.Vacations which went into the 5th day of the Early Access Program today, goes into General Availability on Wednesday with a host of other domain extensions.
In my opinion its the best of the Donuts domains this week.
I was taking a look at some great .Vacation domains and found that if you want one, your going to pay up as many of them carry high premium registration and renewal rates.
From what I can see there are 4 price points on premium .Vacations domain names, $5,500, $1,500, $400 and $200 (all Godaddy prices, prices rounded up, all available as of publication)
Here are a few examples:
In what has to be one of the big trademark protection misses although Disney.Vacations is on the collision list and cannot be registered the domain name DisneyWorld.Vacations was not taken in Sunrise and can be registered for just $39.99.
These domains are reserved, on the ICANN collision list or otherwise not available:
These domain names have already been registered in earlier EAP periods (not including EAP 5) at higher rates and most if not all have premium prices on registrations and renewals:
allinclusive.vacations |
book.vacations |
borabora.vacations |
club.vacations |
deals.vacations |
e.vacations |
great.vacations (This is our’s) |
hotels.vacations |
i.vacations |
luxe.vacations |
passover.vacations |
photo.vacations |
prime.vacations |
shopping.vacations |
tahiti.vacations |
virgin.vacations |
DisneyWorld.vacations was registered by a Steve Griswold just 25 minutes ago.
When the elephant stomps on the gnat, do we hear the crunch?
When did the Griswolds change their allegiance from Wally World?
Mike these were all registered in sunrise:
Thanks for the info
I’m told that companies who get their domain in Sunrise still have to pay the premium amount
You are correct. This is what the scam registered this week and the annual renewals:
club.vacations $400
shopping.vacations $400
food.vacations $150
ilove.vacations regular price
cloud.vacations regular price
I like .vacations.
This is the only EXT. i pre-registered this week.
I pre-ordered about 40 names if i get lucky i get about 15 names all reg price.
I already lost one” lastminute.vacations” as name.com send me an e’mail if i want to bid higher,like $600 or so
I also think its a great extension no wonder donuts is charging an arm and a leg. 🙁
We picked up the following on your list and really wanted family.vacations but decided to pass on it:
family.vacations: $1600/year
According to donuts whois, http://www.nokta.com (owner of noktadomains.com – a domains marketplace) picked up family.vacations two days ago…
What is even more interesting is that the family.vacations domain forwards to the domainnamesales.com marketplace instead of noktadomains.com.
family.vacations isn’t currently listed in either marketplace.
i regged a few new gtlds early on but the more tlds that get released, the more the prices go up, the more premiums cost and the more are reserved. its a rich mans game if you plan on acquiring any good number of quality domains and also a suckers game as the first rate domains are almost always reserved and people are left regging second rate domains at first rate premiums. of course there are exceptions but the whole thing is getting ridiculous.
This (the new G’s) is a game. I agree with cmac; it’s getting ridiculous. Actually It was ridiculous from the start and now it’s just comical.
Out of all of the new G’s, I personally only see two .whatevers worth investing in (IMO), and they haven’t come out yet. Good luck to all.
Either all the gtld’s work, or none work at all. This is a shift on how consumers find their related content online. If end users put marketing money behind it, and develop it, the end users should follow. If they however choose to ignore it, and do not want to go thru all the red tape, and premium renewals, along with reserves then they will just self destruct, and be traded among domainers on specific boards, until they collapse much like .biz.
The people registering these domains either have made enough on .com investments, or have .com security, and are throwing a bit of fuel to get the fire going, or others are trying to warp back to 1995 thinking it is a resurrection all over. Nobody ever called these people Smart Money.
I agree 100%.
Lets not forget that there will also be a .vacation
That is a silly statement
The success of .web is not dependent on the success of .blue.
and don’t forget that except for an IDN neither Google nor Amazon has one live extension
I said once to Stahura, that the weakest excuse to join the new gTLD wagon is the one about Google doing it; and it is.
Google could just fake it all decade long, making you think they’re about to launch one, and never does.
Berkens, you’re the one with the silly statement, not Richard. Cut down your reliance on Google, and Amazon. When have those two ever been reliable for domainers? Think!
I am sorry Michael but I agree with Richard.
This time around it is not just .biz and .info that can do well and the other not.
This is a collective effort. With the frequency and the sheer volume that these are coming out you can’t expect 1 extension to do all the work for all. All should help.
And I am not saying that if .blue goes bankrupt then .web will go under as well. I am not talking about money but for end-user acceptance and recognition.
So the success of .Web or .App will be in line with .horse or .rich ? NO, they are individual businesses, some are only interested in a specific niche, others are broad.
The people running .horse never had a domain investor in mind, .web certainly will.
Success is perceived as different things but different people.
As I said above I am talking about end-user acceptance and recognition.
.Rich could be making money with 300 registrations. I don’t care about that.
I don’t expect .horse to help as it is a shitty extension. But the top 50 new gtlds should do some work and not wait for everything from .club. 50 cent was paid AND confused. What about the millions of internet users? Do you think that will learn about .shop and don’t know that all the other new gtlds don’t even exist?
I don’t expect .horse to help as it is a shitty extension. But the top 50 new gtlds should do some work and not wait for everything from .club. 50 cent was paid AND confused. What about the millions of internet users? Do you think that will learn about .shop and don’t know that all the other new gtlds don’t even exist?
Have no idea what you are talking about, the top 50 everything from .club ? Absolutely people will only know about certain extensions and not every one, I talk to non industry people every day, they know about .club have no idea about .guru or .gallery, one person thought I was making those up as a joke.
I also don’t understand .horse helping with what ? each registry is out to make as much money as fast as they can, many I believe are full of crap in having a long term plan, make the money early and play it by ear, sell out, get taken over, whatever.
I don’t think you read my comments. I am only talking about strings.
I don’t expect them to know all extensions. I expect them to know a few and that a lot of them exist. They need to know that there are options and not that that there is just .club and .web. If that is the case we are back in 2001.
If people only know .club then new gtlds have failed so far no matter how early it is.
And if these people you talk to only know .club then new gtlds will fail because when it’s time to buy a domain then 999 out of 1000 will buy a .com. Even if they own an agency…
You don’t have to apologize for not agreeing with me, as i have said for over 5 years chatting about the new gTLD’s no one know and still no one knows what the effect will be on consumer behavior and existing domain values.
Its all just a good guess at this point
DUBAI.vacations $590,Millions in Afternic