Frank Schilling just presented his new App at the TRAFFIC conference.
First the bad news is the APP its not available for an Android device.
The Good news is it is available on the store now.
The App “gives you power like no other platform”” said Frank Schilling
Some interesting facts from the presentation
“85% of all leads comes through link on top of landing page.”
This is not news to us at as we have had a link to our offer form on top of all of our landing pages for over 10 years but good to hear confirmation of that from a larger portfolio holder.
Frank gets around 400 offers a day generated off links from his landing pages.
On the parking from is working on changes to the landing pages and changing the color and look of the sales link.
Some of the features of the App allow you to with one click set prices, negioated price with the buyer.
The buyer get auto generated emails each step of the way but you never have to leave the app.
With the app you can Google the name of buyer, email address of buyer, Google keywords and get other info.
If you domains are parked at the App will pull that info as well so you can see your visitor counts and PPC earnings.
Additionally the system takes person who previous made offer back to the negotiating page not the landing page if they return to the domain.
The system gives you the ability to price domains live.
Once the parties agree to a transaction the system sets up a check out page with for the buyer to agree to.
All offers are held in the system, so that you can re-engage a buyer or send a message to the buyer if you change your mind and want to try to an accept a previous offer.
Allows selection of several brokers with stated brokerage fees, including which will be added to the App shortly after the TRAFFIC conference.
The app also has a social networking component that allows you to ask your friends who also use the App for pricing advice individually or all with one click.
The only restriction on the system is that is does no accept TM typo’s.
Does the app have a feature that allows you to notify all previous un accepted offers that the domain is up for auction if and when you decide to go that route? For example I just manually notified 16 people about a domain they made an offer on that was in the TRAFFIC auction and it sold.
Congratulations to the team … very cool being able to track inquiries from an app. What would be great to see in a future build is the ability to check all the stats on the domains we have in our accounts. I know … it’s just come out and I have to be patient … thanks for putting in the time and effort to build a great platform. Ira
I have been fortunate to be using the app for a few weeks now and it is truly amazing. I have never experienced anything so complete…….. very useful features and yet easy to use. From opening offers to final sales. Very very intuitive and cool….well done Frank and staff.
Since I don’t really know many brokers and a few are listed… Michael, can you please describe MostWantedDomain’s brokerage services and any useful info I should know if I select your company to process the offer?
Do you only want certain valued names? Any value? $10-20K and up? What would make a good match for you and me?
I believe we all have strengths and weaknesses.
If allowable, can other brokers post and do the same?
Do you have to be parked with Franks parking company to use this service?
Here is the answer back from Frank:
“‘You do have to park with us, but it is open to “everyone”, large and small. No private club anymore””
This app is not compatible with iPhone 3g