According to, citing a survey by Bank of America a whopping 96% of people in America under the age of 50 now use Facebook.
Other key findings from the Bank of America survey include:
-82% of Facebook users have concerns about privacy
-69% do not spend less time on other websites as a result of their Facebook use
-48% have intentionally clicked on an ad on Facebook
-48% frequently use the Like button
-40% check Facebook multiple times each day
-36% check Facebook multiple times a day from their mobile device
Jack says
Nice… I guess that makes me in the minority 4%.
I personally despise Facebook. To me its a complete waste of time and a great way for people who you dont know nor want to get your personal information.
Just my personal feelings.
Cheers (100% information) and MORE says
truly possible
what are the data for Europe?
MHB says
100 per
Only the US was included in this study
Alan Dunn says
The article said it surveyed 418 people which is hardly a sample.
There’s a lot more than 4% of people under 50 who do not use facebook. In fact, the U.S. Education Department has reported that 14% of all American Adults can’t read and 23 % of Americans do not have internet access so 96% of people doing anything online is pretty much impossible.
Nice report but studies like this are for headlines – you cant take the data seriously.
Jeff Schneider says
Hello Mike,
I used to be a part of the 96% , at both my daughters coaxing, for one month, years ago and have not visited the site since. Many peoplle through peer pressure have done the same and some will continue to be coaxed into the cattle shoot for privacy slaughter.
I continue to be amazed at the complete disregard of some peoples attitude towards Total Invasion of Privacy. Predators love this as it provides them fresh mindless meat on demand. We are fast becoming a nation of mindless BOTS .
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Robert Cline says
That’s funny
Every intelligent people I know don’t use f
Kevin M. says
“”Nice report but studies like this are for headlines – you cant take the data seriously.””
Totally agree. Accordingly to these stats, there’d be a ‘lot’ of under 10 year olds on FB.
“”That’s funny
Every intelligent people I know don’t use f”” doubt there..
Shaun says
And the domainer hate for any trend newer than 1998 continues…
Joel says
Really? Are we suppose to really believe this? (96%) Where is Common Sense these days? A little surprised you posted it.
BullS says
What is facebook? Is it another facesh*it?
oh well,just another time wasting BS site
Jay says
Good points brought forward Alan Dunn.. studies like these are irrelevant and not to be read or discussed by any means.
aaq says
It’s interesting how banks are so interested in Facebook and websites. I logged into one of my banks today to be greeted by a landing page taken straight from the sleaziest of web marketers’ playbooks, with the largest typeface I’ve ever seen online. And I’ve been on the www since ’93.
The level of attempted manipulation of www users is reaching all-time highs.
In any event, friends and family rule. Moving text, graphics, sound, video, etc. to them by TCP is OK. By UDP it’s better. By Ethernet it’s unsurpassed. But Facebook just sucks. Channeling all your internet use through some kid’s website. Fine, but not for hundreds of millions of people to be doing so. “Ye godz!”
The Facebook business model: 1. scrape fellow students’ personal info (email addresses) and pics 2. make stupid website and post all of it online 3. spam them to “sign up” by warning they’re being gawked at or discussed on some website 4. become world’s youngest billionaire, after Microsoft pays you off. Without users’ email addresses, Facebook would be doomed.
Did they settle with Paul Ceglia? Haven’t read anything about a reply to his amended complaint. He had them by the balls.
Beaver says
I won’t be surprise as FB is a good way to reunite old friends.
Ray says
Do any of you guys know what a fan page is? Facebook is for more than just playing.