The dotCEO Registry has just released 42,000 .CEO Premium Names, which were listed as “taken” during the dotCEO Landrush phase so they are now available for the 1st time, on a first come basis as general registration just opened for .CEO
We went through the list pretty quickly and these are or favorites
Each of these domains carry a premium renewal rate as indicated in most cases below, with the suggested retail price, however each registrar is allowed to set their own retail price which could be lower or higher.
However in the dawn of the new gTLD premium domains with premium annual prices appears to be the new norm in most of the cases.
I do like the, industry and produce domains, short acronyms and some first and last names.
.CEO is an identifier type of new gTLD and is backed by the same people that own Kred and and will have a social networking component and think it will do pretty well.
Of course non-premium domain names are priced much lower.
The list of featured list of registrars where you can register these appears below the list but there maybe others as well.
100 | $2,500 |
Abigail | $999 |
Affiliate | $999 |
Aiden | $499 |
AIR | $499 |
Airport | $499 |
Alan | |
Albuquerque | $499 |
Alcohol | $499 |
Alexandria | $499 |
Aloha | $499 |
AlternativeEnergy | $499 |
Anaheim | $499 |
Antwerp | $499 |
Apparel | $499 |
AssistedLiving | $999 |
ATL | $499 |
AtlanticCity | $499 |
ATM | $499 |
AUS | $499 |
Bali | $499 |
Baltimore | $499 |
Bandwidth | $2,500 |
Bangalore | $499 |
Basel | $499 |
Beauty | $999 |
Beirut | $499 |
Bellevue | $499 |
Ben | |
BigData | $499 |
Biking | $499 |
Bill | |
Bio | $499 |
Blackjack | $2,500 |
Blake | |
Blogging | $499 |
Blogs | $499 |
Bond | $499 |
Bonds | $499 |
Boone | $499 |
Bordeaux | $499 |
Brentwood | $499 |
Bristol | $499 |
BritishColumbia | $999 |
Broadband | $499 |
Broadcast | $499 |
Broker | $999 |
Brown | $999 |
Brussels | $499 |
Bucharest | $499 |
BuenosAires | $499 |
Burger | $999 |
Cairns | $499 |
Cairo | $499 |
Cake | $499 |
Calcutta | $499 |
Camp | $499 |
Cannes | $499 |
Canton | $499 |
CarInsurance | $499 |
Cartagena | $499 |
Cash | $2,500 |
Casinos | $499 |
Cayman | $499 |
CBI | $499 |
CellPhone | $499 |
Charles | |
Charleston | $499 |
Chatroom | $499 |
Cheese | $499 |
Cheyenne | $499 |
Chocolate | $499 |
Christmas | $999 |
Church | $499 |
Cigar | $499 |
Cigars | $499 |
City | $499 |
Class | $499 |
Clothes | $2,500 |
Clothing | $499 |
Clothing | $499 |
Cloud | $2,500 |
cma | $499 |
Coach | $999 |
Colleges | $499 |
Cologne | $499 |
CommercialBank | $999 |
Communications | $999 |
Computer | $2,500 |
Computers | $499 |
Condos | $2,500 |
Conservation | $499 |
Consulting | $999 |
Country | $499 |
Courtney | $999 |
CreditCard | $2,500 |
Crm | $999 |
CSC | $499 |
Cycling | $999 |
Cypress | $499 |
Dairy | $499 |
DataRecovery | $999 |
Date | $2,500 |
Dating | $2,500 |
David | |
Daycare | $2,500 |
Daytona | $499 |
Designer | $2,500 |
Designs | $499 |
Desktop | $499 |
Development | $499 |
Diet | $499 |
Dogs | $2,500 |
Domains | $499 |
Donald | |
Dotcom | $999 |
Downtown | $499 |
Drinks | $499 |
Dusseldorf | $499 |
Electronics | $499 |
EMD | $499 |
Emily | $999 |
Encrypt | $999 |
Energy | $499 |
enterpreneur | $499 |
Entertainment | $499 |
Entrepreneur | $999 |
Environment | $999 |
Epicurean | $499 |
Equipment | $499 |
equity | $999 |
Escort | $999 |
escrow | $999 |
ETF | $499 |
EUR | $499 |
EventPlanning | $999 |
Events | $2,500 |
Export | $999 |
Exports | $999 |
FAN | $499 |
Fashion | $499 |
FastFood | $499 |
FBO | $499 |
Fishing | $499 |
Fit | $499 |
Fitness | $999 |
Fly | $2,500 |
FMV | $499 |
Foodies | $499 |
Foods | $499 |
Football | $499 |
FortLauderdale | $499 |
Frankfurt | $499 |
fund | $999 |
Funding | $499 |
Funding | $499 |
FYI | $499 |
Galveston | $499 |
Gambling | $499 |
Geld | $999 |
Global | $499 |
GolfClubs | $499 |
Gourmet | $499 |
Graduate | $499 |
Grapevine | $499 |
Graphics | $499 |
GreenBay | $499 |
Greenville | $499 |
Hangzhou | $499 |
Hastings | $499 |
Healthy | $999 |
Heidelberg | $499 |
Helpdesk | $499 |
Helsinki | $499 |
hightech | $999 |
hiphop | $999 |
Hiroshima | $499 |
HMO | $499 |
Hobby | $499 |
Home | $2,500 |
Hoteis | $2,500 |
hotels | $999 |
Howard | |
Huntington | $499 |
Immobilien | $999 |
IND | $499 |
insure | $999 |
intellectualproperty | $999 |
Interactive | $999 |
Investment | $999 |
investmentbanking | $999 |
Irene | |
IRS | $499 |
ISP | $499 |
Jeffrey | |
Jewelry | $499 |
Job | $999 |
Johannesburg | $499 |
Johnston | $499 |
karate | $999 |
Kenneth | |
KID | $499 |
Kids | $499 |
Kiev | $499 |
Kitchen | $499 |
Kosher | $999 |
KualaLumpur | $499 |
kungfu | $999 |
Laptops | $499 |
Larry | |
lasvegas | $999 |
latinamerica | $2,500 |
LawFirm | $2,500 |
Lawrence | |
Laws | $499 |
LBO | $499 |
Leeds | $499 |
Leisure | $499 |
Lending | $499 |
Leslie | |
Limos | $499 |
LittleRock | $499 |
LLC | $499 |
Loan | $2,500 |
Loans | $499 |
Lobbyist | $999 |
Lodging | $499 |
Logos | $499 |
Lotto | $499 |
Lumber | $499 |
Lynchburg | $499 |
Madras | $499 |
MainStreet | $499 |
makeover | $999 |
Malibu | $499 |
Mall | $999 |
Manchester | $499 |
Mark | |
Marketing | $999 |
MarketResearch | $999 |
Maui | $499 |
MBA | $2,500 |
Medical | $499 |
Medicine | $999 |
MEG | $499 |
Mega | $2,500 |
MEN | $499 |
merger | $999 |
MFG | $999 |
Milk | $499 |
MLM | $499 |
MNE | $499 |
Model | $499 |
Models | $999 |
Money | $2,500 |
Montréal | $499 |
Mortgages | $2,500 |
Motorsport | $2,500 |
moviestar | $2,500 |
Munchen | $499 |
MVP | $499 |
Nagoya | $499 |
Napa | $499 |
networking | $999 |
NewEngland | $999 |
NewportNews | $499 |
News | $5,000 |
Newspapers | $499 |
NewYorkCity | $499 |
Nicholas | $999 |
Nicole | $999 |
Ninja | $499 |
Noah | $499 |
NSA | $499 |
Nutrition | $499 |
ODP | $499 |
oilandgas | $999 |
Olivia | $999 |
Organic | $499 |
Orleans | $499 |
ORM | $499 |
OTC | $499 |
PalmBeach | $499 |
PalmSprings | $499 |
Paloalto | $499 |
PanamaCity | $499 |
Pasadena | $499 |
Pasta | $499 |
Patel | $499 |
Peking | $499 |
Personal | $499 |
Petroleum | $499 |
Philly | $499 |
photography | $999 |
Phuket | $499 |
Pilot | $2,500 |
Pinon | $499 |
Pittsburgh | $499 |
Pizza | $999 |
Play | $999 |
Politics | $999 |
Pop | $499 |
Ports | $499 |
PPC | $499 |
President | $499 |
Printers | $499 |
PrivateJet | $999 |
PrivateJets | $999 |
Product | $499 |
Providence | $499 |
Provo | $499 |
PublicRelations | $999 |
Puertorico | $499 |
Québéc | $499 |
Rachel | $999 |
Radio | $499 |
Rainmaker | $499 |
Raleigh | $499 |
Real | $2,500 |
RealEstate | $2,500 |
Recycling | $499 |
Reims | $499 |
reisen | $999 |
Renewable | $499 |
Rental | $499 |
Rentals | $499 |
Resort | $499 |
Resorts | $499 |
RFP | $499 |
Richard | |
Roanoke | $499 |
Robert | |
rodeo | $999 |
ROI | $499 |
Rookie | $499 |
Rotterdam | $499 |
RSS | $499 |
RTB | $499 |
Runway | $499 |
SAAS | $499 |
Sail | $2,500 |
Sailboat | $2,500 |
SaintPetersburg | $499 |
Sake | $999 |
Sales | $999 |
Salsa | $499 |
Samantha | $999 |
SantaBarbara | $499 |
SaoPaulo | $499 |
Sarah | $999 |
Sarasota | $499 |
Savvy | $499 |
Scanner | $499 |
Scanners | $499 |
Scott | |
Scottsdale | $499 |
Seafood | $499 |
Search | $499 |
SearchEngine | $499 |
SEC | $499 |
Security | $999 |
SEM | $499 |
Seoul | $499 |
SER | $499 |
SES | $499 |
Shanghai | $499 |
Sheffield | $499 |
Shoe | $499 |
Shoe | $499 |
Shoes | $499 |
Shopping | $2,500 |
Siliconvalley | $999 |
silver | $999 |
Site | $499 |
SLA | $499 |
SLO | $499 |
Smartphone | $499 |
SMM | $499 |
SMO | $499 |
Soccer | $499 |
Socialmedia | $2,500 |
socialnetwork | $999 |
Socialnetworking | $999 |
Soho | $499 |
Solar | $499 |
Soma | $499 |
SOS | $499 |
SouthAmerica | $499 |
Southampton | $499 |
SouthCarolina | $499 |
SPA | $499 |
Space | $499 |
Spiel | $2,500 |
SPY | $499 |
SQL | $499 |
SRM | $499 |
SSL | $499 |
startup | $5,000 |
State | $499 |
Steel | $499 |
StemCell | $999 |
Stephen | |
Stock | $999 |
Stockbroker | $999 |
Storage | $499 |
Strasbourg | $499 |
Studio | $2,500 |
Style | $499 |
Successful | $999 |
Supermodel | $999 |
Systems | $499 |
Tablets | $499 |
Tahoe | $499 |
Taipei | $499 |
Talent | $499 |
TAX | $499 |
Tea | $499 |
Teen | $499 |
Television | $499 |
Tennis | $499 |
Terrific | $499 |
TEX | $499 |
textbook | $499 |
Thomas | |
Timothy | |
TIP | $499 |
Tobacco | $499 |
Toledo | $499 |
Tourism | $2,500 |
Tours | $499 |
Transportation | $999 |
Travel | $2,500 |
Truck | $499 |
Tshirt | $499 |
Tube | $499 |
Uber | $999 |
URL | $499 |
USD | $499 |
Utah | $499 |
Utility | $499 |
Vacation | $499 |
Vacations | $499 |
VAT | $499 |
VBO | $499 |
Venice | $499 |
VentureCapital | $999 |
VideoGames | $499 |
Villa | $499 |
Vintage | $499 |
Viral | $999 |
VirginIslands | $499 |
visionary | $999 |
Vodka | $2,500 |
Waltham | $499 |
WAN | $499 |
Watches | $499 |
Water | $499 |
WebDevelopment | $499 |
WebHost | $499 |
WeightLoss | $499 |
Whisky | $499 |
Widgets | $999 |
Wifi | $499 |
WindEnergy | $499 |
Wines | $499 |
Winnipeg | $499 |
Wired | $499 |
Worldwide | $499 |
WOW | $499 |
Xmas | $499 |
Yachting | $499 |
YEN | $499 |
YES | $499 |
Yì | $499 |
Yú | $499 |
Zachary | $999 |
Featured Registrar Partners
IP Mirror
John McCormac says
358 domains this morning. The zone file data is generally that of the day before so this morning’s figure would not include this landrush/GA spike (if there is one). People will have to wait until tomorrow or Monday for some decent data on .CEO uptake.
Domo Sapiens says
a visionary marketer that I follow call this one to beat .guru as far as registrations from domain flippers…
I just don’t see it but who knows what goes thru domainers’ heads ….