The domain name just sold on For $46,000
The domain was owned by Frank Schilling’s Name Administration.
Frank Aiello brokered the deal for
Frank Aiello also brokered another Name Administration domain last week when sold for $100,000.
The new buyer, Bram Schoonhoven of the Netherlands already has the new site up and running.
Another nice gaming domain in a long like of gaming domain sales.
Congrats to the Buyer and Mr. Schilling.
Brokered for Sedo… I thought Name Administration had their domains listed with Sedo, anyway?
They do have their domains listed with Sedo.
The broker who handled the sale for Sedo was Frank Aiello
Nice…..the market is exploding.
It’s working…congrats
be nice if the same 4 people weren’t getting all the big sales!
many of the big sales lately are not even great
they are getting buyers paying top banana is a very good name for example
never in a million years worth quarter mill. not a six fig domain
but it sold!
come on the smaller domainers, get some whoppers!
Yes, it seems like there are a few who keep getting top sales. Familiar people who are known as top domainers. Probably that is why they are top domainers! Many of them have large portfolios with quality names, so they are bound to get some top dollar prices now and then. Still, sometimes the names that sell for high prices don’t seem all that great, and makes me think I must have a few like that in my portfolio too. I’d like to hear about the guy who does domaining part time and has a few hundred domains get a big five or six figure sale that changes their life!
You know guys a domain isn’t a lottery ticket in which everyone gets an equal chance to win.
If your seeing the same guys getting sales time after time and you’re not
Maybe they have a better feel than you do of what is a good resalable domain
Nice sale.
“seems like there are a few who keep getting top sales”
“sometimes the names that sell for high prices don’t seem all that great”
Seems “odd” in such a large open market.
It may be better to look at: Who are the buyers ?
Why don’t the “buyers” buy from a wider range of domainers ?
Seems “odd” in such a large open market.
“Maybe they have a better feel…”
Maybe they have a better sales channel ?
Used car lots with bright lights open on Friday & Saturday night in high traffic areas do well. A random car parked in someone’s driveway may not sell.
It is impressive that buyers pay prices that appear to be surreal. Where is the ROI?
Nice sale, great generic/descriptive name for the buyer and a nice hefty profit for the seller.
I’m waiting from SEVERAL HOURS the “ownership verification” of listing at SEDO (a thing that just needs SECONDS on Afternic) … does this happen also to you with SEDO?
Congratulations Frank
I am amazed at comments and jealously.
I’m a small domainer and I bust my ass as a part time domainer. I don’t need that home run sale. Everyone has different measures of success. If I can make 25k this year in flipping I’m ok with it. I continue to learn each day. Met some great friends, contacts during my journey. We are in a freaky economy and its scary.
The big guys need big sales. They have the most risk and expenses. Early investors and they took that risk early on. Whenever I see berkens sales in dnjournal I am excited for him. Or frank or whoever. Also with frank and berkens and etc its benefiting us one way or the other. The more these type of sales get reported it brings more news and companies to us. Good names, long tails and etc.
It benefits all of us. If domaining was easy everyone would be doing it. We all have our bumps and challenges.
Get over your jealous ego and why not say congratulations.
Sometimes I ponder when I’m going do a big sale. My time will time. Things don’t happen tomorrow. Give me singles and doubles. Failing can lead to success. Been there done that. I am doing it finally. I reached first base. baby steps. Keep learning. Do a bad purchase and learn. Admit when you bought a bad domain name.
To the jealous folks- go to a homeless shelter and do some volunteer work. Open your eyes. Making mistakes happens. Learn. Improve things. Get better. Call it quits. Whatever you want to do. Grab bad domains. Find good names.
Just my 2 cents.
Why don’t the “buyers” buy from a wider range of domainers ?
Seems “odd” in such a large open market.
He’s got the best of both worlds, tons of great generic revenue producing domains along with loads of great brandable domains that probably don’t make their own reg fee per year but can still sell for many thousands because he can afford to be patient.
Can you imagine how much his whole portfolio would be worth just in the resale value….eeeek.
He’s the man
“great brandable domains that probably don’t make their own reg fee per year but can still sell for many thousands”
It is impressive that buyers pay prices that appear to be surreal. Where is the ROI?
BTW, since some people operate above the Registry Level (Above Verisign) they look at the entire .COM space and wonder, “What is all of .COM worth ?”
Frank is a small island on the net.
“It is impressive that buyers pay prices that appear to be surreal. Where is the ROI?”
In development of the domain along with a clever plan of action, some win, some lose.
Few businesses can offer a guaranteed ROI for the average start up, just look at how many restaurants start up and go bust in the first year or two.
“Frank is a small island on the net.”
True but what he has achieved in the domain buying/parking/selling niche is nothing short of friggin amazing.
“It is impressive that buyers pay prices that appear to be surreal. Where is the ROI?”
In development of the domain along with a clever plan of action, some win, some lose.
“In development of the domain” now we are getting to the details. As they say, “The Devil is in the Details”.
“some win, some lose”
Sounds like VEGAS
So, a $46,000 “domain” with $2,000,000 “in development” gets a well-healed buyer to a point where the first dollar is made…and the theory is, the $46,000 is Pidgeon@*&% compared to the overall cost.
And the key is to be able to “tap” the limited population of “well-healed buyers”.
“what he has achieved in the domain buying/parking/selling niche is nothing short of friggin amazing.”
There is no doubt, that prior to 1998 people did not consider that ONE Person would collect over 500,000 .COM domains. That would have been most of the .COM domains.
Since 1998, people have also not factored in the U.S. PriceCapping in .COM ensuring domainers a stable CO$T platform. That allowed people to game the system (study it) and operate By.the.Numbers with Volume. It would be like
training people how to beat BlackJack and sending them to Vegas by the
bus-load, and taking a small % for each player.
Now people will see that Obama and others that study large systems will shut the whole thing down. One Person systems in the Cayman Islands are not viewed by some as “friggin amzing”.
“And the key is to be able to “tap” the limited population of “well-healed buyers”.
The key is to be selling something that someone else really wants to buy, buyers do have a choice in the matter as they are always free to go pick another domain.
As far as I have seen the majority of reported domains sales tend to be somewhere between the 1k to 4k range whatever the extension, relatively cheap considering what it would cost to set up a bricks & mortar type business.
All businesses have some kind of start up costs, some put more into buying the best generic domain they can up front, some hand reg a made up one then spend tens of thousands advertising it on TV, like for example
There is no one size fits all.
“Now people will see that Obama and others that study large systems will shut the whole thing down. One Person systems in the Cayman Islands are not viewed by some as “friggin amzing”.”
Looking at the state of US economy maybe Obama and others should spend more time studying people like Frank, the US borrows $1 for every $3 it spends and technically speaking, it was Bankcrupt a long time ago.
Some also say that there’s a very good chance that over 100 cities in the US will go bankrupt in 2011 or 2012
Raising the debt ceiling whilst printing a shit load of money will never solve the problem…its just passin time.
Frank on the other hand is loaded with real money and real assets that people are willing to pay for.
“Looking at the state of US economy maybe Obama and others should spend more time studying people like Frank”
You are Preaching to the .CHOIR
Unfortunately, “Obama and others” were raised on Reverand LeftRightDanceDunk
They have a HOLE different value system
You are Preaching to the .CHOIR
No preaching here, just repeating what I’v read in many different articles
Britains just as screwed, our leaders are also a bunch of twats.
“Unfortunately, “Obama and others” were raised on Reverand LeftRightDanceDunk”
I’v no idea what that means TBH …give me a clue
Panda has come sells in the hundreds of millions exact match domains still rank highly with good content exact match domains are rare people will always want what is rare.Check Rick Schwatrz blog march 26 2011, i think he lays it out truthfully and to the point i havebeen marketing exact match domains to the Canadian industry for years and they still cannot fathom the power of a great domain not only for seo/page rank but also the prestige branding that comes with owning an exact match name, no matter all the hype and division going on there is still one fact that we cannot ignore and that is exact match domains are king.
Think about phone listings everyone wanted to be a1 plumber or aa plumber because the phone book controled the term plumber and it is the same today with the yellow group buying up exact match domains years ago they now control hundreds of keyword terms for the web another example would be 1800flowers cars horses or whatever these 1800 numbers are quite valuable why because they are rare anyways getting tired of all the voices contradicting each other when if they just study the facts “not opinion” they will see the truth,It’s been staring us in the face all this time don’t give up if you are the lucky owner of one of these domains as i think there time has finally arrived.
PS. all domain marketing sites game the system a bit to promote and sell there portfolio “free enterprise” just watch out for the blatant ones, have many great domains on sedo that would not be accepted for say the travel auction because of quality yet see the exact niche market term on this auction and of less quality and search numbers. Have an excellent attorney .com domain with one hyphen yet sedo will not show this domain in search, yet they show the two hyphen in the top 5 ranking on there search yet mine actually has more views of offer they also will only show stats for parked page visits and not views of offer stats when you use the visitor tool. The parking page stats have decreased by 90% yet most of my traffic come from whois and crawl sites, my domains had 120,000 whois searches alone last year and sedo stats were close ie 1200 per month now those numbers are at 120 per month,parking is dead and i do not care about quality clicks as they like to tell me but more on the interest that name generates, by parking and controlling the stats they can make the interest in a domain seem low when in fact it is quite high.just my two cents worth witch would be my daily sedo payout for a hit on one of my legal domains.
^^^ You must be fucking dreaming if you think your domains get 120,000 REAL WHOIS searches per year
Most people don’t even know who to do a WHOIS search
Name some of the domains, big shot
@aggro slight miscalculation yes my 375 domains received 120,000 searches last year two thirds were whois the rest were crawl bots and Google some baidu as all are dns at sedo my control panel shows only query’s for the domains and not the traffic they are all generic keyword domains mostly .ca names like ect lots of travel media finance mortgage domains just saying they don’t add up on the stats at sedo have @sedo this term gets 1,000,000 searches per month 720,000 exact yet never got one hit or view of offer in a year on sedo. You would think in a year at least one domainer would have typed this domain in to have a look even with a hyphen there are only two exact match domains on sedo for this term mine and
Sarah Palin knows Frank Schilling, thinks Ron Jackson is “COOL” and that Bob Parsons is a “Real MAN”