Time Magazine did a piece on the squatting of Hillary Clinton
Internet squatters have been grabbing pieces of Clinton-related real estate in the hopes of a 2016 payoff
Typing Hillary Clinton’s name into your favorite Web browser is becoming a more and more adventurous proposition.
As the former Secretary of State mulls a repeat bid for the White House in 2016, an amalgamation of spammers, grifters, and passionate supporters have occupied almost every square inch of relevant Internet real estate. Type in HillaryClinton.org and you’ll be exposed to malware. Clinton2016.com is for sale for as much as $14,500—and it’s among the cheaper variants available.
Of course registering political domains is nothing new, Michael Deutsch has become pretty well known in the area of candidate domains. Last year he was covered by NationalJournal.com
Shane Goldmacher wrote:
Political Cybersquatter Strikes Again
He leverages Web domains for political access. His latest targets: Alison Lundergan Grimes and Obama’s Organizing for Action.
The little-known Florida resident has made it something of a hobby to snatch away desirable digital destinations from unwitting politicians. In that regard, Grimes is in heady company. In the past 15 years, Deutsch has snapped up Web properties of value to the likes of President George W. Bush; Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.; then-Sen. Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn.; New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie; and even President Obama’s new political advocacy group—just to name a few.
Deutsch isn’t in it for the money. He’s just a self-described “C-SPAN junkie” who says he wants “a chance to look behind the curtain.” And he learned more than a decade ago that, as a man without the wealth to buy his way into intimate fundraisers, his best shot at getting close to the political stars that so fascinate him was to buy up political domain names early and leverage them later for some face time.
List of Clinton related domains regged in 2014
- clintonstoocorrupttoolong.com
- tasteofchinaclinton.com
- clintonpc.com
- miracle-ear-clintonville.com
- leadclinton.com
- clintonmcraven.com
- 126josephstclinton.com
- clintonapartment.com
- clintonliving.net
- clintonmynier.com
- 44riverroadclinton.com
- 100clintonavenue.com
- clintonprogroup.com
- emmaclinton.com
- clintontownshipkiwanis.com
- theclintonyearz.com
- hillaryclintonmovie.com
- myclintonfreetrees.com
- financialservicesclintoncounty
il.com - biziaclintonwedding.com
- clinton-divorce.com
- portclintonshopping.com
- suburbanchevroletclinton.com
- suburbanchevyclinton.com
- suburbanchevyofclinton.com
- clintonchevrolet.com
- clintonareahomes.com
- dentist-clintontownshipmi.com
- presidenthillaryclinton16.com
- monicaclinton.com
- clintonsorbits.com
- clintonsorbit.com
- clintonorbit.com
- 518clintonstreet.com
- madamepresidenthillaryrodhamcl
inton.com - clinton-therapy.com
- louisianaforclinton.com
- louisianaforclinton.net
- clintonhilltableworks.com
- clintonbrooklaw.com
- theclintonstgallery.com
- clintonwarren2020.com
- clintonwarner2020.com
- restaurants-clintontownshipmi.
com - isupportclinton.net
- isupportclinton.com
- clintonbusiness.com
- clinton-gate.com
- clinton-gate.net
- fitness4lessgymclinton.com
- clintonfamilychildcare.com
- dentistclintoncountyil.com
- clintongames.com
- clintoncountyrh.com
- dictatorclinton.com
- 182nclintonave.com
- clintontownshipmortgageagents.
com - portclintonmarinesales.com
- clintonrewards.com
- clintonout.com
- clintontigers.com
- clinton-hodges.net
- clinton-hodges.com
- clintonhodgeslosangeles.com
- bushvclinton.com
- clintonwatertreatmentservices.
com - clintonii.com
- clintonsanders2016.com
- supportersofhillaryclinton.com
- bushvsclinton.com
- clinton-kaine2016.com
- clinton-kaine.com
- 504eclinton.com
- attorneyatlawclintontownship.
com - electhilaryclinton.com
- votehilaryclinton.com
- electhilaryclinton2016.com
- votehilaryclinton2016.com
- presidenthilaryclinton2016.com
- excavatingcontractorsclintonco
untyil.com - iowa4hillaryclinton2016.com
- insuranceclintoncountyil.com
- defeathillaryclinton.com
- clintonbenghazi.com
- theartisanonclinton.com
- artisanonclinton.com
- secretaryofstatehillaryclinton
.com - clintonhosting.com
- clinton-music.com
- whynotyouhillaryclinton.com
- mrclintonandme.com
- mrclintonandyou.com
- presidentsclinton.com
- accountingtaxservicesclintonmd
.com - clintonvillemensclub.com
- clintongrimes.com
- gohillaryclinton2016.com
- goclinton2016.com
- autobodyclintoncountyil.com
- weloveclinton.com
- clintonlodge548.com
- clintonsfreeclinic.com
- latoriaandclinton.com
- jesstclintonmusic.com
- clintonthursdaymarket.com
- bitclinton.com
- 1701clintonst.com
- jesstaylorclinton.com
- truckingclintoncountyil.com
- realestateclintoncountyil.com
- clintonsubban.net
- clintonsubban.com
- clintonvsbush.com
- clintonrowproject.com
- clintonrow.com
- hilaryclinton4prez.com
- clintonbarrier.com
- clintonpetraeus.com
- firstgentlemanbillclinton.com
- firstladdiebillclinton.com
- sarahandclinton.com
- clintonvilleoptical.com
- clintonlandrieu.com
- clintonvilleforchange.net
- fairvueapartmentsclintonsc.com
- foxspizzaclinton.com
- clintoncogministries.com
- clintonfor2016.com
- clintonapartments.net
- clintonframeworks.com
- clintontownshiplawn.com
- clinton-townshipfreetrees.com
- clintoncapitalmgmt.com
- clintonglobaleconomicsummit.
com - email4clinton.com
- email4hillaryclinton.com
- clintonag.com
- hilaryclinton2020.com
- clintonhillary2016.com
- clintonhillary2020.com
- storageclintoncountyil.com
- clintonworldawards.com
- lawncareclintontwp.com
- vipnailsofclinton.com
- restaurantclinton.com
- clintongardens.com
- clintonlogfurniture.com
- clintonprimarycarecenter.net
- clinton-kerry.com
- clintonokschools.net
- hillary-clinton-2016.com
- clintonbaseballrewards.com
- loansclintoncountyil.net
- mortgagesclintoncountyil.net
- banksclintoncountyil.net
- thetalkofportclinton.com
- rewardsclinton.com
- clintoncollins.net
- clintonhearing.com
- clintonhearing.net
- clintonglassnyc.com
- clintonaftershock.com
- 525clintonresidents.com
- meredithclintonbell.com
- clintontateshop.com
- ninhandclinton.com
- clinton-shumlin.com
- trillclinton.com
- clintonelectrician.com
- clintonsoddjobs.com
- wildwoodaptsclinton.com
- clintonwarren.net
- cityofclintoniowa.com
- cityofclintoniowa.net
- firstwomanpresidenthillaryclin
ton.com - firstmanbillclinton.com
- firstwomanpresidenthillaryrodh
amclinton.com - firstfemalepresidenthillarycli
nton.com - commanderandchiefhillaryrodham
clinton.com - firstfemalepresidenthillaryrod
hamclinton.com - clintontravis.com
- clintonmcfarland.com
- clintoncountylawncare.com
- clintonmemories.com
- bushvsclinton2016.net
- bushvsclinton2016.com
- 10041clinton.com
- clintonfrench.com
- lawncareclintontownshipmi.com
- clintonmccreeyourbroker.com
- clintonvillehome.com
- clinton175.com
- clintoncountyhomelessshelter.
com - walleyecharterportclinton.com
- portclintoncharterboats.com
- fishingcharterportclinton.com
- lakeeriefishingcharterportclin
ton.com - walleyefishingcharterportclint
on.com - lakeeriechartersportclinton.
com - fishingchartersportclinton.com
- walleyechartersportclinton.com
- walleyefishingchartersportclin
ton.com - lakeeriefishingchartersportcli
nton.com - lakeeriecharterportclinton.com
- portclintoncharterboat.com
- clintonthursdaymarket.net
- internalmedicineofclinton.com
- clintoncountysurveys.com
- hillaryclintonalzheimers.com
- hillaryclintonalzheimer.com
- clintonplumbingandheating.com
- aimdiscountclinton.com
- pageplusclinton.com
- sirhillaryclinton.com
- clintonehrlich.com
- chelseaclinton2016.com
- chelseaclinton2018.com
- 2016hillaryclintoncampaign.com
- 2016hillaryclintoncampaign.net
- beathillaryclinton.com
- autobodyclintoncountyil.net
- insuranceclintoncountyil.net
- clintonhometalent.com
- qualityinnportclinton.com
- clintoninnandsuites.com
- clintoncastro.net
- clintondenlinger.com
- homesinclintonville.com
- newbodyspaclinton.com
- theclintonchronicles.com
- dentists-of-clinton-township.
com - electhillaryclinton2016.net
- hillaryclintonusa.com
- clintonvillecapitalllc.com
- clintonvillelistings.com
- attorneyclintoncomi.com
- hillaryclintonpresidentialcamp
aign.com - garagedoorrepairclintonma.com
- clintonmikel.com
- retirementplanningclintoncount
yil.com - clintonsavingsonline.com
- windowtintingclintontownship.
com - clintonelectricalcontractor.
com - clintonstreetbagco.com
- thomasclintonburke.com
- rbbcclinton.com
- hilaryrodhamclinton.net
- rodhamclintonforpresident.net
- rodhamclintonforpresident.com
- hilaryrodhamclintonforpresiden
t.net - hilaryrodhamclintonforpresiden
t.com - clinton-melissahurd.com
- clinton-company.com
- evanclinton.com
- friendsforportclinton.com
- louiseclinton.com
- clintonpts.com
- 500clinton.com
- bestclintonnjchiropractor.net
- homeimprovementclintoncountyil
.com - contractorsclintoncountyil.com
- farminsuranceclintoncountyil.
com - clintonhyundai.com
- hyundaiofclinton.com
- online-money-clinton.com
- clintonsindustrialcafe.net
- clintonsindustrialcafe.com
- clintontownshiptickethelp.com
- clintonvillehomesearch.com
- clintonwrestling.com
- clintonwrestling.net
- clintonemmanuel.com
- hamptoninnclintonnj.com
- 500sclinton.com
- merrymaidsofclintontownship.
com - renclinton.com
- renaissanceclinton.com
- clintonliedpeopledied.com
- clintonliedamericansdied.com
- clintonhahnauctioncompany.com
- clintoncountysports.com
- laquintaclinton.com
- 19830eastclinton.com
- clintonhomeprices.com
- clintonlawnmower.com
- billclintonsdiet.com
- hillary-clinton2016.com
- president-hillaryclinton.com
- bobokitchenclinton.com
- clinton-initiative.net
- clinton-initiative.com
stevearogge says
Damn! I wish I owned a registrar. Boneheads making registrars rich all the while throwing their money away. Most of those domains above don’t even make sense.
cmac says
steve, you beat me to it…what are these people thinking??
confer says
Who prepared the “List of Clinton related domains regged in 2014”??
A quick vetting would have revealed that at least 50% of the names have NOTHING to do with “Clinton” the candidate (as per the post); but rather are domains related to:
Clinton (MA)
Clinton (CT)
Clinton (NJ)
Clinton Township (NJ)
Clinton Township (MI)
Raymond Hackney says
Mike just did a click search of all things Clinton.