.XYZ has become the 8th most registered Top Level Domain according to RegistrarStats.com.
.XYZ domain registrations are only surpassed by .Com, .Net, .Org, .Info, .Biz, .US and .Mobi (actually .US is a ccTLD not a TLD)
This is the first day I have seen .XYZ stats picked up by RegistrarStats.com which shows .XYZ picking up over 4,000 registrations and the only one of the now top 8 to pick up net registrations (of course .XYZ does not have deletions yet)
Years before there was ntldstats.com, and namestat.org, which have popped up this year to track stats on the new gTLD’s, RegistrarStats.com was the go to source for to find stats on domain name registrations across TLD registries and registrars.
While the two newer services are free, RegistrarStats.com is subscription based and you have to be approved to spent the money and get access.
Also unlike the two newer services RegistrarStats.com tracks stats not just on the new gTLD’s but on all incumbent strings like .Com, .Net and .Org and although it generally does not track country code extensions (ccTLD’s) but does include .US.
Since launching just a few months ago, .XYZ has passed .Asia, .Name, .Tel, .Pro, .XXX to name a few.
While most will still point to the Network Solutions fee domain giveaway to account for .XYZ success, I haven’t seen the number move on the NetSol side for many days and the percentage of .XYZ registrations was a high as over 86% coming from NetSol is now sitting at 77%.
According to ntldstats.com, which is updated sometimes twice a day, .XYZ tops 300,000 registrations at the moment at 301,627.
RegistrarStats.com is updated once a day.
Flatlined: http://ntldstats.com/registrar/2-Network-Solutions-LLC
Finally someone at NetSol realized there was a lot at stake with the freebiethon.
Don’t think so. It still appears to be going on.
I noticed that the NetSol numbers have no increased for the past several days but .XYZ numbers continue to increase over, 4,000 yesterday without NetSol
Onamae.com is giving .xyz domains away for next to nothing (180 Yen or basically $1.78 USD a pop) and Onamae has now surpassed Godaddy on the amount of .xyz domains registered. That would explain why the .xyz numbers are still growing fast even though the freebies have come to a halt on Netsol. It’s not rocket science. Make any new gTLD priced under $2 and see how fast they will climb the stats.
Mike, the mockery that has been played out for a full month between XYZ/NetSol is beyond comical.
To put this into perspective: if the NetSol numbers were even remotely real (6k-10k registrations per day) there would never be a cliff drop.
I’m sure the comedy continues on a few more second/third tier registrars right now. EuroDNS has had one such free domain offer recently. Luckily for them, it was opt in.
With all the .xyz freebies and cheapies going on I honestly can’t wait until .xyz renewals come up. When .xyz owners suddenly have to pay full price on an .xyz I can imagine close to 80-90% of all .xyz registrations to be dropped. Heck, around 77% of all .xyz owners don’t even realize they have an .xyz domains thanks to NetSol.
they’re going to sink like a stone come renewal time.
I speculate the .xyz registry will continue to ‘pump’ until they find some firm that feels they are missing the golden gtld opportunity and offers to buy the registry for $ xx mil.
Hello MHB,
Get your red hot xyzs at RegstrarStats.com. Beware their Highest and best use is demonstrated by their ( .Com Traffic Grid URL Smart Start Address). Follow their example not their Hype. Avoid getting punked! By the way MHB our collision concerns have been upgraded, To a level of avoidance. Just business, no offense but our client advice is top priority.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Domain Master)
The Highest and best use is demonstrated by their ( .Com Traffic Grid URL Smart Start Address). Follow their example not their Hype. Avoid getting punked! By the way MHB our collision concerns have been upgraded for all extensions other than (the .Com Traffic Grid), To a level of avoidance. Just business, no offense but our client advice is top priority, and our clients need to know the insanity of using Newer GTLDs and also .co.com and .co .
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Domain Master)
I think the real count for .xyz is about 30,000 registrations, i.e. subtracting out netsold, onamae. You could also look at go daddy’s numbers (9000) then factor in that godaddy normally has 30-50% of a new tld’s registrations.
It’s very very very unlikely that .XYZ — or any other extension that aims at an American audience and claims to be a runaway success– could get by WITHOUT a high volume of ongoing registrations at our biggest registrar, GoDaddy.com.
Think of GoDaddy almost like a random sample of reality. As long as the TLD isn’t getting special treatment as part of extra GoDaddy promotions, then ANY genuine public interest in a TLD will be represented at GoDaddy in a way that’s roughly proportional to real registrations everywhere else.
Joseph Amen, not only that , once reality sets in it will not be a pretty sight. For those involved, a rapid retreat may be advisable, whats your gut feeling?
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Domain Master)
I’d agree with that , Joseph.
Godaddy is the significant player in the US market. If a new TLD is not included in Goddady’s checkout or selection pages, it might as well not exist as far as the North American market is concerned. This is one of the reasons that .TEL never really gained any serious market share in the critical US market. The same model of each country having a significant player with a major share of that country’s domain footprint does play out rather well.
The .XYZ registry’s strategy of using NetSol to build registration volume is interesting but it is definitely not the same thing as building market share. This distinction is one of the things being lost as the 1.5M registrations is being held up as some kind of proof of the “success” of new gTLDs.
i´m sure we will see some great .xyz sales just before renewal time next year!
I’d expect a drop in regfee rather than sales. This seems to be what nervous registries do when facing a landrush anniversary where they expect a low renewal rate.
We saw some really nice .xxx domainname sales also during renewal time.
I will expect some “registry friendly” people to buy some .xyz domains around this time next year for 5 figures
but … WHICH (and how many) domainers … have (really) registered all these .XYZ domains, so quickly …………
I reistered some
16 to be exact
Had a closer look at this today and it looks like .xyz is currently at 28,000 registrations when netsol, onamae and reserved names are taken out.
Growth look to be about 100 registrations per day, .club by comparison is around 500 per day.
Will be interesting to see how long godaddy keeps .xyz on their front page. It looks to be a poor use of page space at the moment if the whole extension is only generating a few dozen registrations a day for them.
Netsol is back at 84% of all .xyz registrations (compared to the 77% from 10 days ago):
The freebie marathon is far from over it seems.