Two generic domain names got hit with UDRP’s today which has a creation date of 2010 was hit with a UDRP.
While the complainant is not yet listed I’m going to guess its the owner of ShareTv.Org which says they have over 200,000 registered users.
According to there hasn’t been much of the domain since 2010 when it was parked.
Another domain hit with a UDRP today is which is owned by a lawfirm. is owned by, CLE Inc. is also listed in the same UDRP which is also owned by
There is one live US trademarks for the term “keep smart” by a SMARTPROS LTD of Delaware.
We will keep our eye on these.
LM says
LM says
I mean really. There are few terms more generic than “share” , what planet is their lawyer on. You have zero right to this term, nada. If you wanted to own a word mark then choose something non-generic.
Rick, either the panelist/s are on crack or this is the next lucky entrant to the hall of shame. Im actually quite amazed this even got listed for processing – whatever next. Why dont they go after the .com – oh I see, cos it was registered in 2001 and they’d slamdunk lose. Morons.
I know – lets make a site on a substandard domain, get busy and then just STEAL the decent domain when we feel like it. No. Fuck You. Thats not how it works. complainant – I look forward to seeing your moronic lawyer featured at the top of THIEVES because thats what you are attempting to do here.
Danny Pryor says
@LM: Wow. Dude. Love it! 🙂