Talk about the land of golden opportunity.
Less 1/2 hour after touching down on the ground in Colombia, I was walking around with over a million in my pocket.
1.7 Million to be exact after I exchanged $1,000 US Dollars and got back 1.7 million Colombian Pesos.
Using Google’s current exchange rate I should have gotten around 1.9 million Pesos so I got a good and proper screwing at the airport, but still walked out with many 50,000 bills.
Hey the way the US is printing money it may not be that long until all of you are walking around with that kind of cash.
My first impressions of The city of Cartagena is its quite beautiful especially in the old city.
The musica plays throughout the city, people are dancing, the warm breezes blow off the ocean and bays that surround Cartagena and, the historic churches glow magnificently over the entire city.
There are plenty of Hotels, shops and restaurants in the old town and the city, and along the walls of the fort which surrounds that city.
Like you would find in many major cities in Europe (and Savannah GA), the town has many squares where people gather eat, drink, listen to music and hang out.
and despite everything you’ve heard and think, I feel perfectly safe.
I grew up in Brooklyn and have travel led quite a bit and don’t feel any particular danger being in the city
If you want to see some pictures and get some more insights that I can’t post on the blog come follow me on Facebook where I have just posted some pictures.
Wow – great. Do you speak Spanish?
I’ve traveled to several ‘developing’ countries before, but never in South America before.
We have been to Costa Rica and Panama but never Colombia
Regarding spanish
“Less 1/2 hour after touching down on the ground in Colombia, I was walking around with over a million in my pocket.”
.CO domains’ propaganda…
The new part of Cartagena reminds one of Miami Beach, while the “old city” is reminiscent of New Orleans or Savannah as you described. Great vibe, nice people and beautiful women, make sure you take a ride on one of the Junkanoo type buses with a bottle of Aguardiente for the full experience.
I spent some time in various parts of Columbia, the only time I felt ill at ease was in Bogota, when I noticed a kid in military uniform and machine gun probably no older than 16 years old, eyeing my brand new Nike shoes like an object of worship.
While there is some an anti-American sentiment in some cities, the irony is that everyone wants to look and dress like an American. Even so I found most people to be very genuine and very nice.
I have heard that the latin ladies are of a Hot Blood
and are always hoping to meet a rich millionaire american,
just tell them that you are the owner of ://
and that you are looking for a Hodaddy type girl for your
mast head and i am sure you will be in like flynt.
your still beating that dead horse, give it a rest already.
LOL, here in Bali 1M Rupiah is about $100US. The best currency tip I’ve learned expatting for the last year or so is the magic of Citibank Gold. With that account and ATM card there is no international exchange fee and rarely is there is a charge for ATM usage, anywhere in the world. It’s like going to my own home ATM but at any ATM anywhere. Saves me tons of money a month.
strange they haven’t cut yet the zeros in excess
How’s the food?
@it’s good….
Funny you say that, they steroid that next year in Indonesia. They plan to align their currency with the US dollar by just cutting zeros. It’s gonna make everything here more expensive.
@ Dean
your still beating that dead horse, give it a rest already.
No Dean i am BEATING my …
with your special permission of course! ….
I suppose they use 16 digits pocket calculators for their every day needs
MHB or anyone…
Have you been to the Hotel Del Rey in San Jose, Costa Rica?
If you have, you know exactly what i’m talking about…LOL
The food is great – even the fast food (try ElCorral if ever in Colombia you’ll never want to eat in mcdonalds again). The restaurants on the beach have great seafood at a great price. The food is not at all like Mexican -which is what many expect. The best thing though is the fresh juice – great in the heat.
>>> I was walking around with over a million in my pocket. <<<
I' m surprised you're still writing on this blog. I was thinking a mafia group might have smuggled you
Hottest women on earth, direct rival to Brazil.
“Hottest women on earth, direct rival to Brazil.”
yes, also Shakira is colombian…
actually I have
Have you seen any .co domains on billboards, in print or anywhere?
Just curious with the success of the launch I would think that .co domains would be everywhere.
Also curious to know if you see .com or some other extension being advertised.
Have fun.
“Have you seen any .co domains on billboards, in print or anywhere?”
RodSequin.CO is every where one looks
Great to see you mention Savannah, Ga. Do you come here on St. Patrick’s Day?
I dont see any photos on the FB page.
WOW – At the ICANN Meeting in .COlombia
There is a guy sitting here with $185,000 in $1000 bills – Counting them over and over – Yep !! 185 $1000 bills
He wants to know when he gets HIS new Top Level Domain ?
Pour Favor
were you there for business or travel? or was the real purpose of this visit to go “mob style” on the owners of various .CO domains?
so how much food etc were you able to buy for 100
curious what icann will say about coica.
reading the current draft, the lack of insight into how the internet actually functions is truly startling. this disparity of knowledge is a major rift that needs to be smoothed over.
of course if this draft does not get a serious overhaul by someone who understands the internet’s architecture, i can’t see how it’s going to be even remotely effective at achieving its stated aims.
but, as other have noted, it certainly looks like it could create some “chaos”. it will push many people away from us-based registrars and perhaps push some users away from using dns.
i could see it adversely affecting the domain industry, significantly.
it might create some jobs though, in the enforcement field.
the wikileaks incident has probably only increased the likelihood of ill-informed internet legislation like this getting wider support, as politicians go into reactionary mode.
at least it seems that way to me.
what do the lobbyists have to say about this?
“the lack of insight into how the internet actually functions is truly startling.”
That sure does not stop people at ICANN meetings from making policies.
They are really gullible.
To the best of my knowledge they haven’t said anything about this pending legislation and my opinion is they won’t
Is it just me or is this guy remind anyone else of Joe Flaherty from Happy Gilmore (The guy that follows Adam Sandlar Arround yelling at him to distract him).