Well we are quickly approaching our 3rd anniversary and thought it would be a good idea to see how many domains our readers own.
So the question is how many total domains do you own?
If you work for a company, then you can enter in the number of domains your company owns.
Vote on the right and post your comments below
Looks like most of the readers are in the 100-500 domains range…I am in the next range: 500-1000.
110 all 3D.coms
I am just holding the domains until a few hundered end-users comes along…still waiting.
How do you count “hacks” ?
[400 words].tter.co
what counts is their value, not their number
I have a spread of TLD & ccTLD names
Approx –
180 .Com, Net & Org
200 .CO.UK
355 .COM.AU
620 .CO.IN & .IN
30 .CO
Most of my names I have had for over 3 years some 10+ years.
I sell approx 3-5% of my names per year and make the largest profits from my .IN, .COM.AU & .CO.UK names.
Ed Keay-Smith
Around 80 domains, mostly .IN’s
I have just over 500 names and mostly focus on single word generic keywords.
All I need is one to – the one that I can express to the whole world that all websites are BS.
Does that include the one website you own BullS?
BullS – and how is that going, is the world coming around to your opinion? Good luck with that.
I’m at around 700 names, close to half .com, close to half country codes, and a minor amound of .net, .org and .info.
Just under 200. Down from 5,000 a couple years ago.
3DMobileNetwork.com 20 Million Dollar Domain
3DGlobalNetwork.com 20 Million Dollar Domain
That’s the hope..
201… 202… 203
Just 8 months in this business…
I own @ 20… just starting to take domaining seriously.
I am not sure the exact number, but somewhere around 2,500 I would guess.
I have about 9,000
I will increase it to 20,000 by the end of the year.
Meanwhile, I ran a sale on 200 of very good names for savvy investors, I’ve sold 51 in 12 hours!
While like all domainers I periodically prune the low-end of my portfolio, unless I sell a few hundred domains in the next several months I’ll be over 1000 for a while.
it’s obvious, that, asking it on a domainers blog, the poll gives mid-high results
and it’s also obvious, that, buying thousands domains, helps sell, at least, dozens of them
but this needs very much money and very much time that only professional domainers have
that’s why I buy only a few domains that I think/hope may be sold later at a good price
Never enough…
… and too many when renewal time rolls around.
grammar edit: …owns A DOMAIN LIKE my…
Opps…I lied…no..I did not lie, I BS
I own 2 more BullshitDomains dot com and BullShitSeo.
If you do not have money to spent, what good is your e commerce site?
I have never shop online..never…thanks to the 99cent store-that all I need.
The underwear I bought 2yrs ago is still holding my balls tight and secure.
i can’t believe someone vote for 500,000-1,000,000!
personally i only own around 30 domains, 100 is still too many for me at this moment.
“i can’t believe someone vote for 500,000-1,000,000!”
yes, he needs 48 hours’ days to manage all them…
2.00 – 300 and most of them suck but i’m not always sure which ones.
At $10 a pop, it’s a little like playing the lottery you only need one million dollar winner.
To some degree it’s just a numbers game, the trick is staying in the game.
This is where development comes in, if 1 domain can generate enough cash to support 10 domains than 100 can sustain 1000 so on, etc,.
a more interesting poll…
“how much is the net income you earn in 2009 from your domains’ selling/parking?”
the amount$ should be net of taxes, costs, fees, domains’ registration or renewal, etc.
under $100
over $1,000,000
edit: …net income you earnED in…
“At $10 a pop, it’s a little like playing the lottery you only need one million dollar winner.”
This is a huge newbie misconception.
None of the names you will be hand-registering stand a chance in hell of selling for 1mm. I swear to god, some of the people doing this have an almost child-like comprehension of domain name values.
Look at the sorts of names that sold for seven figures or more. Then, ask yourself why they sold for that kind of money (your IQ will dictate how far you’re able to get in this intellectual phase). Then, ask yourself if the names you’re hand-registering have any of those properties present in them. Remotely? Anywhere? Not even in the same universe?
Just like playing lottery in real life, the lottery mentality with domain names has a statistically negative expectation and you will lose significantly more money than you make. The way to make money in this game isn’t “buy and hope”. It’s buy smarter than everyone else and execute a sale, or a development scheme. Period.
I think your projecting your own doubts and lack of faith in YOUR OWN ABILITY into what I said, but you are entitled to your own opinion. I am not that naive or stupid to think I could just register any domain for $10 today and sell it tomorrow for a million. However, any domain that might sell today or tomorrow for a million had to have been “hand registered” at some point, I mean it did not just appear out of the blue somewhere or come out of a domainers ass when he was taking a shit!? Someone somewhere had to have “hand registered” it at some point no????
Wtf, I mean do you think it took a degree in science or math for the person who sold T-Shirts.com, T-Shirt.com, Tshirts.com, Tees.com, Tee-Shirts.com for $1.265 million to come up with those names (mind you three are hyphenated.) What I merely was suggesting, was that yes, I am a total believer that today you can still “hand register” domains in various fields of technology, science, etc,. that will be worth millions in the future. If I did not have absolute faith in that, than I would not be in this game. I am not in this to “flip” domains for a few bucks and development for me is just a means to end (not the end itself.)
It’s your prerogative to believe whatever you want and to shoot for the sky or the stars, but having a narrow vision of what is possible is setting limitations on what you can achieve or do. I think you “need to ask yourself if the names you’re hand-registering have any of those properties present in them” and if you will ever achieve greatness with that limited mindset.
Uzoma please enlighten us as to where you’ve sold 51 domains in 12 hours. How much did you get for them?
Around 200 currently and I want to cut down under 100.
Focusing mainly on .com and its king for a reason.
Have an invested interest in .tv around 25
Dropping all my .us and .net inventory. Around 40
“None of the names you will be hand-registering stand a chance in hell of selling for 1mm”
Do you think people like Frank Schilling or anyone that has some measure of success would have gotten where they are, if they listened to people like yourself? I am sure they had bitter naysayers in their time, but they were diligent and had enough belief in themselves to quell those who lacked faith in their own ability.
330: 60% .com, 15% .nl, 10% .uk, 5% .org, 10% misc. ccTLD/gTLD.
Hi Em-Bee,
Well, I keep selling/dropping domains, so it’s hard to keep up. I want to get down to about 2000, but I own 3,500 filtered domains.
(For those beginners who don’t know what “filtered” domains means – it means looking at a domain after a year, or two years, and even 10 years or more, to decide to renew it or not. If you went with the affirmative, it was because the brand, PPC, buy requests, and the knowledge of it’s future value was worth renewing). It helps to have appraisal expertise working for you too!
I’d like to sell my “current trend” domains and focus entirely on my future trend domains. That means my email newsletter “TitleDomains™” is selling some dang great domains for as low as $59. Sign up at my blog! That means you too, Em-Bee!
no “net income you earned in 2009” …
@Alex – THAT’s funny!
We’re around 1600 ‘filtered’ domains. We’ve just completed our mass domain development platform and one developer can now launch 40 geo-industry directories a day, so I imagine we’ll keep buying, especially with all the good inventory dropping these days.
“Do you think people like Frank Schilling or anyone that has some measure of success would have gotten where they are, if they listened to people like yourself? I am sure they had bitter naysayers in their time, but they were diligent and had enough belief in themselves to quell those who lacked faith in their own ability.”
A couple things here, Deano.
I guarantee you I’ve withdrawn considerably more money from the internet than you have. Perhaps you’re the enormous outlier and that statement isn’t accurate, but given the sentiments you’ve expressed (and given how much money I’ve made), I’m quite confident in making it. I’m not ‘projecting’ anything, other than a big, bright spotlight on the failed mentality of idiot domainers who lose more money than they make by making crappy decisions and having a lotto type mentality.
Frank Schilling or Rick Schwartz or Scott Day or (insert wise, old-school domainer here) exercised a unique opportunity that existed in one, wee little fragment in time- an opportunity that just doesn’t exist anymore, as far as hand-registrations go. You can continue to delude yourself that you’re Frank Schilling 2.0 with your hand registered ‘future’ names, but you’d be akin to the disoriented gold miner arriving at Sutters Mill with a pick-ax and a pan, hoping to strike it rich- in 1910.
I’m not saying there’s no value in the unregistered .com namespace (not much, but the occasional freak example, sure) but to say that these hand registered names might sell for 1mm is completely absurd and really foretells how incredibly clueless people like you are, when it comes to comprehending the value drivers in a domain name.
Let me guess… You’ve an avid “3d domainer” ?
LOL. Good luck with your future domaining endeavors. With your mentality, luck is the only chance you stand.
LS Morgan,
you know absolutely nothing about me, so for you to persist with your assumptions and folly just shows how really ignorant you are. I will be around long after your canoe (kayak) has sailed past. If not for that (.org) site you would have nothing to blog about. It’s the only thing that gives you any semblance of legitimacy and little at that. I Googled both the search terms Kayak and Kayaks out of curiosity and I don’t see results for Kayak(s).org on either of the three first search pages that showed up for either search term. Keep deluding yourself, is it sites like that, that are funding your enterprises or daddy’s and mommy’s money? Don’t even make me turn over that leaf. Quit while you are ahead, I will destroy you if you persist.
P.S. keep on registering those winning .org domains the registrars need your hard earned cash.
OKAY! Let’s calm down, people.
MORGAN: I’m a huge believer in .ORG domains, and from pro experience KNOW that this extension is the 2nd most recognized extension in the world. So buy all the great .org domains you can, cuz I do. And I’ve sold a lot of them. However, you’re knocking OOTB purchases (Yes, it means Out Of The Basket, which means “new registration”).
I’ve sold domains I’ve bought OOTB even before the 60 day hold period was up. The buyers were forced to open accounts at Fabulous.com, where I buy all my new domains, to get the domains.
You’re right in judging a LOT of gamblers in the “3D” market, most of the domains purchased have no basis in reality, at least yet.
I own about 50 3D domains, but I spent a lot of time researching them before buying them. I’m pretty sure your statement that there aren’t “anymore great domain deals” with your statement “an opportunity that just doesn’t exist anymore, as far as hand-registrations go.”. But you know that’s a mistake in your own thinking, maybe fervor or emotion made you say that. You have no idea of the huge techno field of business and consumer trends that are exploding right now. I do. I’ve spent the last five years using this as my portfolio strategy when only three or four other domainers were doing the same.
Yes, as in domaining at every level, 95% of most domains registered for speculation are purchased by noobies who have absolutely no idea what they’re buying, and definitely need to INVEST IN LEARNING what they’re doing before wasting thousands of dollars buying domains they won’t be renewing.
Buy a domain ebook (Domain Graduate), or hire a domain consultant (Rob Sequin, Adam Strong, or myself) if you think you’re going to go into this business and you want to come in with some knowledge.
I SWEAR there are some well-known names in this business, who are relatively new, but have a lot of money, that have no idea the value of domains. I’m not saying you’re one of them, but I can list at least five who are spending tens of thousands a month to build up their companies and yet don’t have the full spectrum knowledge of how to value a domain.
Either way, your work is growing, and you shouldn’t really rip anyone in your comments. You’re bigger than that. Let ME do that, cuz I have lots of friends and a few enemies, but everyone knows I’m trying to help their best interests.
I think…
Much success to you and “deano”.
just for the record and since it was the original topic of discussion, I own several hundred predominantly (roughly 85%) .com domains. Of those domains that I own maybe 5 are related to 3d technology.
10 years In the trenches 1600 names. Most unique portfolio ever created.
I’m not Morgan Linton. You just spent however much time and effort personally attacking someone in response to comments he never made. Ironically enough, that person has probably succeeded a helluva lot more than you ever will in this game and your position on .org is in perfect consort with everything else you’ve said thusfar. Total, abject, painful-to-watch cluelessness.
LS Morgan- Not Morgan Linton
Owns Zero 3d Domain Names
Done with this discussion, unless someone can educate me on a tactic or method where one can argue with idiots and have it be productive, in some way.
My apologies to Morgan Linton it was an honest mistake, but your still an ignorant idiot regardless of the mistake.
It would be “you’re an ignorant idiot”.
@LS MORGAN & Deano
Come on, there’s no need to pick at each other.
Morgan doesn’t own any 3D domains, that’s fine. Except it seems like a lot of domainers are now focusing on future trend domains.
Around 500.
Nearly all .com
A few geo .org, .net and .infos
Around 10 that don’t fall into either category above.
Around 53 names. But have not sold one YET! Need to know where to park other than sedo? Is Aftrenic good? Thanks