RickLatona.com will be holding the live premier auction from the TRAFFIC show in Vancouver today at 3:45pm PST, 6:45 EST.
Online bidding will be available on Proxibid.
We have gone through the entire list of around 200 domains.
We start with the domain names that should definitely sell which includes all of the three letter .com which have a reserve of $1,500-$5K.
There were a bunch of these at TRAFFIC Milan and I think all of them sold.
Of course out the bunch the best buy far is XYZ.com and it already has a high bid of $17,755.
There are other 3 letter .Com’s in the auction that are priced from $5K-$20K:
The best domains in this auction are undoubtedly the following .Net’s that have a stated starting reserve range of $100K+
Each one of these is a category killer and each represent one of the best .net’s on the planet.
Through an e-mail I received from the Domain owners agent I can tell you that Pizza.net has a starting reserve of $180K.
Sex.net and Porn.net have sold for more than double this amount so it would seem to be a great buy.
Its certainly unusually for the best domains in an auction to be .Net’s but that the case in this auction.
Beyond the three letter .com’s and the .net’s above here is the rest of my picks:
SenseOfHumor.com | $1-$1,500 |
VisitJerusalem.com | $1-$1,500 |
KosherProducts.com | $1,501-5,000 |
RespiratoryTherapists.com | $1,501-5,000 |
SecurityGuards.net | $1,501-5,000 |
SpaDirectory.com | $1,501-5,000 |
Tattooist.com | $1,501-5,000 |
Tests.net | $1,501-5,000 |
Astronauts.com | 5,001-20,000 |
Freebies.ca | 5,001-20,000 |
PrepaidPhonecards.com | 5,001-20,000 |
Rheumatologists.com | 5,001-20,000 |
SnowBoarders.com | 5,001-20,000 |
Candy.ca | 20,001-100,000 |
Cardiologists.com | 20,001-100,000 |
Dietician.com | 20,001-100,000 |
Disabled.com | 20,001-100,000 |
Houses.ca | 20,001-100,000 |
Quilting.com | 20,001-100,000 |
TechnicalSupport.com | 20,001-100,000 |
Ceramics.com | $100,000+ |
Chat.ca | $100,000+ |
When you say “our,” what do you mean? Isn’t this your blog? Don’t you mean “my picks?”
@Michael Sanford
You have a lot of free time ehh
XYZ.com is one helluva brandable name…
“XYZ.com is one helluva brandable name…”
Examine Your Zipper !
You definitely could make the argument that for a general brandable 3 letter .com, XYZ.com is hard to beat
Don’t forget about MAJ.com.
thanks for the note
Missed that one
preliminary total: $683,100 – not bad! Includes: Jewelry.net: $270,000, CloseOut.com: $200,000, Cardiologists.com: $50,000, XYZ.com: $50,000, SalesPeople.com: $40,000, haa.com: $18,500, Telephone.net: $18,000, XXE.com: $4500, and IYW.com: $4200.
Pizza.net didn’t meet reserve with a high bid of $100,000. GJ.net didn’t meet reserve with a bid of $8000.00. Affect.com didn’t meet reserve with a bid of $10,000. Cars.net didn’t meet reserve with a bid of $250,000. Lemons.com didn’t meet reserve with a bid of $70,000. ORQ.com didn’t meet reserve with a bid of $8,250. PJQ.com didn’t meet reserve with a bid of $4,400.00. CQX.com was a “pass” with a bid of $4750.00. CreditCard.net was a “pass” with a high bid of $105,000. Comfort.net, “pass” with bid of $6000.00. Cancel.net “pass” with bid of $2500.00. That seems low. CFJ.com “pass” with bid of $5000.00. Vaccine.net “pass” with bid of $4,400.
There was a total of $811,200 in bids that were, “pass.” So there was more $$ left on the table than on domains that actually were sold, including six figures for Pizza.net, Cars.net, and CreditCard.net. These are the bids on the 2- and 3-letter that were “pass:”
CFJ.com: $5000
VQW.com: $4000
07.org: $2200
CQX.xom: $4750
PJQ.com: $4400
ORQ.com: $8250
AXG.com: $4500
AXJ.com: $4500
AXQ.com: $3500
GJ.net: $8000
NJQ.com: $4000
UUY.COM: $4000
CNE.co.uk: $700
So lots of your pics are accounted for, MHB.
Thanks, sorry you long comment got trapped in spam until I got back to free it
My two favorite domains from the auction both sold Jewelry.net and XYZ.com
You still have a chance for jewelry.net – it is posted on the extended auction!