Freshdrop which officially rolled out their back order program out of Beta on April 23rd under the name of Pheenix, announced today that it will be changing their back order system effective August 1st from a one domain per back order system to one which will accept multiple back orders on the same dropping domain.
Those dropping domains with multiple back orders will go into auction like they do on and
Here is the official announcement”
“”I am pleased to announce that as of 2013-08-01 Pheenix will allow multiple backorders on domains. For all domain names caught after 2013-08-01, if there are multiple backorders placed on the domain, then a 3 day private auction will be held.
“Only customers that have an active backorder on the domain name prior to the domain name being caught will be allowed to participate in the private auction. ”
“In addition, on 2013-08-01 we will allow backorders to be done on all domains, regardless of whether they are in ‘Pending Delete’ status or not.”
“Any backorder placed prior to 2013-08-01 on a domain name that is not in a “Pending Delete” status will be cancelled, and the domain name will be available for backorders from multiple parties as of 2013-08-01.”
“As many domain names have interest from multiple parties, this new feature will allow a fair chance for all customers to acquire the domain name.”
“In addition, we have updated our Terms of Service. You’ll find the latest version located here:”
Thanks for all your continued support.
jose says
goodbye Pheenix
Domo Sapiens says
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t!