According to a post on their site, which holds hundreds of events a year announced today they switched their domain name today from to Tech.Co.
Actually as of today the domain name now forwards to
According to their site “Tech Cocktail is a media company and events organization for startups, entrepreneurs, and technology enthusiasts.”
“Since 2006, its goal has been to amplify local tech communities and give entrepreneurs a place to get informed, get connected, and get inspired.”
“Tech Cocktail dedicates itself to covering news, how-to’s, up-and-coming startups, and industry trends online, and hosting events in over 20 cities in the US and abroad.”
“From a simple community-building event, Tech Cocktail has transformed into a full-fledged media company with thousands of fans, followers, and supporters across the globe. Tech Cocktail has hosted local mixers, breakfasts, conferences, festivals, and other events around the country that have attracted thousands of attendees, educating entrepreneurs as they showcase their latest achievements and the local technology communities they live in.”
“Working with Tech Cocktail has helped startups find employees, co-founders, funding, and even acquirers.”
“Tech Cocktail has hosted events in Chicago, DC, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Boulder, Austin, and more. A better informed, recognized, and connected tech community is possible through Tech Cocktail. Check out the full schedule of upcoming Tech Cocktail events.”
“The company was co-founded in 2006 by former Tribune and AOL product strategist, long-time tech blogger, and new media pioneer Frank Gruber and early Feedburner employee Eric Olson as a way to better and amplify the local Chicago tech startup scene.”
“In 2010, after over three years as a passion project, Eric moved on to take on new endeavors and Frank teamed up with the leadership of expert technology producer and longtime AOLer Jen Consalvo as the company was reborn into a full-time media company.”
Mr. Gruber is a very interesting guy and here is some info about his background from the site:
“”Frank Gruber is an entrepreneur and new media journalist focused on sharing his Web product expertise and analysis on Web 2.0, social media and emerging technologies in articles and videos online. ”
“His works have been featured in TechCrunch, iMediaConnection, ReadWriteWeb Network”
“Frank has been dubbed by the Washingtpost Post and LATimes as a “digital nomad” for his on the go work anywhere and everywhere lifestyle.”
“Frank was named one of 100 DC Tech Titans by Washingtonian Magazine in May 2009 and May 2011. Frank is also one of Forbes Top 20 Most Media Connected in Tech.”
“as part of a partnership with .CO,”
What does that mean ? – They get to use the domain out of the “.co” in house vault – but if they fail .co gets it back ? Desparate times ?
According to WHOIS, is owned by the University of Illinois … and it doesn’t resolve. What a waste of perfectly good leakage traffic.
Might I suggest
Good observation – probably donated years ago – maybe the U will go broke and have to sell it ?
I Don’t know the terms of the deal
this will all be mute as soon as .cock resolves…
moot… not mute… jeesh, it’s late
Tech . Co is shorter but TechCocktail . Com is a more original name
@ Tablets
I agree – is cool, but seeing TechCocktail spelled out reinforces their brand name.
I wonder if it’s a temporary move because of the underlying relationship with .CO. I’ve been to some TC events and IMO, this is huge (relatively speaking, within the tech/startup world) in terms of visibility for .CO. Albeit kind of a strange move for an established company with a unique, catchy name. As a .CO investor, I’m not complaining.
domination in only 2nd year.
Hello MHB,
Mr. Gruber labels himself as New Media journalist when it should be rehash the same B.S. journalism.
Adopting the .co and not buying the .COM only reinforces their flawed Marketing Strategy. The Blind leading the Blind.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)