According to the Philadelphia ABC affiliate’s site, law enforcement returned to National A! headquarters on Thursday “as part of an ongoing investigation by authorities “that began with a state police probe of an escort service there and alledged prostitution”.
“A raid that started yesterday morning went into the night. Federal agents from the FBI, IRS and U.S. Attorney’s Office loaded dozens upon dozens of boxes into a U-Haul truck under the watchful eyes of both city and State Police.”
“According to the company, in 2006 National A-1 was grossing $20-million annually JUST off of and that number was expected to grow.”
“Well, there were a lot agents here yesterday, there are still a few around here; that’s the amazing thing, this keeps going on.”
“These agents still in control of this building behind me here, this City Center building; they arrived yesterday morning with their subpoenas, and they have yet to leave.”
maybe they didn’t get to finish watching the hot movies on the first day.
I was just going to say the same thing: maybe they are too busy jerking off to get anything done.
What surprises me is how many different unrelated lines of business A-1 has consolidated under one roof.
If you are have one business that sells discount fuzzy puppies to children, and you have another business that sells bongs and rolling papers, then you might want to think about whether you want to do those two things as one business operating in one facility.
This sounding more like MOB. Philly mob no less.
I always thought porn and pizza went together so well
*Note to Self: self quit jerking off on the forums so much.
the reporters info and the f.b.i. are so off base, that they will have egg on their face when this is all over and done……..millions of tax payer money will be spent……..another example of government not doing their homework…….fishing with nothing on their hook………in the first ten minutes of this raid, they found no prostitution, the main basis of the raid….also, no evidence of an escort “ring”……another blunder……………………but they can’t stop now, they have to try and save face, try to invent something to curb the embarassment……this company and ceo pay tons in taxes, provides 100’s of jobs for philadelphians and have been conducting business legally for years………they should be concentrating on real crime and leave hard working legitimate businessman alone
I meant “in” the forums not “on” the forums, and I meant that metaphorically speaking of course.
I doubt they sent 100 federal officers if they didn’t think they can win. Dig deep enough and…
Think of record keeping for actors, billing for sex sites /lines,, ‘obscenity’ and god knows what they can dig through to find something.
“in the first ten minutes of this raid, they found no prostitution”
That’s weird, I found it in the first ten seconds at
“Driver” isn’t a good handle to use, if you’ve been driving across state lines.
Oh, and Mike, that invitation to drop by your place for pizza….
Um, maybe some other time.
Turning me down for porn and pizza, guess you haven’t seen this story:
there are other, most important things, the FBI should take a look, like… BP… “space tourism”… etc. is definitely hush hush prostitution…. cmon! it’s a complete liability, they should have passed on that site.
Hey; anyone know anything about that “Berkens” fellow mentioned in the Times article?
Seems I’ve heard that name bandied about by others as well …
Ever heard of Primetel ? Wirestar ? Jennifer Luna ?
I have proof of fraud, forgery, and payoffs.
National A1 is a company run by thugs and gangsters. Woe be unto you if you ever use their services or give them any credit/debit card or checking account information. They will put all sorts of bogus and inflated charges on your account.