Just two months ago the domain name Sling.me was acquired in a Sedo auction for $9,600
Today its become clear that Sling.me is going to become VERY big.
The buyer was Facebook and Sling.me is going to be used for Facebooks new SlingShot product which is Facebook’s answer to SnapChat.
Engadget.com has already covered SlingShot, and TheVerge.com, who says that Slingshot is is much more than a “SnapChat Clone”
You can check out the new Facebook service at Sling.me
Facebook does not own the domain name Slingshot.com.
The Slingshot App is available in Apple and Android App stores.
Hat Tip: Маrk Kусhmа
someone owns SlingMe.com since Oct 2010
.ME thinks “SnapChat” should have taken that $4 Billion offered by FB. David may have killed Goliath with a slingshot; but in this case, Goliath (FB) may kill David (Snapchat) w/its own “Slingshot”
Silicon Valley and Silicon Beach Companies have been buying lots of .Me names, as well as.Co. Several are under “privacy” It’s about personalization and mobile. Also the Korean media conglomerate launched Interest.me last year, which is popular with the youth market. And in “Silicon Alle” (Berlin), some entrepreneurs launched Trip.me this year. It’s already quite popular – and recently was voted “Best Digital Startup” in Europe.
LogMeIn.com started using LogMe.in for some kind of promotions and production software a year back or so. I was advised countless calls just like mine came in asking if it was phishing – it was not.
I think they have limited its use of removed it altogether – I don’t need it that it all I know
So there you go SlingMe.com
My grandchildren like SnapChat because of the product, the Independence & the name.The kids will dictate the outcome, IMO SlingShot – SlingMe OK if your dumping your partner by text.
what about Slinger.com –