If your a frequent reader of TheDomains.com you know we are not great fans on domain name appraisal tools so we might be surprised to see us announce yet another one, DomainMongrel.com
I will go through some results we got today but first this is how the developers described the appraisal tool in their press release today:
“This new tool—Domain Name Estimator—offers domainers a rough indication of a domain’s worth by making use of advanced statistical analysis based on a number of factors.
These factors include:
. Alexa monthly ranking: How the domain ranks in popularity both globally and in the US.
· Global monthly searches: The number of searches made for the keywords globally.
· Regional monthly searches: The number of searches made for the keywords locally.
· Estimated keyword cost-per-click: The average cost per click for the popular keywords
· Dictionary worth: If the domain name keywords are from the dictionary or not.
. Historical domain sales: The tool takes into account past sales data of similar domain names.
. Google hits: The number of google hits the keywords of a domain has globally.
The Domain Appraisal tool shows potential buyers and sellers the value of a domain to help them make an informed decision about pricing their domains.
Estimating a domain name value is a hard problem to solve given that the value of a domain name is determined by the end user. A domain name which is worth thousands of dollars to one user could be worthless to another. Given these problems, there are very few accurate domain name appraisal tools. Entering into the fray is DomainMongrel.com, helping website owners make decent choices in estimating the value of a domain name before buying or selling it. DomainMongrel.com has been beta tested on the hacker news where it was well received by the hacker community and made it to the front page. Current competitors includes Estibot.com and Sedo’s Domain Value Indicator tool.”
So here are a few test domains that put through Estibot.com and DomainMongrel.com (DM)
345.com-This is a domain we own that we have turned down $30oK twice for in the past 2 weeks
DM appraisal: $288,647.53
Estibot appraisal: $31,000
ACAM.com a (domain sold last week by Mike Mann for $40K)
DM value $5,055.56; Estibot $41K (now adjusted for the sale price)
Sale.com: DM $484,000; Estibot $7 Million
DivorceAttorneys.com: DM $21.00 Estibot.com$117,000
Music.com: DM: $754K Estibot $5.5 Million
TheDomains.com DM: $423,000 Estibot.com $11K
TheDomain.com DM: $103,000 Estibot.com $57,000
Ricksblog.com DM: $411K Estibot.com $2,500
For fun we put each competing service through each other appraisal tool:
DM appraised Estibot.com at $1,995,726.95
Estibot.com appraised DomainMongrel.com at $0
Feel free to test some of your own domains and give us the results.
Jeez! This thing appraised one of my domains at:
The Domain perhap.com is valued at: $408,613.98
Could it be real, Berkens?
…another toy. about as useful as t*ts on a bull, but fun at any rate if you just wanna pass the time away…
what did estibot.com appraise it for?
DM values insurance.com at $799,355.52. I think most of us would step up and buy at that valuation (esp. given it sold for roughly $35 million).
DM values school.com at $411,150.34 — I don’t think so!
Anyone relying upon automated domain appraisals (or even non-automated ones) is foolish.
George so according to DM, Estibot.com maybe the most valuable domain in the world
Mike: Well, if you put in domains like AOL.com into DM, you get values into the BILLIONS (way too high for AOL, given that it’s entire market cap is only $2.5 Billion). AOL.com is valued at $1,908,185,928.03 by DM.
I have my own appraise tool coming soon. But for test, give me any name, Berkens and I’d feed it through and give you the low down, the exact worth. Try me.
Use the one’s i put in the post
Ok, here’s the first one:
Domenclature Appraisal
345.com information
domain 345.comBIG
appraised value 75,000 USD change currency
domain birthday 22-May-2002
age 11 year(s)
appraisal accuracy 100%
backed by deals no
backed by appraisal yes
domain rating –
TLD rating AA
Google pagerank –
SLD 345
SLD language(s)
english 53.36%
german 16.26%
spanish 13.52%
french 10.46%
russian 6.4%
SLD (en)
keywords 345suggest keyword
keywords language
345.com categorization
topics Hospitality_Recreation, Environment,
tags Integers, 300, Florida State Road 345, 173, Pennsylvania Route 345, Swiss Cottage, Hospitality_Recreation,
345.com value rankings
value rank (global): –
value rank (com): –
345.com search volume in Bing, Google & Yahoo
Global broad searches for “345.com” 8,250
Global broad approximate CPC 0.4 USD
Global broad competition for “345.com” 2% low
Global exact searches for “345.com” 263
Global exact approximate CPC 0.09 USD
Global exact competition for “345.com” 0% low
Global broad searches for “345” 1,250,000
Global broad approximate CPC 0.69 USD
Global broad competition for “345” 8% low
Global exact searches for “345” 18,500
Global exact approximate CPC 1 USD
Global exact competition for “345” 1% low
345.com overview search results
for “345” –
for “345.com” –
for “345” –
ad count for “345” 0
345.com traffic estimates
alexa traffic rank 4,194,689
estimated daily visitors 97
Development value 32
overture value 71
Domenclature Appriasal Sale.com
sale.com information
domain sale.comBIG
appraised value 1,400,000 USD change currency
domain birthday 24-Jan-1997
age 16 year(s)
appraisal accuracy 100%
backed by deals no
backed by appraisal yes
domain rating –
TLD rating AA
Google pagerank –
SLD sale
SLD language(s)
english 92.12%
french 6.25%
german 1.63%
SLD (en)
keywords salesuggest keyword
keywords language English
sale.com categorization
topics Business_Finance,
tags Sale Sharks, BOC Aviation, Bank of China, Salé, Sale, Victoria, Sale, Greater Manchester, Shali, Republic of Tatarstan, England, Business_Finance,
sale.com value rankings
value rank (global): –
value rank (com): –
sale.com search volume in Bing, Google & Yahoo
Global broad searches for “sale.com” 206,250
Global broad approximate CPC 0.77 USD
Global broad competition for “sale.com” 26% low
Global exact searches for “sale.com” 0
Global exact approximate CPC 0 USD
Global exact competition for “sale.com” 0% low
Global broad searches for “sale” 231,250,000
Global broad approximate CPC 1.02 USD
Global broad competition for “sale” 56% medium
Global exact searches for “sale” 168,750
Global exact approximate CPC 0.62 USD
Global exact competition for “sale” 19% low
sale.com overview search results
for “sale” –
for “sale.com” –
for “sale” –
ad count for “sale” 0
sale.com traffic estimates
alexa traffic rank 258,281
estimated daily visitors 4,209
Development value 8,806
overture value 1,338
sale.com direct navigation estimates
monthly type-ins 126,270
monthly parking revenue 1 USD
currently parked at N/A
parked recommendation ParkingCrew.com
parking value of the domain 31 USD
So, Berkens give me one of your domains, and I will appraise it for you
there is no accurate domain appraisal tool and never will…
Each domain is different and many of the variables can only be analyzed/compared by the human mind…
Much like a “painting” … not all “van gogh’s” are worth 81 million dollars
I think I got the right one, very accurate machine. Throw away all the others. This appraisal machine is a beast!
So,… did you ever release your appraisal machine? 🙂
The person that owns sale.com would not be happy with that number
Well, that’s one appraisal, he might get second opinion, but I think this is the best appraisal machine. No sentiments, no politics, like the ones operated by others.
I think all online automated appraisal systems by definition aren’t political or emotional which maybe part of the issue, but can’t add the human element including logic and reason, experience and the ability to compare one domain to others, which is why you get such huge swings in value from one to the other.
agreed 1000%
I think it’s interesting that the service is called Domain Mongrel, and by definition a mongrel is a byproduct of careless cross breeding.
CarInsurance.com $67,000
AutoInsurance.com $213.20 (I like the detailed pricing)
MortgageRates.com $67.00 (as in sixty seven dollars)
OnlineBanking.com $18,000
So, where can I send my check?
Unless this service comes along with a time machine I can say for certain I won’t be using it. Technology and especially AI is incredibly tough.
I wish them the best and hope the product continues to evolve and they ultimately find success.
Its ironic that a service providing appraisals on domain names chooses one of the worst domain names for its service. Horrible Name!!! Why register a crappy name in Nov of 2012 when they could have bought a decent name for a grand or two. Totally goes against everything that this service is about.
DM apprases Estibot.com at $1,995,723.57 🙂
MHB: exactly.
Hence worthless appraisals each and every one, not even good as an option.
and then you have the other side of the equation:
the buyer’s appraisal…
EstiBot Value: $ 1,000,000 USD
Kingmikeberkens.com $0.01 DM
Kingberkens.com $0.00 DM
Same with estibot. Maybe because they’re still new.
All the same price, worthless, for now. No offense. 🙂
With all do respect….AWFUL!!!
Well, these folks clearly have “issues”. The first mistake anyone can make is using Alexa or Compete.com to check traffic rankings. Alexa is skewed and Compete is just, well, wrong all the time. Even more reliable systems like Quantcast can often be way, way, way off on numbers. So using any quantification save a direct server measurement, properly adjusted to filter out bots and fast bounces, is a poor way to get a measurement. As far as traffic goes, you would have to look at traffic history, as well, to know whether a site is getting more popular or less popular. There are also the repeat visitor numbers to consider. A domain with, say, 10,000 visits per month that gets no repeat traffic is less valuable than a domain that gets 8,000 visits per month, but 25% of the traffic is return traffic. Many bookmark sites and come back. That loyalty is worth money. As much as I love to trash Google on some issues, they have a great analytics tool called, appropriately, Google Analytics, and the information you can glean from this free tracker is just magnificent. It tells you just about everything, except what Mary had for dinner (was it a little lamb?). I love lamb, by the way.
Second, if a domain was hand-registered and never went to market, with the little piggie, then there’s not very much likelihood of there being a sales history. (Read as much sarcasm as you wish; it’s there.) Some domains, like the aforementioned AOL.com, seem to have only been registered once, with little change in ownership, save for some changes on conglomeration. But open-market sales have never happened.
I checked a couple of names, like Microsoft.com, which appraised for well north of $98-million. TheDomains.com is appraised at $425,495.14 (I also love the very specific pricing), but I dare you to offer Mike a mere half-million for this domain, TheDomains.com, because I’m not sure you could by the whole package for ten times that amount. Then there was DomainMongrel.com, which apparently can not be appraised. DomainMongrels.com (the plural form) is appraised at only $2.02. Of course, it will still cost you about $7.50 to $11.00 to register the domain, if you want it. As of the time of this writing, the plural was still available.
That last argument is enough to convince me these folks are just getting started in this industry. They may be fair coders, but their algorithms and metrics calculations clearly need work.
Oh, bad-ass wolf logo, though. Is that a Tibetan Wolf? Oh wait, I’m confusing Mongol with mongrel. Sorry. I have issues.
Hi Guys!
Thanks for your thoughts. DomainMongrel will continue to evolve relentlessly and keep getting better.
I tweaked the algorithm, so now you will not see any domain priced below registration fees.
DomainMongrel estimates not only the domain name value but also the website value if the traffic is sufficiently high. That is the reason why you see some domain names estimated far north of the market cap. for the domain business.
Using Domo’s profound words:
“there is no accurate domain appraisal tool and never will…”
we have found that by documenting some of our notable non-NDA deals with Michael and Ron Jackson’s DNJournal.com that estibot and others have made “accurate” adjustments – based on the WHOIS owner – something to keep in mind before you hide behind WHOIS privacy – which does nothing more than paint a bad picture friends :).
So give these fine folks looking for their own place in the .com world a reason to flourish.
Apple could probably really use an extra 99 million, because that’s all their domain is worth according to DomainMongrel.
I put in a bunch of other names, and yes, like all domain appraisal “tools,” this thing is clearly for entertainment purposes only.
My Domain (heAsked.com)
Estibot value = $2500
DM = $70045
Please review my domain.