Go Daddy Auctions Market Report – March 2014
Go Daddy sold 41,242 domains in March vs 37, 408 domains in February.
The top sale for the month was QY.com at $100,000. The February stats were changed in this report and Apple.net is now the top sale for February at $50,000. The most popular keywords sold were Online, Blog,Free,Design and Home.
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Tony Lam says
$50K for a TM’ed.net. Ouch…
DNPric.es says
There are many apples and many trademarks. The most important thing is not to get into bad faith.
This is probably why the domain name does not resolve.
Also trademarking apple.net is an option.
Scott Neuman says
How do you buy anything Apple, not believing you aren’t getting sued by Apple?
PunkRock says
Buy or sell apples