The registry we wrote about the other day which registered and reserved over 23,500 domain names for a new gTLD IDN has done it again with another new gTLD IDN.
This time Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center registered and reserved over 33,500 domain names for the extension .公司 which means “business organization”
You can read more about this application here
The number of reserved and registered domains in .公司 (Business Organizations) places this extension in 9th place as the most registered extension although the new gTLD is either still in or just out of landrush just like the other IDN extension .网络 (Network) they registered over 23,500 domains as we reported just a few days ago.
In the last few days this registry has registered and reserved over 55,000 new gTLD domain names or over 5% of all new gTLD domains although neither there are almost no end user registrations
These registrations have now pushed the total number of new gTLD registrations passed the 2 Million mark.
The total number of new gTLD registrations now sites at 2,011,549 according to
Certainly not a glamorous way for the new gTLD program to break through the 2 million mark.
speculation ?
what does that have to do with reality ?
And what is reality in the internet domain world ?
This extension is not a new gTLD. It is an IDN that has been offered by CNNIC for many years. They may be trying to ride “the wave” of new gTLDs, but this is not a new gTLD.
Of course its a new gTLD
They applied for it in the new gTLD program
Here is the application
That is interesting. I think registrars that have been selling this extension for many years. This domain
xn--3iq66eluae45l.xn--55qx5d was registered in 2000.
I believe that .公司 translates to “xn--55qx5d” in Unicode. Or am I mistaken? Is it possible that they applied to have this ICANN approved?