. I read Do You Read Fast Enough To Be Successful? on Forbes some time ago.
There are some valid points to be made in that article. I am not as successful as these people to the point of when I finish a book, I have made over a million dollars. Though, it has been a good habit that stuck with me. Ever since then, I started reading 5 minutes a day and progressed to setting side an entire hour (or more if I have the time) to just read.
This has expanded my vocabulary as well as knowledge in subjects I would’ve never have known about if I never read this article. As an example, I read the history of Army Sappers just yesterday. Quite impressive to what they’ve done since 1778.
Is the key to success and making a million dollars a year, reading? I don’t think so. I do know that it is enjoyable and I try to learn something new each day.
Briefly looking at this list, I know that I must have read 3 or more of these books and seen the movie of one (or two). However, I mainly stick to my niche and read certain blogs to keep up with the times.
I can say that it is true what they say: the books are much more different than the movies.
Made for some late Thanksgiving reading!
Jon Schultz says
Is there a book which gives good advice as to what are the best books to read?
Is there a book which gives good advice as to what are the best books to read about what are the best books to read?
“Decision can be completely paralyzed by the sudden realization that… it is impossible to act upon reliable authority without choosing, from your own inexperience, to do so.”
— Alan Watts