What do Pitbull and Juan Calle of .Co and John Ferber of DomainHoldings.com have in Common?
They will all be speaking this week at the eMerge Americas Techweek being held in Miami otherwise known as the Magic City.
eMerge Americas Techweek is described as “where entrepreneurs and tech tycoons alike meet for a week long celebration of all things tech, our approach is to bring together the entire South Florida and Latin American tech community under a BIG TENT and then shine a global SPOTLIGHT on the ecosystem.”
Pitbull whose real name is Armando Christian Perez will be speaking with over a lot of very successful people including Juan Calle CEO of .Co whose real name is Juan Calle and John Ferber of DomainHoldings.com
Its a very impressive line up of speakers and highly successful businessman and entrepreneurs which is part of Tech Week in Miami which has a lot of social events and meetups.
The conference actually started last Friday but seems to actually get down to business on Monday and Tuesday.
Sorry I didn’t get the word out earlier but just found out about it myself.
if you want more info or are in the area you can check out the site.