4 more new gTLD’s applications have been withdrawn bringing the total of withdrawn application to 38.
The additional applications showing as being withdrawn as of tonight are:
欧莱雅 filed by L’Oréal with prioritization number of 72. This is an interesing one as it was expected to be in intital Evaluation with this Friday’s ICANN release and therefore the applicant elected to take the 70% refund just days before that amount dropped to 35%.
.Stroke filed by the American Heart Association, Inc. which had a prioritization number of 395 was withdrawn as well as .Heart also filed by the American Heart Association, Inc. which had a prioritization number of 1182.
.Buy filed by PVT Registry, LLC, which had a prioritization number of 143 was withdrawn as well.
You can’t really fault PVT for withdrawing their .Buy application as there are still 4 other applicants for .Buy: Google, Amazon and Famous Four and Donuts pretty stiff competition to face in a winner take all auction.
Here is how the PVT Registry described it application for .Buy:
“All domain names registered within the .BUY gTLD will be required to comply with the following three policies which increase the safety within the .BUY namespace. The first is a Registrant Eligibility Policy that will ensure that only legitimately organized companies, or those with a bona fide intent to organize, are able to register domains in the .BUY gTLD. Second is the Name Selection Criteria Policy, which will require that entities only register domain names that correspond with their business names. The third is an Acceptable Usage Policy that will be implemented to ensure that registrants use domains registered in .BUY namespace for bona fide business purposes. ”
There were no other applicants for .Heart or .Stroke
Hello MHB,
There is far too much Bribe Money already let out for this not to happen, gTLDs are coming.
Take Heart .COM Holders !
With the advent of the new gTLDS being introduced, its effect will severely impact the Search Engine Marketing Sector. According to MIT (Mass. Inst.Tech.) type-In traffic will be expanded rapidly and will be common place. Consumers are very reluctant to change and there are studies to prove that they will avoid doing business on a non-.COM site. This splintering and dividing of the Search Engine Market bodes well for a brilliant future, for Pure Play Generic .COM Profit Centers. M I T foresees Type-Ins, We foresee a seachange shift into .COM Profit Centers.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)