According to blog, there will be no board vote on the new gTLD’s at the San Francisco ICANN meeting in March.
“”We wanted to provide some additional information on the work being carried out by ICANN’s Board of Directors and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) to prepare for their upcoming meeting in Brussels on the new gTLD program.
As detailed in our recent announcements and blog, the Board and the GAC will hold a joint workshop to discuss the GAC’s concerns regarding the proposed implementation of the new gTLD program. Following the workshop, it is anticipated that the Board and GAC will meet for a bylaws-triggered consultation.
The Board, ICANN staff and the GAC are working diligently to understand the GAC’s concerns and identify the areas of disagreement and possible solutions. Substantial preparatory work has been done, including the appointment of “issue leads” for the topics raised in the GAC’s Cartagena Communiqué, exchanges of draft issue papers and joint conference call discussions. The papers will be published prior to the meeting.
Most ICANN Board Members and a strong contingent of GAC representatives are expected to attend.
In addition to the Brussels consultation, the bylaws-defined consultation will take place on 17 March, the day before the Silicon Valley–San Francisco Board Meeting. Because of the timing of the bylaws consultation, the Board will not approve or announce the new gTLD program at that Board Meeting.
The timing and substance of any subsequent Board actions on the new gTLD program will depend on the outcome of the bylaws consultation.””
Looks like a continuation of the Colombia ICANN Meeting, lots of talk, no action
Can you say .FAIL?
Honestly, why bother?
Actually……It’s “Yes” (Not “No”)
Brand new TLDs have been actioned. They’ve already been launched under categories such as business, sports, music, social and more. Internet users can already create any Domain Name and/or TLD completely free…(yes, that’s no $185,000 deposit either)…..and all without reference to ICANN.
ISPs such as offer new Dashcom (not Dotcom) Domain Names.
Dashcoms are brand new web addresses in the format http://golf-com or http://gourmet-food or http://super-store (Examples Only). With users and members in over 90 countries worldwide, resolution is via an APP (although ISP links are now available to negate that need).
The Internet continues to evolve. Not-so-long ago, people would have thought web based magazines and blogs to be a total waste of time, effort and money. After all why would anyone want to fork out for hugely expensive computers, sign up for extra phone lines, buy modems and routers, buy an OS, learn how to use it all….Just so they could catch up on the news?….Why?….When all they had to do was walk down to the local store.
Having just one Internet in infinite cyberspace is like saying you can go visit anywhere in America just as long as you stick to route 66. So today, just as in the USA (and everywhere else in the world) your Internet has more than one road to travel.
No, it’s not ICANN, but it’s the first real and viable alternative to hit the Internet. It works and it’s growing.
Icann regular has Board Meetings between Public Meetings. There is a Special Meeting booked for 21st April 2011. Absolutely, no way this is going to get delayed to the next public meeting. No point anyway as all consultation will effectively be closed.