Now that the DomainFest auction has concluded its time to make your pick as to which domain names was the best buy from the auction.
You can place your votes to the right (one vote per person only) and place your comments below.
Michael Berkens, Esq. is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Michael is also the co-founder of Worldwide Media Inc. which sold around 70K domain to in December 2015 and now owns around 8K domain names . Michael was also one of the 5 Judges selected for the the Verisign 30th Anniversary .Com contest.
no doubts… it’s (and, after voting, I’ve seen that many other agree with me) but… could Apple sue the buyier/user of this domain? I think the answer, for 99%, is a Big “yes” is good for the name (and the domains bundled) but not for the price
@Black Planet – Oil Only Ocean
If is developed about NYC there isn’t a chance it can be be taken by Apple.
I would have to say package first then the
years ago, Apple has sued also the city of NY for a logo too similar to its apple, so…
I don’t think it’s Apple Computer the new owner has to worry about here. There are others using Big Apple out there. See This is why it’s always good to get a trademark lawyer to run a clearance search before plunking down major bucks for a domain name. – $1,700.00
Talk about a deal. This is a market in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Properly developed this buyer can retire in about 3 years!!!!!
Didn’t see it in the list but I believe sold for 7k. I think that’s a very good deal considering the high prices and large markup on engagement/wedding rings. If that domain helps the owner sell 4 or 5 bridal sets, they’ve earned their investment back.
I like as the best deal. 450,000 exact searches and should be a fantastic brand name (like
Complete steal.
(sorry, I meant to post this here, not in the results thread)
I hope the common theme is apparent here:
“If the new owner of Xdomain develops it out…”
It’s obvious development is vital – and I hope
people start to take their own advice and get active in development.
Everyone sees great development potential in these names — but there has to be real work and effort and money put into a project to make it work.
Free drinks at the open bar.
Isn’t over redundancy from a lawyer quadrouple?
nyapartments for me
its a defined market with a low entry price, great geo/service term that will do well off and online and consumers only shop for real estate online these days => interesting
I liked at $1,700. I wasn’t paying attention during the auction and didn’t realize it went this cheap. After I learned about the price, I told the owner I would pay $2k for it should the buyer not pay.
Not only are people who suffer from compulsive hoarding known as “hoarders,” there’s a tv show on A&E about the disease that’s also known as Hoarders.
“Something Else”… very generic domain…
(but already registered…
I bought hoarders. No need to email previous owner. Been trying to get it for months.
It’s a fun topic. Real hot now. Big on A&E and new hoarding show popping up on TLC now too.
The only one I bid on was, which was a good name at $10k…
I did like and (nice work mr. parkinson). I also liked bridalsets because it came with weddingsets.
Congratulations, @ Jodi, for buying! Please develop a sub-section of it for domainers, because I have a touch of that, and applied it to domaining. You can tell from my portfolio of bad domains, but I don’t want to give them up!
Funny I never thought of it like that. I guess if you are carry domains like then that is a form of hoarding. was my favorite buy. RE names usually are. Endless potential.
What a deal you got, @ Jody! is listed at TRAFFIC auction bet. 20,000 – 100,000 EU! Hoarders is much better!
Good reflexes calling out the Klepdomainiac in behalf of your friend, Steve, about his robbed domain,! Steve posted a blurb crediting you on Elliot’s Blog. <==
Easy: @ $32.5k — All the rest were pretty uninteresting.
@David Castello
It would not even need to be developed. “The Big Apple” was first popularized in the 1920s by John J. Fitz Gerald. A long, long time before personal computers emerged. Even if the respondent didn’t respond it would be hard for Apple computer to argue a misconception, that they indeed invented the term in the early 1920s.
I have won about 10 cases against WIPO, and I use the long list of stolen domains taken through their arbitrary process against them every time.