According to a press release we were sent today, Sedari, a consulting and technology company focusing on TLD Business Management has been engaged by the Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID), a not-for-profit Russian foundation which is preparing applications for the .MOSCOW and .MOCKBA (in Cyrillic) top-level domain names.
The implementation of the new top-level domains will make possible websites with addresses such as WWW.COMPANY.MOSCOW and for museums МУЗЕИ.МОСКВА.
From the PR:
“Russia, though cautious in their approach to IDNs in the new TLD program, trusts Sedari with one of their critical national assets – its capital city” said Sedari’s CEO Dr Liz Williams. “This is the first of Sedari’s city domain names to be signed and one of a number of Internationalised Domain Name applicants we are advising. FAITID is a great organization full of enthusiastic and experienced professionals who will offer Muscovites and others exciting opportunities for second-level names in Russia,” Williams continues.
The .MOSCOW and .МОСКВА project is backed by Moscow’s local government and won an impressive showing of support from over 17,000 Internet users in on-line and off-line polls.
“Implementation of any TLD is a complicated project with many issues to resolve” says Dmitry Burkov, FAITID Board Member, “That’s why we’ve chosen Sedari as our strategic international partner for .MOSCOW and .МОСКВА. Sedari management has the experience and industry knowledge on ICANN that makes us confident the company is familiar with all the procedures of the corporation, in particular related to new TLDs. Together with Sedari we’ll make the project for Moscow top-level domains successful giving Russian users more choice in the domain name space.”
I think that big cities’ TLDs will be a good business and I wnat to buy some of them, so I hope that domains like .NYC or PARIS will be not reserved only to residents
.рф has 890k registrations in 14 months after local experts predicted 100k registrations after 12 months
Москва.com sold for $216k based on this
This is good news for the owner of
Has anyone ever tried to sell to someone from Russia, stolen ideas have you ever tried to sell to someone from Paris? Let me tell you its a .nightmare
That said I am sure someone will make money with some .moscow domains.
“Russia, though cautious in their approach to IDNs in the new TLD program, trusts Sedari with one of their critical national assets – its capital city” said Sedari’s CEO Dr Liz Williams”
Oh please! Russia, Liz! Tone it down a notch.
In my last comment the less than greater than symbols were stripped out without warning, so let’s try again. DOES NOT EQUAL Russian, Liz.
What a crap:
Москва.com sold for $216k ?
I bet it’s the miserable owner Moshe trying to market the useless.
The name changed hands for $9k.
And even $9k was too much.