According to which is tracking the number of websites in the Alexa Top Million, based on the data on October 8th, 2014, .CLUB has more sites in the Alexa Top Million than any other new domain extension.
If you calculate the number of sites in the Alexa Top Million for each of the top 50 new gTLD, after .Club the next top 49 extensions average 16.6 sites per domain, one-tenth of the number of .CLUB sites.
All in all, .CLUB leads with more than ten times the usage of the average new gTLD. and more twice as much as the second new gTLD in terms of Alexa ranking in the top million, which is .XYZ .
But while .XYZ has over 600,000 registrations, .Club has just about 120,000 registrations. so pound for pound, .Club has a lot more Alexa ranked sites in the top 1 Million with 20% less registrations leading the pack.
Here are the numbers:
John McCormac says
Alexa is not a reliable data source.
Jay McGhee says
In instances such as these Alexa is quite reliable. If we were talking about a smaller dataset I would agree with you.
John McCormac says
As I said, Alexa is not a reliable data source. Websites in the first year of operation have lower numbers of inbound links and development and usage rates are lower than in a mature TLD. It is nice publicity for .CLUB but it is not an accurate view of how .CLUB is developing.
cmac says
I don’t know if its still like this but in the past domains forwarded to other domains would take on the alexa ranking of the main domain.
NameStats says
It is true that Alexa is potentially shaky if comparing the ranks of individual sites vs their actual verified hits, but that is not this data. Taking the dataset as a whole (with the possible exception of IDNs) most TLDs have the same chance as any other to get a site in the Top 1 Million list. The relative incidence of sites in the Alexa list for one TLD vs another is a valid measure.
SiteRank says
I think Alexa is a good indicator since it is a relative dataset. It is not precise but when using it as a general comparison we have found it to be pretty reliable.
.CLUB numbers latest update is 487 sites in top 1million Alexa
It seems that .XYZ has gained traction with more then 1K sites in top 1mil now
Siteprice says
Alexa is mostly used based upon the fact its the oldest company recording site ranking. We should compare other sources for such purposes, such as similar web, and others. I also don’t think that .club or any other .gtlds’ has any effect in ranking in google. For Google, quality matters. So buying any gtld’s is ok as long as website has great content.
Vishal says
Alexa provides some great details on such purposes. .Club domain looks better and appears friendly and easy to remember. It is not that hard to believe that .club domain extensions will keep on increasing far better than other gTlds’