The category killer domain name is currently in a closed auction at
There are 172 bidders in the closed auction and the current high bid is $26,000 as of time of publication.
The domain seems to have been put up for auction without reserve so someone with some big chops took the risk.
The domain isn’t even part of a highlighted auction but it seems well on its way to a nice sale price.
The question is what will the domain sell for?
You can vote on the poll on the right and for bragging rights leave you prediction below.
Mike Mann says
Its got to be worth 100K, so I think it will sell for 50K to someone smart.
Adam Strong says
Why on earth would anyone do a closed auction on that name, and am I reading that right, ending on a weekend ?
ugh ! face-palm. If it were an open auction it’d get in to six figures. I’ll predict $85k
Mike Mann says
in fact you could probably get for 40K if you play your cards right,
Mike Mann says
you could probably get for 40K if you play your cards right
Michael Berkens says
Yup closing on a Sunday right around the start of the 4th quarter of NFL games
Michael Berkens says
Unless sells for $200K or more, I don’t think hobbyist is a great buy at $40K, even if it’s your domain
Domo Sapiens says
anticareer admin says
That’ll teach me to only search the “expired” auctions at Snapnames.
Tony Lam says
Would’ve sold for more if you had posted this while it was still open to the public.
My guess is it will go for less than $40K… 10% of its worth.
Michael Berkens says
On the off occasion I post something about a soon to be closed auction before the back order deadline I catch hell so basically I don’t do it
On the other hand 171 people other than myself saw it and back ordered it before the deadline.
Tony Lam says
Good point.
This is the kind of name MrsJello and National A-1 love. If I had the cashflow you guys do, I’d go for it too. I don’t so I’ll just have to live with my’s for $69.