Six 17 year old domain names all starting with the word “Cyber” are dropping tomorrow.
The domain names are:
All six appear to have owned by ACTON International Ltd out of Lincoln Nebraska.
Each already have multiple back orders at with leading the way with 55 back orders.
Its pretty unusual to see six domains this old, all drop on the same day that were owned by the same party.
Good luck.
Old school like instant messaging and Palm Pilots.
I don’t see much value in that prefix today.
Its posts like this that tips the tables in acquiring good domains. You blog about it and now everyone is in on it. Thanks!
None are worth more than 1K unless there is traffic or a brand. Remember a key saying in domain speculation “If you beat Mike on the auction you paid too much”
Cyber is so nineties.
There are a lot of blogs that publish their highlighted and favorite dropping domains everyday and your on my case about doing it once?
A lot of these old names have random links on google if not real deal links and old sites. So may be good investments, but when they hit my screen I will max bid them and if you pay more I hope you know how to sell if for more than me quickly
I guess you should let everyone know what your bidder name is so we know when we are trying to outbid the Mann & are paying too much
Information wants to be freed.
No need to be on mike’s case…
We are soon to launch doing exactly that – We shall have Snapnames, namejet, Godaddy, flippa, sedo, bido and many other daily auctions on our site in the coming weeks…
Lets share the auctions so everyone gets a chance.
The drops are big business these days but I agree with Mike Mann – not worth more than 1k unless there is some real traffic… Backlinks etc
The term “cyber” is not relevant today.
It once was, but you’d look like a good building your web presence on something “cyber”.
Right up there with “Information Superhighway”.
“CyberBank” is clearly the best of the lot, but I have no idea who would ever come knocking for something like that.
good = goof
“The term “cyber” is not relevant today.”
Nothing is relevant, it is all relative and perspective.
Your “best” domain still cannot beat “BullS” –
I think the service domain Shane offers is excellent, I read it everyday.
I have no problem with people posting names, you offer a service and you take a % if your cookie is the last etc however:
“Lets share the auctions so everyone gets a chance.”
I dont agree with this, I think it reduces the odds of everyone getting a chance. For example I read Elliots blog the other day who said that he scrolls through the Namejet site looking at who has bid on what and basically adding himself to auctions. If fulltime people like Elliot or Mike Mann want a domain others wont be able to compete. If everyone is doing their own research it at least gives the newcomers an edge if they work harder.
If I see something that has 0 bids I wont bid til the last minute, even if it means waking up at 4 in the morning to do so. Not showing the amount of bids would be better from my POV but obviously doesnt lend itself to making money with competitive auctions.
As I said I like the services you will be offering and I will use your site and wish you good luck with it, but I would like to hear how you think listing domains that others may have been watching quietly increases the chances of success for the multitude as opposed to those with deeper pockets.
I’ve been letting my old-school ‘Cyber’ domains drop. Better ones than these actually.
I don’t see any life in any of them anymore.
Remember when some chicks thought it was cool to call themselves ‘Cyber Sluts’ in the 90’s? They thought it sounded so cool…..LOL.
Where’s It’s funny how that’s still very recognizable and relevant, while these aren’t at all. CyberBank is online banking, CyberBooks = Kindle and other eReaders, and CyberTravel = Google Street View. Pass on all of them.
Aren’t we going for .cyber suffix now?
Cyber Monday is still a often used term
Mann say’s these domains are worthless, but he intends to bid and win them.
good luck everyone, just making an observation.
You all are just bidding amongst yourself..aka killing each other.
As for me, I just use my domain crystal ball.
Love this BS domain game!!
Godaddy has over 200,000 active members that use their auction platform. I agree with Bulls comment about bidding against yourselves. I find domains everyday that have no competition or very weak competition. Let’s not forget all the tlds getting ready to come out in the future!
We are nothing but tadpoles in this massive domain sea. Only 32% of the world is online and that is going to continue to grow. As more people come online, more domain names are going to be needed.
Bottom line, there is plenty of room for the little guys to swim among the sharks and not be eaten by them.
Oh mike, Don’t you have enough ! Let us small timers in.. JK
Take THEM ALL cuz i’m not going for them!
Does have an old school ring. But, still works for certain industries.
Cyber Security may be a pretty big boon for employment in the future.
“Remember a key saying in domain speculation “If you beat Mike on the auction you paid too much”
That’s not a key saying in domain speculation. It’s a saying you’ve made up and maintain in your massively delusional, self-inflated mind.
Thanks for sharing this, I like one of the domains and will be bidding
@Mike Mann: now that you told everybody you are going to bid, I will make sure you will pay top dollar for those domains.
old terms = low value
Someone had some cyber love back in 1995
@Richard Saperstein – Just out of curiosity, how do you know Godaddy has 200 active members on that platform?
@ Goran: Talked with the reps from Godaddy at Domainfest this year and asked them. Also, talked with my account rep from their as well.
Hope this helps.
There is something classic and timeless about, “cyber” names. They’re good. I’m sure they’ll do well!
5 of the 6 domains were caught by
We will see what happens — SOLD !!! —–> $2,947
Snap auction just ended a few moments ago
I quite like cyber names, think the best we have in .com is – pretty old one too, nice play on words, specially if you’re an Asterix & Obelix fan.
We also own – might be old school but think the term has relevance.
As for competing on namejet – we don’t, not worth the effort, like Mike says you better be able to sell them if you outbid any of the biggies on a name.