announced today that it is raising the commission rate of sale made through the it’s Marketplace (without broker assistance) to 15% from 10%.
Also for those customers who fix price domains to sell in the Sedo MLS service, the commission rate will rise from 15% to 20%.
The MLS service is where fixed price domains are show in various registrar channels as a suggestion alternative when a customer attempts to register a domain name that is already owned.
The changes are effective August 1st, 2011.
The increase to 15% on Marketplace sales puts in line with and SnapNames commission structure, which already charge 15% commission on sales. announced an increase for all brokered assisted domain sales in January to 15%, so the good news is it will now cost you no more to use a broker than to use the Marketplace.
In the past we have called out Sedo for not giving customers advance notice of rate increases, however this time they are sending out emails to all clients and made calls to some of the more active customers today to give them the heads up so we applaud them for listening to the community and doing it the right way.
As far as the rate increase itself, while none of us including myself likes paying more, considering that their main competitors and have has 15% sales commissions all along you really can’t fault them for bringing their rates up match those levels.
As far as Sedo MLS the increase to 20% is in line with which offers a similar product.
I’m told that a discount maybe avaliable for those customers who also park there domains with Sedo as Afternic offers.
Once the release is out we will update the story.
As Adam Dicker of outlined, if you do not plan to take the auction route (very rare with end-users demands) it does not make sense to have your domain sold by one of these marketplaces above and lost 15% of profit just because they posted a sale link into your own parked domain.
For sales initiated from your own domain name it makes sense to use one of these platforms and link to your own sale page to save big dollars:
From oldest to newest, marketplaces with ZERO sales commission, you only pay escrow fee:
1 –
1 –
2 –
If I forgot one let me know.
totally agree Francois
for a long time I have not fathomed how sedo have been successful as a bigger bunch of wankers it is hard to find
if we all en masse delete our domains from their database they will shrink
endusers find the domain and the whois first or the domain on search negines. they dont use sedos search funcvtion. its only the fools who park on sedo may get lucky once in a blue moon
park with your own sales link or redirect to your own sales site
no serious domainer can be without their own sales site
it’s madness
kill off the brokers with these ripoff prices
I have about 100 names listed for sale at Sedo and I did not receive anything about this increase.
Haven’t received anything from Sedo as well despite having all my names listed for sale there.
I haven’t received anything from Sedo as well.
4000 domains delisted
account closed
goodbye sedo
if SEDO sells more, it’s not so much, however, it may lose some customers
on my side, I’m thinking to move elsewhere my only two domains I’ve on SEDO since, after several months, I haven’t received any offer for them
why pay a fee if you DON’T sell a domains, just list them on cheaper sites
You have to be of the stature of Michael to receive courtesy notices, small portfolio holders and nitwits don’t count.
It’s ironic, I was just writing yesterday in reply to someone’s blog post, how these large domain broker companies don’t give a rat’s ass about small portfolio holders and will not give you the same representation and treatment as mega portfolio holders. Need more proof?
Except for maybe, ahem.. some domain bloggers who will kiss their ass by writing posts praising their products and services, they probably throw these bloggers a bone on occasion for being good little doggie domainers.
Personal to MB
Stay tuned for a related announcement. Feel free to contact me
@Elliot don’t feel bad. We are Sedo pro since 2005 with 1,000 names listed and haven’t heard a peep about this either.
I was told the emails are going out today and the rate increase doesn’t go into effect for a month
Staying tuned
Hey I pay the same thing to these brokers that you do.
I sell domains through but use and use as well which charges 20%.
So whoever can get me a sale gets the sale and the commission
Now as far as
1 –
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Come on I mean how many visitors do all three of these sites get a month combined especially from end users.
The traffic sedo gets in one hour of one day?
How much gross sale volume did these sites do in May?
I mean
1 –
1 –
2 –
Let’s see if Sedo is also going to raise the $50 minimum commission.
Mike Can’t argue about traffic but think that change is in the air regarding options and choices for many domainers that are trying to sell monetize their domain name investments. Especially hundreds certainly perhaps thousands of domainers who may not have had success selling domain names on any of the big platforms regardless of their traffic stats. Or those fed up with their anal listing terms.
Change takes time but can’t be stop. We are seeing and will continue to see changes in what domain names become available as well as how and where domain names are bought sold and marketed IMO.
@MHB gross sales are truly irrelevant in Francois’ point. Of course, Sedo represents a much greater chance of landing an end-user if they go to the site unaware of the domain they want to acquire. One would be a fool to simply ignore this marketplace, especially as you can always turn an offer down; however, for sales that you originate on your own or through a parked landing page the 3 services Francois mentioned make a lot more sense as you’re simply paying escrow.
I’ll continue listing with Sedo, but for my sales links on parked domains I am going to transition to something like boxcar.
I think new venues are great hopefully they can take a share of the market, competition is always good for any market.
However we have seen smaller competitors like come and go.
I doubt there is any blogger who has ripped into Sedo more in the past 2 years than myself, but I’m a businessman and I think this time they made a wise decision.
I mean if I was them I would have raised my commission up to what Snap, NJ and Afternic are charging already.
re: SEDO
Wish you well with SEDO sales and agree that you are right saying as a business they should make money. I had a sour experience with them, think their terms are anal and non seller friendly and will not do business with them or Flippa who apparently share the same or a similar anal affliction when it comes to seller terms and customer service.
I’d be happy if these auction houses…,, etc… did some real advertising for end users. Then that would justify these crazy commission fees.
At the least GoDaddy is doing Superbowl commercials and proactively reaching out.
When’s the last time you saw an ad for or in Internet Retailer magazine? An ad on ? Entrepreneur magazine? Or, any small business magazine?
I sell a ton of domains off my for sale links though or elsewhere, but is really hit and miss, and full of lowballers.
Honestly, I think I could remove my domains from all the auction houses besides GoDaddy Premium and I would not miss them one bit.
I have about 3,200 domains for sale, most from the 90’s or early aughts, just for reference.
I’m so sick of brokers independent or otherwise, and these auction houses I may just take my domains out. After all, serious buyers will find the domain anyhow. They don’t need these auction houses. Just my opinion.
The good news is everyone is getting notice as you stated. Make me think that using the broker service may make more sense based on the same cost.
Not all names get accepted by brokers. They ask you to buy their appraisal service if they think your price is high. You’re basically paying for money for less service. It’s best to setup your own landing page and do the sales via or other escrow companies.
I think, these large brokerage houses are struggling to stay afloat just like any business these days. The brokerage house dynamic has changed, I came into this game late, but in the 2 years I have been doing this I have seen the dynamic change and not for the better. Moniker is a good example.
I am hell bent on marketing MY domains myself. Sure I will list them with the brokerage houses, but i’d rather cut out the middleman and make the additional profit myself. Again, unless one of these brokerage houses is representing you, and by that I mean ACTIVELY representing you, your domains are just sitting there like sitting ducks waiting to be picked off eventually and at a premium to the brokerage house without real regard to your best interests. I have read the horror stories about Sedo misrepresenting buyers and selling domains to the likes of FB at a pittance of their value. No regard to the seller.
Anyways, keeping this on topic, I think you need to ask yourself: What exactly are they doing for you or your domains to deserve this price increase?
correction: paying more* for
Btw, I don’t know much about platforms like Boxcar, but they seem to have a fair reasonable approach to selling and I am getting ready to create and account with them. I like Bido except for all the nonsense bullshit voting and crap you have to go through to list a domain.
No more Sedo for me. Their appraisals are computer churned rubbish. I will keep buying through them but not selling. My big sakes have all been through direct contact via Whois and I get much more interest via my own landing pages. I haven’t received an email regarding this fee hike but it’s clearly not to a sellers economic advantage. Landing pages (with adsense) and escrow from now on.
Michael read again what I posted CAREFULLY.
I never said one must not list in Sedo, Afternic, SnapNames … the mist places you are listed the most sale chances.
What I said is that owners should replace the sale link in parked pages that link to Sedo, Afternic, SnapNames, … to a marketplace that do not charge a high sale commission because as Adam outlined, for these sales these marketplaces have done ZERO promotion and are not the source of the lead, the source of the lead is your own domain ad there is aboslutely no reason one give 15% to any marketplace when someone that want my domain, visit the site associated with my domain and click the sale link on my site to contact for purchase it.
Most of the sales Sedo and others are doing are simply from this channel, your own parked page and with or without their marketplace you will make a sale. People visit your site and they do the sale thanks to that link.
Yes if you do not want to negotiate your domain through a make offer and counter offer and only want to drive the potential buyer to an auction then he can make sense to send it to a marketplace where auctionned names have a strong visibility and they advertise your domain in auction to end-user (not sure anyone do it), otherwise NO!
Now keep in mind most names will lead to an auction success and rarely buyers want to take this route.
It’s what I written. Nothing more and nothing less.
a domain for sale on a big auctions site is like a message in a bottle in the Pacific ocean
Francois is correct, these are all good choices for your for sale links on parked pages.
If the others do anything to bring in eyeballs and create sales then they deserve the money but they can do that without you pointing your for sale link to them.
I will keep my domains listed there on further thought. It doesn’t hurt. If an end user really wants it, they probably would pony up an extra 5% in top of what you are happy with in terms of a Sedo sale. Adjust your prices accordingly.
Now, the thing that really bothers me about Sedo and I think goes against their best interests is their search term rankings for .co.
An exact match .co domain will feature far down in the listings, often not even on the first page. As a .co seller this is frustrating. I’m sure the potential buyer would like to see an exact match for their search even in a new extension.
.Co looks great and I’m sure many end users haven’t heard of it but if they see it they may prefer over
I wonder what their strategy is behind ranking .co so low in the sales listings.
Sorry this comment has turned into a .co comment but I think it’s relevant because if Sedo is going to take such a big chunk, they should at least help us get offers and we aren’t going to get them if our exact match domains rank off the first page.
Sedo called me a few days ago to tell me about the rate increase, To many brokers out there right now, if you are selling a 5-6 figure premium name, 15% is much to high, should be a pro rated structure. Sedo gets many sales, due to parked landers, take that away to direct whois, business is gone. Frank Schilling and his parking program put a dent in parking revenue, and lander sales of some of the better names.
I think that services like Afternic and SEDO were more valuable when domainers had less knowledge of web design and marketing and less access to freelance programmers copywriters etc.
As many of the posters have pointed out the need for their services have been minimized by new monetization platforms. After all if you have a decent name and a well designed landing or sales page getting google search rankings especially on the exact name is a no brainer.
This is why I am so confused over their price increase… Wher’s the added value proposition to justify the price increase?
My advice to domain name investors is to create their own page or contract to have one built and then also to consider the Bird Shot marketing approach which is to say that they consider putting their name on as many platforms who are responsible and reputable and who either have a target audience of visitors or that regularly engage in outbound marketing efforts on behalf of their business and ultimately to the benefit of domainers whose name are listed their for sale.
The real decision domain investors have to make is if and when the name sells do I want to go to the bank or get taken to the cleaners instead.
I recently listed hundreds of names with a minimal upfront cost I can live with if for nothing else than the search rankings I have received not to mention the eyeballs that I am getting from visitors to the site I listed on wthat may have come for other domain names originally but ended up seeing one or more of mine. You don’t need thousands you just need one and todays end user is savvy enough to know what they want and can find you without you having to list where you must pay large fees upon sale.
Here is the problem with that theory
My portfolio
So we have parked pages each that have a for sale inquiry link at the top.
We have accurate whois info on all of our domains with an email address that works and that we answer
Yet some buyers come through Sedo and some buyers come through Afternic
I have no idea
Well actually I do have an idea.
Some end users especially corporate buyers don’t hold domainers in the highest regard, so they rather deal with a trusted source like Sedo or Afternic to make an offer rather than go directly to the domainer even if they are easy to find.
As a domainer owner you ignore it or deny it at your peril.
So at the end of the day a buyer can come from whatever direction they want
They are the customer at the end of the day.
So if they want to come to me direct great
If they want to come through Sedo or Afternic or Media Options or Andy Kelly who have sold domain for me this year.
Bottom line for me and for all domain holders should be if someone has a buyer for a domain you own then I’ll work with you
SEDO is getting greedy.
This will just open up the rise of competition.
GoDaddy Premium listings is a great venue to sell domains, but they need some tweaks as far as commission (30%) and payment timeframe (Up to 75 days).
I also have received no notice from SEDO regarding this and have several thousand domains on there.
Mike it is obvious that churn is more important to you than yield and with a portfolio of great names like you have why wouldn’t it be? In additionwhat’s a few extra bucks to keep inventory moving.
I guess I am speaking more to people like myself and thousands of domainers with individual names and with up to 2000 domain names none of which have sold latelyBTW and none that ever sold on Afternic or SEDO.
In the absence of any announcement about new marketing activities or sales generating platform improvements etc I gues I am as wonderous as most as to their justification for any price increase.
And as far as no upfront cost what’s the bargain or value proposition or incentive to list their if nothing sells anyways?
Sure I read the weekly sales but as you say Cmon…what;s the percentage of sold domain vs. listed domain names?
What does SEDO stand for?
“What does SEDO stand for?
No Bulls
Sixy Euro Domain Offers
I took a small random sample of 100 domains from MHB’s recent activity list & 100 from FS recent activity list and compared that to how many offers the same domains have had at Sedo and its pretty clear that not that many offers are actually coming through sedo’s platform compared to their own parking pages.
The offers on .me seem to be far more common at sedo than the ones for .coms……loads of the .coms have never had any offer at sedo.
I know its only a small sampling but my thoughts were if some of the nicest domains available have never had any offers placed on them at sedo then Mr End User is following the make offer link on both their parking pages or looking up the whois then making the offers directly the vast majority of time.
I could have posted examples but I don’t know where I put them
Considering the poor ppc payouts at sedo and the disadvantages of their biased make offer system I think 15% is too much to charge for sales that come through a parking page IMHO
10% is a fair deal
Time to think about making some landing pages me thinks
I agree with Ron that the fee should be based on a pro-rated scale. Selling a domain for $500K will mean Sedo gets an extra $25K of your cash. I don’t see how that’s warranted, although I can see them wanting to get an extra $25 off a $500 sale, due to administrative costs, or whatever.
I just got the email even though I don’t have any domains for sale on Sedo at the moment. It basically says how it’s easier for buyers to buy now, and how a lot of other things are really super-duper, also. So yeah, “We deserve that extra 5%!”
Huh ? What are you idiots whining about now ? Amateur domainers have to be the most annoying people on the planet.
It is called a COMMISSION for a reason- you only pay if you actually sell. They aren’t charging you to list them. Thus, if you don’t want to go through sedo or pay a commission then DON’T LIST A NAME OR DON’T ACCEPT AN OFFER IF ONE COMES THROUGH THEM.
Personally, I receive many offers on SEDO and I agree with MHB that it probably has to do with the credibility factor. They are an established and well-known marketplace. When I get an offer through THEIR platform then I am willing to pay up for that LEAD. Stop b*tching, commissions and lead systems exist in every single industry and if you don’t understand that then you are probably in the wrong business.
I personally dont see a problem with this. They were under selling compared to other outfits.
I dont use sedo all that much so this dosent bother me one bit. I go out email customers, send emails to end users. I have an inquiry on my park pages. No sedo sign up either and so they can make an offer when visiting my sites.
Domainers are cheap. Its good to list all your names at different spots. Do exclusive agreements with domain brokers if need be. But as far as marketing the domains and etc., good to list everywhere. More eyeballs. Makes sense what Berkens is saying.
You dont like sedo charge higher and be at market comm. rate. Ok. You have options. No one tells you keep conducting business with sedo. They bring the eye balls.
These new domain channels are a fucking joke. No traffic and has a traffic ppc income list of things. How much traffic is that?
Go out and email end users. Put some time to your business. Increase margins. That simple. Use My past 3 sales to end users was close to 1475 dollars. Total cost was 129. All done within 4 weeks and few emails. Good names sell. I dont email my good customers as much and I am trying increase my margins.
Man, I love this BS domain game.
Everyone is backstabbing each other and backstabbing the back harder and sneaker.
over one day later, too I’ve received the SEDO mail
probably the mail are handwritten and sent one at once
There is no “justification” as you call it.
Sedo is in business to make money.
Aren’t you?
Lets take Costco or any warehouse sales club
They typically sell gas for less than any gas station around by several percent.
If they woke up tomorrow and the company decided; hey lets sell gas for the same as every other gas station, they could do it.
No one would ask them to justifiy the price increase or say well you can’t raise your price unless you improved the gas.
Sedo pricing was raised to the level of all of their competitors.
Now if they raised their commission up and beyond what there competitors were charging we would be having a different conversation.
Here is the letter from Sedo:
Improvements to our site, major changes will be launched on August 1, 2011. You can look forward to:
More Efficiency
Streamlined purchasing is now quicker and easier for buyers.
Integrated WhoIs verification helps sellers respond to offers faster and buyers bid with confidence.
New certification options give members instant access while protecting marketplace security.
More Connectivity
Smart email notifications inform previous bidders when sellers set a domain as fixed price – making it available as a Buy Now listing – or lower the price of a Buy Now domain by 5% or more.
With Facebook®, anyone in the world can share the domains they “like” right from Sedo offer pages.
In-browser search for Firefox® makes it even easier to find the perfect domain.
More Visibility
All listings automatically enjoy exposure across Sedo’s Domain Marketplace, including our growing SedoMLS Promotion Network. Premium SedoMLS Promotion is available for domains at select registrars, with activation.
Syndication, instant purchase through partner websites, and referrals bring more targeted leads and boost sales.
Buy Now domains get added exposure in Sedo’s marketing and promotion channels.
Discover all of the new promotional features of Sedo’s Domain Marketplace on our updated Sell Domains Overview.
As we continue to invest in improvements and increase the visibility of domain listings, the prices for some services, along with our Terms & Conditions, are changing on August 1, 2011. Highlights include:
24 more TLDs, including .fr and .it, will benefit from drastically-reduced minimum commissions of 50 USD, rather than the previous 150 USD.
Commission prices for domain sales will be determined by the promotion channel through which a sale originates and range from 10% to 20%.
You can still enjoy a low 10% commission for domain sales that originate through Sedo’s website if you park your domains and set fixed, “Buy Now” prices.
We invite you to review our revised Price List and Terms & Conditions for full details.
We hope you’re as excited for our August launch as we are, and we cannot wait to help you accomplish more with domains.
Sedo managers should be fired for not increasing the price sooner…what took you guys so long to increase this price…bunch of idiots!
They are still talking about charging 10%, 15% in some different cases…they need to charge one fixed price of 20%….what are you managers of Sedo doing…are you guys that stupid…increase the damn prices…you are not going to lose that many customers.
You are NOT here to make friends…you are here to make money!
Start charging 20% fixed for all domains sold thru sedo.
Sedo sells more domains than ALL the brokers combined.
Wake UP Sedo…increase the price to 20% fixed.
Second email from Sedo received:
“”We have published revised versions of our User Agreement and our Price List which will affect your Sedo user account and prices related to our Services. These revisions take effect on August 1, 2011.
Notable changes to these documents include:
When you list a domain for sale, that domain is automatically promoted across Sedo’s Domain Marketplace, including the SedoMLS Promotion Network, where eligible.
Commission prices for domain sales are now determined by the promotion channel through which a sale originates and range from 10% to 20%.
The revised User Agreement and Price List apply to all Sedo users and, where applicable, domains listed for sale in any Sedo user account.
Continued use of Sedo’s Site or Services, including your Sedo account, on or after August 1, 2011, means you agree to and accept the revised version of our User Agreement. We ask that you take a moment to read this revised document to ensure that you understand it.
If you have any questions, please contact Customer Care.
Your Sedo Team
“…a domain for sale on a big auctions site is like a message in a bottle in the Pacific ocean…”
It’s so true.
You place your domain names amount millions of domain names, just like flooding into massive refugee camps.
No one can notice your domain names for sale.
It’s wasting your time and money placing in sedo.
Hardly sell anything in sedo.
“Some end users especially corporate buyers don’t hold domainers in the highest regard, so they rather deal with a trusted source like Sedo or Afternic to make an offer rather than go directly to the domainer even if they are easy to find.”
Why pay Sedo 15% for almost nothing? Screw Sedo and all the rest of the outrageously priced brokers. The best place to sell your domain names is at the domain name.
If your domain name has any value it will result in traffic from potential buyers. When potential buyers arrive via the domain name it creates immense pressure for them to buy soon.
I developed a system to create a single sales page that creates an escrow at where the fee for $25K + transactions is less than 1%. This eliminates any trust issues because the very next step is
It also eliminates the negotiation dance. This system is working very well for me. Check out to see it in action.
Some will say but you are losing parking revenue. The tremendous upside of selling more than offsets skimpy PPC revenue these days. On names that have higher revenue I put a link to this page.
Anunt wrote:
> Sedo managers should be fired for not increasing the price sooner…what
> took you guys so long to increase this price…bunch of idiots!
I’m also wondering why gas has gone down a bit in the U.S. this past week. Raise it higher! And bread prices at my local supermarket haven’t gone up much in years. What morons! Raise the price on everything!! I hate companies that try to be competitive with each other!!! Nitwits!!!
Michael, you are missing the point. 15% is a ripoff, period. if someone brokerage my house for that kind of commission i would show him the finger.
you can not compare SEDO with SnapNames and even less with NameJet. These are mainly drop houses that take their increased visibility to sell domain for clients. As such, they can afford to push the premium.
No one on its right mind uses SEDO for finding domains so the service that they give us for 15% is ridiculous. We are in fact paying 15% essentially for an escrow service!
afternic still asks for 10%… 20% for premium listing.
total ripoff.
Lets use your real estate example.
Lets say the industry average for real estate agents is 6% commission and a huge company responsible for a large percentages of the sales was charging only 3% decided one day to catch up and charge whatever one else is charging that all that happened here.
BTW Snapnames would have staved to death long ago if all the had to rely on is dropped domains.
NJ has obviously a better channel of dropped domains but there are a lot of attempted private sales going on their as well.
Bottom line everyone has a month notice before the rate increase, so if you don’t want to use don’t.
Use who you want or whomever works best for you.
Or sell the domains yourself.
But don’t make it more than its is.
i am not taking this for more than it is. i am commenting on why you are comparing to NameJet and SnapNames as their main competitors? their aren’t their main competitors. those two have a cash cow in their drop/pre-release domains and join it more revenue by selling domains form clients because of their increased visibility. they have different philosophies and clientele.
What is the commission on Afternic for market sales? 10%. what is the comission on 8% and 4% for gold members. all other lesser know market venues ask for less than 10%.
this is a pure greed move. their are on their right off course. heck, they could likewise increase to 30% to match GoDaddy.
10% still applies for BIN + Parked domains…
I don’t think it’s a good move. 10% is very high. 15% of commission will drive away some customers.
We wanted to address everyone’s concerns as specifically as possible, but firstly to give a few more details on the updates to Sedo’s marketplace.
Above all, Sedo’s new marketplace increases the exposure for any domain that you, as a seller, have listed for sale. As well as being listed on Sedo’s site, the domain will be promoted via our SedoMLS promotion network, which has nearly 70 partners globally. SedoMLS helps distribute your domain listings to millions of new potential buyers and increases the chance of completing a sale successfully. As always, you only pay a commission on a sale once you and the buyer have agreed on a price.
Given the additional exposure that Sedo’s new marketplace provides – both on and via our SedoMLS network – our prices have increased in order to account for the marketing and promotion that your domain receives. The commission is always based on the origin of the initial bidder.
We also still provide brokerage and appraisal services at the same price, and for any domain that is parked with Sedo and listed at a fixed price is subject to a flat 10% commission.
Thanks for your feedback, and we hope to be able to respond individually to some of your questions too!
Fair enough, Dan. Now, about getting those exact match .co’s to the top of your search results…I feel we could sell more if we showed up in the search results in a fair position.
You can see some more info on our marketplace updates in our previous comment, here:
To reply to some of you more specifically:
Sedo’s updated marketplace provides additional promotion for any domain listed for sale, through not only the Sedo website, but also our SedoMLS promotion network. Our global partners allow new potential buyers worldwide to place a bid on your domain, and increase the chances of completing a successful sale. Given the extended reach of the SedoMLS network, any sale that originates there is charged a higher commission based on the promotional benefits that your domain received by being listed through this network.
@** just registered the domain name **
Sedo doesn’t charge a fee unless you actually sell a name. If you receive a bid on any domain listed over Sedo’s marketplace, either via the site or through our SedoMLS promotion network, you can accept, decline, or counter that offer. Only upon a successful sale do you pay a commission.
Sedo’s new marketplace offers a much wider, global reach that will help attract buyers that you might otherwise not have reached. The pricing for our brokerage and appraisal services remains the same, and each appraisal is handled by one of our brokers directly, to ensure that it is a fair appraisal carried out by an experienced sales team member.
@Scott Alliy
SedoMLS helps distribute your domain listings to millions of new potential buyers and increases the chance of completing a sale successfully. The commission for any sale originating through SedoMLS is higher due to the additional exposure and promotion your domain received worldwide.
Sedo is not serious at all. I bought two domains names for 5000€, only one was delivered. Now I sold this domain at half price and Sedo ask me to pay 15% !
It is the last time I ever buy or sell through Sedo.