Verisign just published its quarterly Domain Industry Report for the quarter ending June 30, 2011 and here are some of the highlights:
The second quarter of 2011 closed with a base of 215 million domain name registrations across all Top Level Domains (TLDs), which represents a 2.5% increase over the first quarter of 2011 and a 16.9 million, or 8.6% year-over-year increase.
Verisign’s combined base of .com and .net domain names ended the quarter at approximately 110 million.
New .com and .net registrations totaled 8.1 million during the second quarter, an increase of 2.0% from a year ago.
Renewal rates for .com/net were at 73.1 down from 73.8% from the 1st quarter.
21% of all .com/.net websites are “one page websites” which include parked pages
When Verisign last reported on Parked domains they said it made up 7% of all domain registrations but no longer reports that number.
12% of all .com/.net do not resolved to websites.
ccTLD’s grew by 3.6% quarter over quarter and 8.4% year to year.
You can download the entire report here (pdf)
“Verisign’s combined base of .com and .net domain names ended the quarter at approximately 110 million.”
ICANN has certainly taken good care of Verisign.
Could that be the result of fees ICANN gets from Verisign and Registrars ?
If Peer-2-Peer DNS does not use Real.Money how will Verisign survive ?
For some reason most of the focus in the DNS Industry is on the DataBase end
There is also the Resolver End of the Industry
Announce, dnsmasq-2.58.
http: //lists. thekelleys. org. uk/pipermail/dnsmasq-discuss/2011q3/005205. html
Nearly 100% of the home router/modem market flows thru that .CODE
The most important part of the stats I thought was
the huge decline in the number of .com renewals.
over 700,000 that were already registered
the owners didn’t think they were worth renewing.
yikes for .com
@ Robert
What are you talking about?
In January there were 91.5M .COM registered.
In August there were 96.3M .COM registered.
That is a net gain of around 5M .COM in 8 months.
When you factor in new renewals and deleted domains, .COM has averaged +600,000 regs per month this year.
As .NET is mapped to .COM that should reduce the number of .NET statistics but INCREASE the active .NET domains because they use the .COM back-office
The .NET mapping is First-Right-of-Refusal so existing .COM owners do not have to do anything and the resolver will pass them by.
The .XXX to .ORG mapping is Direct Mapping – Buy a .ORG and you have the gTLD (generic) .XXX
The .XXX to .ORG mapping is Direct Mapping – Buy a .ORG and you have the gTLD (generic) .XXX
For a SPONSORED .XXX you have to look into that. ICANN.XXX may have more info. They are into those sTLDs (sponsored).
Set.Top.Box vendors like the “sponsored” approach. That implies High.Rollers who are willing to pay to be Sponsored (Showcased) in the CPE DNS.
The new end-user software can ask the person, “Do you want Generic or Sponsored?”…and display ads while the question is asked.
It’s frustrating to read the blog when there are all sorts of spam comments that are no different than the viagra and xxx web spam. When will you stop allowing people like
“*** please, click on this link, thanks *** ”
“Robert Cline”
‘only domains with a meaning”
and other spammers to stop taking over. These people add nothing to articles and its annoying to read. They are either paid spammers or have nothing better to do but post spam links every time you write an article.
Have I mentioned its annoying to read?
“The more names that get registered, the more people will be able to tell the difference between the good ones and the bad ones” – Frank Schilling
ICANN should give other newly Extensions Domain