A UDRP has just been filed against the generic terms Grief.net and Grief-Recovery.com.
The two domains are owned by the Grief Recovery Institute of California
Grief.com goes to a site offering a Grief Recovery Program while Grief-Recovery.com seem to go a page reported as have malware or other issues found to be not sale by the browsers.
In any event but terms are highly generic and of course Grief is a dictionary word.
The complainant is not yet listed but we will keep an eye on this one.
Good grief !! Who’s giving them such grief ?
There are always problems with grief,
Since the grieving are seeking relief,
Now a programme of aid,
Finds its web-site put paid,
By someone who’s crying…. STOP THIEF !!
The mere filing makes all .com’s worth that much more – win or lose.
If the owner loses this one it will be right up there with “Inacurate Reception” by the replacement refs on Monday Night Football – and they just got replaced with professional refs – so watch out UDRP Panels
…a few typos:
title of article: Goog Grief —> GOOD Grief
3rd scentence: …not sale by the browsers. —> …not SAFE by the browsers.
4th scentence: In any event but terms… —> BUT in any event, THE terms…
… I should be sentenced for misspelling ‘scentence’ in the sentences above.
SCENTENCE could be a new word in the English language for “sweet talk”
You could claim that your previous posting was a typical Freudian slip !