RV.com was purchased by Good Sam according to a press release out this morning.
According to the release Good Sam is “the world’s leading provider of products and services for the RV and outdoor recreation consumer”
The domain name was purchased from Dometic Group who according to domaintools.com has owned the domain name since at least 2001.
“Launching in August 2013, the new RV.com will be content rich and feature tools and services that the Good Sam Club member base and today’s RVers find most useful, including access to new and used RVs for sale, how-to videos and content offering demonstrations of RV maintenance and use, as well as integrated social media tools enabling RVers to communicate with each other. RV.com will also serve as a centralized RV trip planning service, with extensive content regarding RV travel destinations and events, RV related gear reviews and RV park and campground descriptions and ratings.”
“With 20,000 websites linking to RV.com today, the reach of the new RV.com will be significant from its launch and is expected to grow exponentially as new services and additional content is added.”
The price was not disclosed.
I would love to know the price. Great buy!
Good Job, Good Sam!!!
Worth MANY millions so whatever they paid was a true bargain.
Well done!
Hello MHB,
The market place is starting to catch on to the importance of (.COM ) Generic URL Marketing and its strategic power in locating businesses on the web. JointVentures.com is paving a very bright path to successful Online Marketing for everyone.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
For what it’s worth:
Back in 2008, Apple supposedly bought ME.COM for ca. $10M. This must give you an idea what the ballpark figure for RV.COM was.
Dometic (the seller) is a a public company (see DometicGroup.com) based in Sweden, so it’s possible that the transaction price for the RV.com domain name will appear in their quarterly financial statements. Although, we’ll need to convert it from Swedish Krona back to US dollars.
Hello MHB,
How Bout that? A Swedish Mult-National buying a (.COM ) Generic URL for its superior Marketing Power.
Wow smart marketing company,made a decision for themselves, seems to becoming a trend.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
you’re talking like its the mid 90’s and you’re just starting to notice places use .COM
what is this silly talk about “starting to become a trend” ?
that happened years ago. its like you’re trying to “predict” stuff that already happened.
For what it’s worth:
Back in 2008, Apple supposedly bought ME.COM for ca. $10M. This must give you an idea what the ballpark figure for RV.COM was.
You can’t even compare Me.com to RV.com, plus Apple bought it so you know they paid well over what it was worth. I can’t imagine this name going for more than 1 million probably not even that much. FB.com was sold to Facebook for 8.5 million but again they paid well above what that domain was worth just because they wanted it bad and the sellers knew it.
Jeff: The Swedes were sellers, not buyers.
By the way, the buyer already owns RV.net, a developed domain which gets several hundred thousand unique visitors per month, according to Quantcast. So, in some ways it’s an “upgrade” for them.
According to DomainTools WHOIS for rv.net, their admin email is associated with 1635 domains, and also “Good Sam Enterprises LLC.” owns about 613 other domains….whichever figure is correct, this isn’t their first rodeo.
It looks like Good Sam also owns TL.com — a rare company that owns multiple 2-letter dot-coms.
They also appear to own RVs.com (the plural), as it has that same admin email (albeit perhaps via a different division of the group of companies). It looks like this acquisition of the singular lets them corner the market.
Thanks George for correcting me. Actually they first had to buy it to sell it.
Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact group) (Metal tiger)
RE Jeff: “Actually they first had to buy it to sell it.”
thanks for clearing that one up.
Quick correction: Dometic (the seller) isn’t a public company (they’re 100% owned by EQT.se). However, they do publish their financial statements (presumably for the benefit of their bondholders).
This kind of sale can’t hurt the value of CheapRV(s).com and WholesaleRV(s).com – both sets which have had inquiries via brokers in the last 4 and 5 weeks. I guess I will renew them