I just ended the week long poll I was running on which domain you thought would sell at the live domain name auction at Domainfest, which will be held in New York on August 18th, of those domain names with a reserve price range of $250K-$500K .
The package of domains including Tshirts.com got the most votes with 32% of the voters predicting a sale with “None will Sell” coming in second with 23%, Lawsuits finished 3rd with 14% of the votes.
We’ll see how you did in a few weeks.
This weeks poll is for the 9 domain names with a reserve range of $500K-$1 Million Dollars.
As always place your votes on the right (only 1 vote is allowed this time) and place your comments below.
athletics.com | $500,001 – $750,000 |
goatcheese.com | $500,001 – $750,000 |
inspection.com | $500,001 – $750,000 |
qualitycontrol.com | $500,001 – $750,000 |
stockquotes.com | $500,001 – $750,000 |
verification.com | $500,001 – $750,000 |
customs.com | $750,001 – $1MM |
guaranteed.com | $750,001 – $1MM |
rate.com | $750,001 – $1MM |
WQ says
None will sell.
Em John says
Would be my guesses. rate is a great word and could easily be worth 1 million.
domain guy says
isn’t rate.com owned by the castillo bros. they stated they were earning 1,500 a month ppc.
MHB says
Rate.com is owned by the Castello Brothers
Mike says
No really, I think if any sell for that range I actually like Rate and StockQuotes too. Never know though, goatcheese could sell – stranger things have happened.
BreakingNewsBlog.us for CNN FOX CBS NBC NYT ABC says
Rich says
None, but if any do then I will feel absolutely giddy for my very own Links.com.
ValueDrops.com says
I’d go with rate.com
Omar says
Rate.com seems to be the best value.very short name and financial related!!
survivalist says
so rate.com is owned by Michael Castello, notorious for not selling names. So wassup here?
David J Castello says
LOL I’ve already received some perosnal emails asking the same thing, but I figured I’d wait until someone asked on Mike’s blog 🙂
You are correct, Michael and I rarely sell names. However, that doesn’t mean we never do. What happened with Rate.com is that I caught Jeff Kupietzky’s excellent interview on MSNBC. The moderator tried to steer him to talk about Sex.com, but Jeff steered it right back to talking about domains names in gerenal as worthy alternative investments. He mentioned the auction in NYC with Stocks.com, etc and I thought to myself, “This is a great promo to sell a financial name at that Manhattan auction.”
I wrote Jeff to congratulate him on the interview and I asked if the auction was closed. He said it was, but CC’d Craig Snyder who agreed to bring in when I told him the domain would be Rate.com.
As you know, Michael and I develop our names, but Rate.com is a monster and we have yet to tackle a brand of that size. It would be a huge, huge project. If it sells in NYC it was meant to be. If it doesn’t we’ll go full throttle and develop it.
survivalist says
thanks for clearing up David.
It is indeed the best name of the lot and the conservative reserve surprised me.
i don’t know if I have to wish you good luck with the sale though. I hope it goes a multiple of the reserve and a big financial institution/site picks it up, that would be great!
treatment for fatty liver says
Thanks for your post. It was exactly what I was looking for. Keep up the good work.
Chris Farrell says
Wow thats alot of money for a domain name, i never knew it could be that expensive
Cerdo Iberico says
Gran articulo. Somos seguidores vuestros desde hace tiempo y quisieramos aprovechar este comentarios para felicitaros por vuestra web y deciros que sigais asi…