A few days ago we noticed that the domain name Credits.com came through on the Sedo sales wire selling for $30,000.
Today we have been able to confirm with the seller of the domain name that the domain sold for $100,000 net to Seller, that Sedo.com RSS feed picked up the down payment of $30,000 as the selling price.
So as it turns out the seller of the domain did not lose money on the domain, which is very good to hear and we have another six figure sale.
Even as of today the Sedo wire is still reporting this domain as sold for $30K so someone over there needs to correct it.
Domenclature.com says
How did you confirm this, by talking to the buyer? That’s it?
BullS says
I learned that those sales reported are not verified. They re just “reported”
If you sell a domain, don’t you want to “brag” a little about it? I don’t see the real sellers telling us they sold the domains.
For the buyers, I checked most of the domains and they are like Virtual ghost buyers.
One domains I dropped got sold for $3500 at GD and when I checked the domains whois, it does not show the owner.
Domenclature.com says
Let’s wait for Berkens response. I know he must have something other than the seller’s word to issue commands to Sedo the market place where said transaction took place. If Berkens doesn’t provide his proof of confirmation, he will be subject to criticism.
BullS says
Guess what..you bought “BullS” for 100million USD and I bought your Domenclature.com for 101million USD…let us report the sales to the whole world…I will even write the check to you as a “proof” but please do not cash it as it is printed on a toilet paper
AGAIN..it is only “reported”
You see how this game is played.
Being involved in the gambling industry,I have done lots of investigative work on money transactions and I can smell a stinkin deal from far away.
todd says
Bought it for 95 grand and sold it 8 years later for a $5,000 profit. Well 8 years later that 5 grand definitely isn’t profit. This guy took a monster hit on this name.
….and since when does Sedo take down payments? Smells like bullshit to me.
Michael Berkens says
I did chat with the seller who is a well known respected domainer and I confirmed with Sedo after that
Not sure why someone hasn’t removed it from the RSS feed
Domenclature.com says
You didn’t mention that you confirmed it with Sedo in the article, that’s why our eye brows were furrowed by perplexity. I’ll accept that as confirmation.