RightoftheDot.com is exclusively brokering the two letter .com domain QM.com which is on the market for the first time.
The domain is corporate owned not domainer owned.
The owner is looking for offers of $500,000 or more.
ROTD has a current high offer of $260,000 and just started brokering the domain less than two weeks ago.
There are only 676 two letter .com domains
For some well known meanings for the term QM you can check out Wikipedia.org which includes;
- Quantum mechanics, in physics
- Quadratic mean, in mathematics
- ATCvet code QM Musculo-skeletal system, a section of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System for veterinary medicinal products
- Quine-McCluskey algorithm, for minimizing two-level logic
- OpenQM, referred to as ‘QM’, a commercial multi-value database system
- Question Manager, a knowledge management sharing application
If you have interest in acquiring this domain name please send an email to info@RightoftheDot.com
(Disclaimer the author and publisher of thedomains.com is also a Director of RightoftheDot.com)
Peter says
If I had one LL.com, I would not sell it for 6 figures.
Rob says
Good name – good luck! I have also heard a quartermaster referred to as a QM. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartermaster
Back in my boy scout days we had a song called The Quartermaster’s Store.