The domain name DealHunter,com just got his with a UDRP.
The domain has an original regeneration date of April 23, 1998 which makes it over 14 years old.
The domain has been owned by the current domain holder since at least 2001 or some 13 years.
The domain currently shows a website which has not launched and some ad sense on each side of the page
However according to the page as you see it today was just put up a couple of weeks ago on April 27.
The previous page for this domain is way back in 2007 where the domain had a page saying this domain was for sale, $10,000 minimum offer and form to submit your name and email address.
It looks like the domain may have not resolved at all for many years before that.
On the trademark front the Complainant is not listed yet.
There was a trademark on the term Dealhunter but that mark was abandoned
There is a trademark on the term Deal Hunters, the plural that was filed in 2010.
We will keep our eye on this one.
There are some other Deal Hunter site out there including,, and
Grim says
Hopefully the complainant isn’t the person who registered the Deal Hunters trademark because that person also owns the website which, even though it was registered 14 years ago, still has a “Coming Soon” message on its page.
Gotta love UDRPs.