There are some interesting numbers coming out of the Trademark Clearing House (TMCH) Session at the ICANN meeting today
To date there are 71 active trademark agents in TMCH
To dare there are 323 trademark holders that have successfully created an account with the Trademark Clearinghouse.
“There are about 140 trademark accounts that are in the pipeline, meaning they are — either they haven’t uploaded their contract or they haven’t wired their amount yet, and still about 100 trademark holders that are waiting for registration due to the fact that they haven’t accepted the terms and conditions.”
Approximately 450 trademark records have been submitted as of today.
In order to be a trademark agent (the 71 number above) you need to upload and sign the terms and conditions applicable for trademark agents, and you need to make a deposit of $15,000.
$15,000 represents about 50 trademarks for three years
When you register with the Clearinghouse, you can actually choose between three types of accounts or profiles.
The first one is an agent. (the $15K one)
Secondly, you have the trademark holder that can also work through a prepaid account, so for trademark holders that have a large portfolio they can also choose to work the prepaid account.
Then you have trademark holders that can pay by credit card, and that is the trademark holder on line payment.
For credit card payments you can submit 10 trademark records per credit card transaction.
That doesn’t mean that you’re limited to one credit card — sorry, that doesn’t mean that you have to use multiple credit cards for submitting trademark records.
You can register a trademark for a period of one, three years, or five years.
The registry has access to a list and the registrar has live cross check services.
What do the registries pay the $5K per new gTLD and $.30 per record