I had a chance to chat Kelly Conlin the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Name Media last week about the “new Afternic”, its new NameFind.com product and how its DLS compares to Sedo.com and its MLS product
“Afternic.com is all about broadening the market for the purchase and sale of domain names”
“We are concentrating on increasing our distribution market. We have assembled a distribution of channel resulting in 75 Million searches each month coming to our network primary of end users looking for domain names.
So when you look at our distribution channel, 7 of the top 10 domain name registrars in the world are using our Domain Listing Service product (DLS) on an exclusive basis, meaning the Sedo’s MLS do not reach those 7 of the top 10 registrars, including Network Solutions, Register.com and Enom.
The distribution market we created has become a huge shift in the secondary market
Prior to the DLS product the the secondary market was separate from the registrant market.
People searched for names for their business or their internet presence and would hit the registrars to see if there choice was available as we know they generally would generally find that the domain they were interested in was taken.
While many educated end users knew there was a secondary market, many others did not or how to access it in a quick understandable fashion.
Not only do we have 7 out of the top 10 registrars, “We have more fast transfer domains in our marketplace than all other market places combined”
“We out sell Sedo.com in in .Com and .Net domain names.
Where we are weak compared to Sedo is the ccTLD market.
However, as successful as we have been, we feel like we have to think broader, learn more about how an end users think about domain names and how they go about finding domains.
We are trying to think more like a end user customer than a domainer.
As we have recognized that user end users are looking at domain names as part of their branding strategy one which includes social media, especially Facebook and Twitter.
Enter NameFind.com
Entrepreneurs not only want a brandable domain name but they want to get the matching domain or something similar for their Facebook and Twitter pages.
NameFind.com is a new creative ways for entrepreneurs to find domains for their business, that are trademark free and available on Twitter and Facebook.
Customers don’t have to check on the domain name availability, then do a check to see if a domain is trademark free, then do a check to see if its available on Twitter? Is it available on Facebook?
Check out Namefind.com we have the same name for our Facebook page and our Twitter page.
This is what end users want more and more and NameFind.com does it all with one check.
So we as a company are committed to continuing to invest in the domain community to expand demand growth for everybody
If your an Afternic.com customer you’re automatically are enrolled in the NameFind.com program and there is no additional cost to the customer.
Sweet, wish I had thought of that
There seems to be a major weakness in the design in that a searched word produces only .com domain names for sale, many of which bear little substantial connection to the original search term.
For example, type in “sanitation”. A lengthy list of .com’s is displayed including hygienetesting.com, hygienemart.com, and totalsanitation.com. But exact match domains like sanitation.biz and sanitation.us are not displayed at all.
Exact match domains in other major tld’s should be displayed to the user for consideration over poor quality matches like hygienemart.com.
@ M. Menius
Thanks for checking NameFind out. We do offer exact match or alternate TLDs on the site. If you were to click on ‘sanitation’ (the first search result) you will come to a page that shows other TLDs of that name, and by clicking on the ‘domains’ tab you can see all the TLD options, including .biz. In fact you can register that name right off the page.
If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact customer service at 1-855-201-2285.
Karen Dixon
Director of Marketing