We often criticize the drop services for allowing bidding on well know famous trademarked domain names.
Today’s I found that NameJet.com is taking backorders on a domain which is pretty amazing, and kind of amusing.
NameJet.com is allowing people to backorder, the soon to be dropped domain, NameJet.Me.
If Namejet.com is successful in acquiring the dropped domain it will go to auction where it will sell to the high bidder.
Interesting, yet quite embarrassing for the service don’t you think?
I love a good conspiracy so I would bet if this happens it was done on purpose to show how impossible it is to monitor everything… look we even allowed our own name to be auctioned!
Mind you allowing this to happen means zero consequence, it is a .me after all lol
There may actually be a legal issue here – if they start to selectively enforce trademarked listings then they have proven the capability to do so, leaving themselves wide open to legal problems in the future. What would be really funny is for them sell this file a UDRP claim on it next month.
LOL, that’s funny.
I seem to remember seeing them sell off NetworkSolutions.com typos so why not namejet too
maybe they r going out of business at some point???????????
That just shows how unpopular .me is.
Star.Me is about to sell for $10 Euro’s or $13K on Sedo
Someone that is about to spend $10k euro or $13k USD on star.me needs to learn to use google.
I wonder if they’ll sue the winner
NameJet.com + embarrassing = impossible