The domain name has become the latest .Co domain to sell on
The domain name Internet.Co sold for $40,000, the second highest recent sale to Mike Mann sale of for $80,000 a few weeks ago.
In my opnion a pretty nice sale for an extension less than a year old, by contrast I got on the original allocation back in March 2002 and since have less than 5 offers on the domain and nothing close to the $40K that the .Co just sold for.
Also selling today was which sold for 10,000 Euro’s or $14,000 adding to the recent string of alcohol related .Co sales.
Within the last 30 days or so the following domains have sold on
Brandy.CO sold for $8,560 sold for $5K
Cognac.CO sold for $4970
Vodka.CO sold for $10,000
These are just some of the many .Co sales that have been reported by
Congrats to all buyers and sellers.
they’re Drunk.CO …
Congrats to buyer and seller on this nice deal.
yesterday I read the following post on the Registry’s blog, just in case you want to post an article about it:
We just got an offer for yesterday.
Nice offer but holding onto it.
We think .co is going to stick and stick, big.
There is a next generation of aftermarket buyers that embrace new tech like FB, Twitter,, Linked In, etc. to grow their businesses. They are now some of the decision makers and have sizable purse strings. They are NOT close minded or constrained by the industry presumption that .com is king. This group embraces new tech ideas, such as social networking and ideas like .Co. To this group .Co is shorter, different and “in” with where they see their brands in the future.
AND Keywords such as Internet, Business etc. are financially accessible. Not millions of dollars.
Once the inevitable first year drops happen in July and they are sucked back up into the drop catch aftermarket, I predict, in the near term (1-3 years) .Co will continue to appreciate as the 2nd extension alternative to .com.
The tell tell signs will be when .Co announces 1 to 1 registrations with .net and .org….
All those booze domains were sold to 1 person. I am actually in the middle of working on an interview with him.
Dot co rocks since 2011, many .co on sedo every month sold.
July is coming soon and for landrush domain owner, it’s time for renewal.
Will we see mass drops or renewals? If renewal of .co than .co could win in near future.
Blimey, does it add any value to:
Registered it a few months ago…
“Will we see mass drops or renewals? If renewal of .co than .co could win in near future.”
There will be dropped domains, there is no doubt about that. Some people got into domains for all the wrong reasons, under the thought processes that they will be able to register 100 domains and sell them for HUGE profits in the next 6 months.
What they didnt realize is that it takes a little time for anything (let alone a new extension) to work its self out.
There is going to be a shake down period on this first wave of renewals. You will see a drop in domains as the NOT serious speculators drop out and the SERIOUS investors shake out their weak names.
Maybe there will be a few pickups as the speculators that drop out drop some really nice domains but that is anybodies guess.
This is going to have no real impact on the outcome of the extension its self. Its what all businesses do from the time they start up to the time they take off in being really successful. They have to cut the fat (so to speak) and get rid of the extra weight before they can lift off.
Just my thought process
Inter is also an italian soccer club
.co underprice!
Much too cheap for these gem of name!
Hot hot hot! Act now fast!
If you no get your price in 2 years, just wait 5!
If you no get your price in 5, wait 10!
Renew and be patient forever, because end user soon come along and make you MIRRIONAIRE with .co domain!
Yesterday, I receive over 439 offers for my .co domain, all I turn down!
“be patient forever”
“forever” is too much, but, 99% of times, I prefer to register few good domains and renew them for years, this also since I’m not happy to see one of my not renewed domains sold at high price!
Because of those sales my .co’s just quadrupled in value again.
So according to my calculations, they’re now worth as much as the GDP of Switzerland!
Choke on that .com lovers!
You know you’ve made it when you’ve got a dedicated satirist stalking you.
I’ve must’ve stuck a nerve.
This is their last desperate gasp and ditch effort of .com owners to try since basically they can’t hold on the facts and merits so now they are playing the kamikaze card, try and tarnish and destroy the inevitable.
.CO is the new King of domains.
This is the new reality now.
Learn to live with it.
From my vantage point, Robert, and I don’t say this to be mean, you’re embarrassing yourself and hurting the .co domain to some, small degree.
Nice sale! Hope to see some updated domain numbers registered sometime.
P.S. – You underlings shouldn’t ever question my domain dominance. Only MHB is a better domainer than me and I’m simply the best. That says it all right there.
(Well ok, he’s also more handsome than me but you get the point.)
I am pro dot co and have acquired 20 LLL in the last week however I consider you to be the greatest threat to my investments. Someone researching the extension and who comes across your ranting will not be good for the decision making process. Your position is documented. Go away.
I have to agree with BFitz on this.
I have several great .CO domains (,, just to name a few) and I am looking forward to seeing .CO as a whole do well so that my domains will max out on ROI as much as possible.
But you Robert Cline are turning off a lot of people. Granted, this is a forum of mainly domainers but still your are not helping the .CO brand at all.
Its my opinion, but if you just tone down your posts then maybe you will be taken more seriously.
Had about 5 offers for so far. Microsoft was one of those but there offer was only in the mid $x,xxx range. I think its worth more than that. Getting 500+ visitors a day already.
Just acquired at Sedo auction.
Seen it all before over the last 15 years with .CC, then .WS, then .BIZ, then .TV, then .PRO, then .US, then .ME, then .NAME etc. etc. etc.
They were all going to be the next big thing. Now it’s .CO, and the usual round of noobs are trying to big-up their portfolios. Ho hum.
Let it go. People make speculative investments all day long. Many you probably wont agree with.
Dont worry what other people do with their own money and time. Its not healthy for you. If it turns out to be a bust… well the loss is on them, not you.
Now, if they where investing your money, then you have an argument. I personally have a limited interest in .CO, but I would like to see it do well.
In fact I am of the mind set that I would love to see all my investments do well.
I have investments in Gold, Silver, Copper, Droperty, Domains, ports cards, Diamonds, Stocks (various), ect. Most of them are speculative.
With the precious metals and stones, I am speculating that the value of the dollar will be hit hard by possible inflation. Will it happen??? Your guess is as good as mine. Still I speculate on that investment as many others have.
Just my opinion… and maybe something to think about.
** Meant to say Sports Cards… not ports cards.
I trashed .co since the gate, never thought any SE would embrace it
then I saw bing put a .co high with a .mobi for a nice bing term
so bing is definitely moving toward embracing .co
so all the stuff I wrote about SE’s never embracing .co
well if bing plans on letting .co hit high on serps
that’s a game changer for .co
just go to bing
you want PAGE 1 BING
put it in
.co and a .mobi
is it long term by bing?
who knows
but for now, I’m not dissing .co
I saw a team I know put a .co and a .mobi sub domain on bing for a nice seo/sem term
page 1 SE is a nice strong term some guys try to hit
so word up, .co may be treated like a G tld now
AMAZING if it will be long term
anyone else see any .co high on a serp
so yeah, .co may now have some value
especially if google starts to let it ride in serps
Hello Mike,
Should be interesting to see how long it takes for .Com Holders to defend their positions ? Not only that, how long it will be till .COs default to .COM on Big Boys Browsers ?
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
@Domain Lords
I am glad you are now seeing .Co for the true immense superior domain name it is and getting on board. You and I both will make a formidable force for .Co and its ever increasing popularity.
It’s the old and true tactic, join em.
It is now time to bow and prostrate yourselves to the new .Co king.
You will either be rewarded if you bow and fully capitulate and give yourselves completely and unconditionally to .Co or will be punished
Just asking , does any one like the long tail .co’s like or Any value?
I do not believe the extension is yet proven or mature enough to recommend long tails.
Personally, I would wait, to see if the buoyancy of the extension survives the upcoming drop period of August…
There are still many good .co one or two keywords left… In other words, IMO, better options.
A new article out says
has what it takes to be timeless just like Locks & Co
here is the link:
I agree with Earl Naegele.
Its much too early for names such as those.
.CO names are gaining in popularity but there are still a lot of nice names that need to be registered and even more importantly, built out.
Do a little footwork and find some better names that I am sure will be better off for you in the long run.
Now back to Robert Cline
You are killing me. I just can not wrap my mind about what you are bringing to the table. If you are going to support .CO, that is all cool but tone it down a bit. .CO is far from being the king domain extension. It still has a lot of trials and tribulations to jump through before it can ever be crowned the King extension.
The other thing that bothers the hell out of me is the domain you are linking to your name. For Christs sake its a .COM. With all your talk about how good .CO is and the fact that you went out and made an active .CO site… why not support the .CO site instead of your .COM?
I just can not wrap my mind around that.
But then again, that is just me.
With a .CO, the possibilities are endless and new opportunities arise. Associated with the words “COmpany,” “COrporation” and “COmmerce,” it’s the perfect platform for today’s socially networked individuals and entrepreneurs to create .COmmunities, share .COntent, and to .COnnect, .COmmunicate and .COllaborate online. Plus private registration is now available with a .CO! Sign up here to become an affiliate partner in the Commission Junction affiliate network!
The Key Benefits of .CO are:
• .CO gives businesses and brands the chance to create a worldwide footprint.
• .CO is relevant to individuals, businesses and organizations.
• .CO appeals to today’s socially-networked individuals and entrepreneurs.
• .CO is a truly global, recognizable and credible domain.
• .CO is meaningful, memorable and intuitive to use for people around the world.
“…does any one like the long tail .co’s like or Any value?”
I don’t mind long tail .co
I got LoveYouLongTime.CO for my t-shirt label…lol
“Love you Long Time” is my registered trademark in Australia, under Class 25, clothing and accessories…
“It is now time to bow and prostrate yourselves to the new .Co king.”
No no no…
.com is King …. .CO is Queen….
Wow! Can’t wait for more news on .CO domains. I have invested some .CO names myself, I just hope its worth something.
Go .co! Go!
“.com is King …. .CO is Queen….”
no, .COM is Queen (Elizabeth II) and .CO is Prince (Charles)
.CO is a good TLD … its only flaw is that it lacks a final M …
One thing that worries me, is that Bing and Yahoo is not crawling to many .Co domains. Any reason for that? I have added few of my .co domains and still not showing up despite adding the manually from their submit url site.
Any suggestions?
.Co was the hottest news last year
Is still the hottest news this year
And will be the hottest ever
so far, I’ve registered only two .co one for resale and one to redirect to a .com
I’m not sure to find good .co to register since the best .co are sold or reserved
“I’m not sure to find good .co to register since the best .co are sold or reserved”
I think that it depends on your definition of “Good”. I think that I have got good names and all of them have been hand regged.
If you spend a little time, you may come up with something good.
Just a thought.
It is a good sign that good ones are taken, it give us additional boost that .co is really taken seriously.
Looks like this is turning into a showcase your turd .CO domain thread…
Rich coming out from a buy and sell turd .com owner. lol
@ Woca
I sell plenty of extensions other than .COM
I also don’t litter threads by pimping domains I own like many others here.
Can you feel the .Co contagion ?
I can.
everyone whats to toot their .Co names
.Co domains are the IN domains to have.
Be chic, buy a .Co domian
Here here! I have that feeling too.
You have to in it to win it!
Because Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton went to Seychelles Islands for honeymoon,
I hand reg SeychellesIslands.CO
Not bad…
Not bad = ( cruise in German ) was sold for $4880 at sedo
Has anyone started using .CO as their product marketing campaign yet?
I have 3 CO domains that are developed – however they are all blogs. For example, I have the first co dofollow blog that I started july last year.
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