A nice three digit domain name, 396.com sold on Sedo.com today for $14,601.
Also selling on Sedo today was Liberia.net which sold for $13,096.
Liberia is a country in Africa and well as a city in Costa Rica with an airport.
GeneralManager.com sold on NameJet.com for $2,800
Localidad.com which means “location” in spanish sold for $2,100.
BestRegards.com sold on NameJet for $4,600
Other sales on NameJet included, FauxDiamonds.com which sold for a very real $2,650, Fairfax.org a city in Virgina sold for $4k and BreastClinic.com (no I’m not going to go there) sold for $5,001.
Thanks for the info, Mike. 396.com went for 1/3 its value, considering how similar NNN .com domains sold in the $40k – $50k region.
I am shocked by the price for GeneralManager.com – it seems that corporate America is suffering
Bad economy?
Thanks for the news.
9 and 6 usually have a very good market in the Chinese domain industry
GeneralManager.com seems to be a steal, I would have expected see 5 figures for this one.
BreastClinic.com for only $5,001.
You cant even get one (1) breast for that…
Someone took unrighteous Hit on this …
Not Right!
libreria.net good domain and very low price excellent for an ebooks site
396.com cheap price but to be used for???
Hey, I am the buyer of 396.com, If anyone would like to sell your numeric domains, please reach me at william[at]dotmedia.com.
Thank you,