The domain name Medicine.Org for $75,000 on Sedo tonight.
The domain was sold after the Sedo weekly report was issued and therefore not included.
The domain has an original registration date of 1995.
The domain was sold by Eric Shannon of LatPro, Inc. who seems to have owned the domain since late 2006.
Congrats to the buyer and seller
$75 K for What an amazing deal for the buyer. I would’ve guessed $250 K for that URL.
Totally agree. I would have expected a much higher sale price than $75k?
I think all the rouge pharmacy stuff really hurt the value of this domain
Someone should be shedding a tear for letting the domain drop in the past; current registration date is 2004. Did Ari buy it?
Medical and health words totally fit the .org extension, so this is a perfect pairing.
I’m thinking of auctioning
I would be interested in people’s opinions about: value, whether Farming fits with the .org extension and which organisation I should auction it through.
Thanks in advance.