This week saw 7 new gTLD launch into GA, plus 2 Geographic new gTLD’s for the city of .Cologne which is also spelled .Koeln, whose zone files have not updated.
For the 7 new gTLD’s which launched this week, the results an only be described as pretty much a disaster in terms of domain name registration numbers, as only 1 of the 7 barely broke 4 figures and when I say barely I mean by 11 registrations.
Here are the number of new gTLD registrations after the 1st day of General Availability (GA) for the 7 extensions launching yesterday which includes the domain name registered by Trademark holders in the Sunrise Period and the domains registered in the Early Access Program (EAP) for which people paid extra money to get early access to the domains (note that Unregistry which had .Audio, .Juegos, .HipHop and does not offer a Landrush or a Early Access Program)
.Gratis 1,010
.Credit 801
.Audio 701
.Juegos 482
.Hiphop 424
.Claims 397
.Creditcard 281
Yes horrible numbers.
As always a lot of the better domains are on the ICANN collision list and not available and many of the premium domains are either reserved by the registry or have a high premium annual registrations and renewal rate.
Plus in the case of many verticals, well being verticals there are just so many “good”, “premium” investment grade domain names.
Gold.Creditcard is a great name but it carries a $3,500 registration and renewal price.
A regular .Creditcard domain registration is around $125 for a non-premium domains, .Credit is around $90 a registration or about 10x the cost of a .com, .net, .org, info and .biz.
So while 800 registrations is not great in terms of pure numbers of registrations, in dollars to the registry its equivalent to 8,000 registrations and much more taking into account the number of domains registered that carry a premium registration and renewal fee of $250 or more. Also Donuts is bringing in big dollars in EAP fees which start at around $199 for a 5th day EAP registration.
However for those registries that are not charging premium annual renewal fees and not getting some big dollars for early access, the number are just small.
Uniregistry got a total of less than 2,000 registrations for three strings which cost them about $600,000 just in application fees to get.
We should have the numbers for German city of .Cologne which is also spelled .Koeln later today or by tomorrow, they had about 260 and 535 respectively prior to their 1st say of GA
leo says
The numbers are especially abysmal for Uniregistry, $550,000 in application fees for .juegos .audio .hiphop and they got back what, 15k after first day of GA?
2.7% of their money back.
No wonder Frank is reserving all the valuable names, he’s gonna have to sell them to get a positive return on investment.