.NYC has passed .London in the number of domain registrations.
According to nTLDstats.com, .NYC now has 48,671 domain names registered compare to .London which has 48,479.
.NYC has moved into the 8th spot for the most registered new gTLD and .London is number 9.
Both .NYC and .London, passed .Photography which now has 47,439 domain names.
According to RegistrarStats.com, .NYC passed .London in terms of domain registrations last week.
RegistrarStats.com shows .NYC with 47,741 domain names registered and .London with 47,074
According to RegistrarStats.com, .Photography is still ahead of .London in terms of registrations.
There are some 3,075,000 new gTLD registered.
nycx says
mbrc may have defaulted on some auctions, I am seeing round 1 winners having their domains assigned and posted on the whois.
The mbrc winning auctions I know of are not posted
One player that is now known is Nightlife Marketing Group, LLC (formed July 2010). The guy has a seriously good list of .nyc domains
Motion says
My names also haven’t been assigned yet, and i already paid (i think day after winning auction). He just might have paid later. But i think we will know by Thursday. I dont think he will default, but will see soon enough. If he does, there will be a lot of good names to choose from.
Matt Rsr says
what happens in such case? Does it go to underbidder or are thy available to the general public?
Matt Rsr says
I see cybermonday and craftbeer were assigned
anyone know prices?
Motion says
Not sure, but mrbc did pay for his first round of domains , i saw it in my snap names list. hence i am pretty sure he will be paying for this round too.
nycx says
.nyc is also more popular at this stage that the others for the simple reason that it is a traditional three letter suffix. Users are used to .com , .net , .edu etc…. and so .nyc is a natural type of domain whereas .London is somewhat of a foreign format which will cause more confusion in the marketplace than .nyc
I can easily see companies having to market their site as “http://domain.London” instead of simply “domain.nyc”
Motion says
ya i agree, non tech users might get confused. Night life does have some good stuff, its interesting how a lot of people had totally different strategies for investment.
I am starting to work on major .nyc website project. My goal is a) to enter big but not giant entrenched market in ny b) Test seo capabilities of .nyc domain c) use it as sample of .nyc development for my portfolio
Matt Rsr says
The problem with seo is the .com is still so entrenched.
They have had 20 years to do link building.
Motion says
Thats why it said test π , also there is a lot of long tail keywords which i am sure i wont have much competition. Infact, since in the industry i am going into its not very agile, it shouldnt be that hard. And .nyc domain might start helping seo sooner then we know, but without having a site i wont know π
I done SEO for long time, hence i am very very curious about the project.
Matt Rsr says
ok,..you have my blessing
nycx says
It’s interesting because Google is ranking domain.nyc for ” nyc” searches of *some* sites right up with “.com” in search results even if the .nyc is 100% redirecting to the .com. But for other sites, the .nyc is nowwhere to be found (eg you never see adelphia.nyc when searching for “Adelphi NYC”, only nyc.adelphi.edu shows up)
nycx says
the html killed my above comment, let’s try this again:
It’s interesting because Google is ranking domain.nyc for “<word> nyc” searches of *some* sites right up with “<word><nyc>.com” in search results even if the .nyc is 100% redirecting to the .com. But for other sites, the .nyc is nowwhere to be found (eg you never see adelphia.nyc when searching for “Adelphi NYC”, only nyc.adelphi.edu shows up)
Motion says
I think it just being wonky right now, its very early for .nyc, i think by having digital.nyc as a head liner it might speedup .nyc rise as primary nyc extension. Once the dust settles, maybe in 6 or so month, we will have a clearer picture of SEO. For now its anyones guess. The site i am developing will be pretty well optimized hence if there will be SEO benefits vs old sites, it will be apparent visibly.
goldspiral says
why is digital.nyc a big deal?
I dont know anyone who goes there
Motion says
It just launched on October 1st, barely a month ago. Its a partnership between IMB and NYC Government. So its being promoted by city, biggest angel investors (i was in a meeting last week where Gust.com CEO was gushing and super promotion digital.nyc) plus all tech meets up in new york. Biggest issue with start ups in new york was lack of central place for information. If you wanted to find event your had to google, if you wanted to find jobs , more google, nothing was in one place. This is initiative to put it all in one place, and so far it seems to be working really well. Tech community is pretty close in new york and having it all in one place is really good. I think their strategy was to target start ups and let them spread it among the masses. They have done really good job so far.
Michael Berkens says
Seems like digital.nyc is being promoted by the city so people go there because like anything else they see an ad or promotion for it
Motion says
Interestingly apparently Bloomberg law firm decided to do defensive regs and now both AM nY and new york post covered it. I mentioned somewhere that any time anything that concerns happens, especially if its new, NY Media will be all over like bear on honey. This is example of non news going all over NY media. Free advertising for .nyc , and it will happen more as more sites and issues /arguments happen. This seemingly big advantage of geo tlds over others, it is now personal for the media in that area.
numedia says
I’m wondering when Google.NYC and Bing.NYC will be used. Google.NYC is not functioning whereas Bing.NYC directs traffic to Bing.com. Perhaps Google and Microsoft will eventually allow us to use these domains to search primarily for .NYC websites and secondarily for websites on other TLDs. At the present time, you need to navigate to the advanced search feature under Google.com and request the site to search for domains ending in .NYC (rather clunky). Provided below is the url for the advance search results for .NYC.
nycx says
You do NOT have to specifically search for .NYC. Anyone can restrict to a specific domain by using the google search features (eg site:.edu, site:.info, site:.gov. site:.nyc etc…). The .nyc results will show up in everyone’s results if they are properly SEO ranked
numedia says
Of course, you do NOT have to perform a specific search for .NYC. But, if you want to, it would be nice to do so via Google.NYC or Bing.NYC.
Motion says
Its probably too small for them to care, but who knows, They might. If they do that, it will be….. mind explodes.
numedia says
Checked Amazon.NYC, Ebay.NYC, HSN.NYC, and Craigslist.NYC. As expected, they are not yet being used. In my humble opinion, these domains represent a great opportunity for such companies to showcase products and services available for sale by businesses located in NYC. It’s also an opportunity for such companies to show their support for .NYC. Longer term, I wonder if these companies will ever adopt a City TLD strategy.
Motion says
I dont think those big companies matter for now. What matters is more consuming facing brands that are not already established portals. Ebay is too big, why would it only focus on new york? same with Amazon. Their whole business model is operational cheapest price regardless of location.
Here is what i see, i see brands that are target specific nitch in nyc. Could be liquor, could be house keeping, could be cupcakes. Right now there are a lot of established players, by adding .nyc it allows a new player to enter the market by a)Having a generic, amazing name b) Target that page to the consumer with deals that relevant to location without having sub page on a giant corporate site. c) This one is maybe. Gives a new player to challenge dominance of big guys, by using potential SEO benefits. (right now its not confirmed that SEO advantage will be there, i personally believe it will be strong) Considering just this august Google made algorithms updates that even for things like home insurance serves local business. 4 out 5 searched on google are local based. SEO will play a giant part in it, if SEO stay on par with .com then it will just be a good extension with a lot of great uses, if SEO give preference to .nyc then the —- about to hit the fan of change.
Now imagine that in EVERY MARKET in nyc you just got a that mini nuclear bomb dropped that goes to the center of this established circles of players and detonates the bomb of change. Hundreds of them drop right now as we speak, striking right at the core of the tight circle of players, shifting the weight and relevance.
And if established players are sharp, the will be catching some of those bombs and using them to direct themselves even higher. But vast majority of businesses has no idea that change has began. Landscape of new york city business is about to undergo a systemic shift. It will likely take years and years to see what will come out of it.
numedia says
Would you support a website like Directory.NYC that is run by NYC for the purpose of showcasing .NYC websites?
Motion says
There is no need, Ownit.nyc does pretty good job of announcing new sites and showcasing them on the website. And new york city partnered up with IBM to have pretty much a version of directory for a huge growing market in NYC, tech. Digital.nyc is result of it. Since people not actively looking for new .nyc website, it just like any adaption they will be looking of their interest and will start running into .nyc and thats how main adaption will happen. I think it would have happened even if they didnt do Digital.nyc, but with it, its adaption on steroids.
Michael, you were just mentioned in Village voice. Congrats.
NYC_Websites says
You mean something like this? http://nycwebsites.nyc/
Motion says
Great stuff!
nycx says
mbrc turns out to be Rachel Cugini, she has a LOT of domains
all landrush auctions now concluded. Sell.nyc went for $3,350